The black-bellied girl clasped her hands together and smiled happily: "But I heard His Highness Satania calling me just now, so I appeared."

"So don't show up all of a sudden!"

Of course, this dark-bellied girl didn't teleport over here. When Hua Ye was watching TV, Lafite sent a message to chat and knew that Wei Nai was here, so she came here.

"It's ten o'clock, are you ready to cook?" Wei Nai said, there are a lot of guests today, and there are a lot of ingredients to buy, so it's not too early to prepare.

"give it to me."

Satania volunteered.

Wei Nai refused: "No, Thor and I are fine."


Satania puffed up her cheeks, unhappy.

"How about this?" Rafael blinked, then suddenly stretched out a slender finger, with a happy smile on his face, "Let's play a little game, if Satania wins, let Satania win Help clean up the food."


"Lafite?" Wei Nai looked over and whispered, "There will be danger."

Lafite blinked: "Ann, it's just cleaning the ingredients, otherwise Satania will be wronged."

Thinking of the big meow who was jealous and wronged before, and what Hua Ye said, Wei Nai's face began to burn again: "Well, then..."

"Hmm, the game is very simple, just one, two, and three wooden figures." The black-bellied girl took an apple and put it under the balcony window, "Satania has her back to us, and she has to finish counting one, two, and three. Hurry up!" Decided to turn your head only after counting. Then our goal is to walk over to get the apple from the living room. Satania can act while counting, and is forbidden to act when turning her head to look over. If someone moves, Even if Satania wins."

"Eh, us?" Wei Nai was taken aback, looking puzzled.

Lafite said: "Of course this game requires a lot of people to be fun, Xiao Jia will also join in?"

"No." Gabriel sat on the sofa and refused with vacant eyes. This crippled angel is full of fighting spirit except when he is cultivating immortals, and the rest of the time is just a crippled meow. You come on."

"Little Jia, let's play together~~" Rafael walked over, put his arms around Gabriel, and started the strategy mode, "It's hard for everyone to play games together, you must be neat and tidy to be happy."

"Ni Zuokai." Gabriel's voice was vague and full of disgust, "Don't use facial cleanser."

"Wood man or something, sounds very interesting." Thor's eyes lit up slightly, and he raised his right hand and said, "I want to play."

"Yes, the more people there are, the more interesting it will be."

Kang Na said softly, "I want to play too."

This blue-eyed baby dragon is just as inquisitive as he is hungry, and certainly won't miss a game like this.

With Kang Na around, Wei Nai would naturally not refuse: "Then I will play with Kang Na-chan."

Elma raised her hand and said, "And me, and me!"

"Xiao Jia?" Lafite looked down, "I'm missing you, why don't you get up and play a game."

"Understood." Gabriel was full of disgust, "I won't get up and kill you again."

Lafite put his hands behind his back, raised the corners of his thin lips, and looked at Hua Ye: "Where is Hua Ye, do you want to play together?"

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "I don't want to play."

Suddenly showing the iconic black-bellied smile, he must be trying to make trouble again!

"Forget it." The black-bellied girl pretended to sigh, "Student Hua Ye will be the referee next to you..."

"The game begins." Lafite said, "Satania, get ready."


Satania faced the wall, covered her face with her hands, and began to count: "One, two... three!"

After the words were finished, Silly Meow suddenly turned her head, and a pair of wine-red eyes hurriedly glanced around.

Hua Ye looked at Wei Nai and the others who suddenly stopped moving as if the pause button was pressed, and slightly twitched the corners of their mouths. This game not only sounds stupid, but also looks stupid.

The question is Lafite, why do others walk forward, but you turn your back to others, and what's wrong with that black-bellied smile on your face!

"one two Three!"

Satania turned her head again.

Lafite raised his hands to show his heart, his eyes were bent into two crescent moons, the corners of his lips were turned up, and his smile was particularly pleasant.Although he didn't speak, he could clearly understand the meaning in the eyes of this black-bellied girl: "'Putong Putong', Commander, you have lost Lafite's love. (*^▽^*)"

Hua Ye: "..."

It turns out that you want to evade taxes in front of so many people, you are getting bolder!


Chapter 1018

"one two Three!"

After the voice fell, Satania hurriedly turned her head.

It's a pity that these girls who participated in the game were not ordinary people, either angels or dragons, and no one was caught.

Only Lafite made trouble again, this black-bellied girl closed one eye, and played three times of love in a short period of time.

You are enough, do you know what it means to often walk by the river without getting your shoes wet? Satania is watching you!

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