"I'll open the door!"

Elma dutifully took on the responsibility of a maid.

"Eh, Thor?"

When Hua Ye heard the words, he turned his head and looked, and it was Thor and Kang Na who came.

"Xiaoye, good morning."

Thor walked in. This maid dragon was still wearing the same maid outfit for thousands of years. According to her maid practice manual, the maid outfit is the maid's body. She was standing at the door smiling brightly and waving. Looks great in the sun.

Thor is still following Connor. This blue-eyed young dragon is wearing a pink and white dress, with the little straw hat that can hide the horns on his head, and he is still holding one of Thor's fingers in his hand. Underneath are white stockings and a pair of small thick legs. It is the world's cutest little girl, Kang Nachan.

"Thor, why are you here?" Elma asked curiously.

"Because we have residents downstairs who are doing renovations." Thor puffed up his cheeks and complained, "It's the kind of renovation that uses an electric drill to drill holes in the wall, and the sound is super loud."

Thor tilted his head and thought for a while, and quickly found a suitable description: "It's like the sound of a hundred flies buzzing in your ears, you can't even cover your ears, it's so uncomfortable, I can't stay any longer , so Kang Na and I came to play with Xiao Ye."

Hua Ye said, "Why didn't Xiao Lin come?"

"Xiaolin is at work..."

"and many more!"

Thor opened his eyes wide, suddenly remembered something, turned to look at Alma: "Look at—"

"What are you doing?" Elma turned her head left and right, puzzled, "Is there something on my face?"

"There's nothing on the face."

Thor put his hands behind his back and leaned forward: "Be honest!"

"Explain what?"

"Why is Xiao Lin working overtime in the company, but you can come to Xiao Ye to eat and drink?" Thor raised his chest with one hand, pointing out doubts, "As Xiao Lin's junior, you should be busier!"

"Actually, I have to work overtime too. The company recently took over a big project, and everyone is rushing to work." Elma said, "But since we left last Sunday, I have been looking forward to the cooking that Xiaoye will cook today. If If you can’t eat it, it must be broken, right?”

It didn't break so easily!

Elma continued: "So I asked if there was anyone who could help, and I would treat him to milk tea..."

"Then a lot of people rushed to help, and some even fought, and they didn't know what they were doing. It was just a cup of milk tea..." Elma tilted her head and said, "Anyway, the work is done in a blink of an eye, and then I'm coming."

"It's not fair!" Thor clenched his fists and shouted angrily, "Big breasts are amazing, why should I enjoy special treatment?"

Sorry, big boobs are all about being able to do whatever you want.

The world has never been fair.

For example, if they are also girls, why do some people have such big breasts, while others are so certain?

Another example is Elma, who couldn't even turn on the computer at the time, how could she pass the assessment and successfully apply for the job?

Because her real occupation is 'Programmer Encouragement Teacher'!

Studies have proved that purely male groups will reduce the desire to express due to the lack of the presence of the opposite sex, and a certain ratio of men and women will help improve work efficiency. This profession came into being.

Elma successfully acted as a 'catfish' this time, igniting a raging fighting spirit among the programmers, "No, I want to call Xiaolin to play here!" Thor shouted.

You are enough, is there anyone who will volunteer to help Xiao Lin, don't you have a clue in your heart?

Moreover, it is impossible for a newcomer who has just joined the job to do important work, so Elma can easily ask someone to help, and Xiaolin, as the main staff, cannot easily leave the post.

Thor obviously knew this truth, but he didn't really make a phone call, but puffed up his cheeks and said angrily: "If you let others work for you, you come to eat by yourself, won't your conscience hurt?"

"Why does it hurt?" Elma was puzzled, "I said I would buy them milk tea, and they were very happy at the time, patted their chests and said, please ask us to help more..."


When the two dragon girls were talking, Kang Na had already stepped in front of Hua Ye, and looked over with big blue eyes: "I want to eat."

The voice is soft and waxy, like cotton candy.

If Wei Nai or Machiko were here, they must have been easily captured and became the feeding officer of this blue-eyed young dragon.

Hua Ye said, "Didn't you eat breakfast?"


"Then you still want to eat?"

Kang Na nodded: "I want to eat."

"Grapes or biscuits?"

"Eat them all."


Compared to Elma, this blue-eyed young dragon is the real society!Others made choices subconsciously, only she said "both"!No wonder he was able to dominate the school. On the surface, he looked dull, but in fact he was not stupid at all!

Hua Ye picked up a grape and said with a straight face, "Open your mouth."


Connor opened her mouth.

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