Otherwise, what do you think!

For the news about student teacher X, just read it in the notebook and in the ri/fan. If it happened in reality, you will be caught and sent to jail!

Hua Ye handed over the bento given by the bad girl earlier: "Your cousin's bento."

The glasses girl hurriedly shook her head: "Student Hua Ye can just eat by himself, I have to bring my own..."

"Take it."

Hua Ye gave the order directly.

"I know, I know..."

As a weak girl with no opinion, this lady with glasses never dared to refuse as long as she spoke in a commanding tone.

Kitano Haruka took the bento, held it in her arms, pursed her lips, her expression hesitated to speak.

"What do you want to say?"

"No, nothing..."

The glasses girl shook her head quickly.

Hua Ye didn't ask any more questions, turned around and walked into the classroom through the back door.

Nearly half of the melon-eating girls in the class have arrived, and they are chirping and chatting about what they have seen and heard about the weekend, just like those sparrows on the telegraph pole.

Because Wei Nai was on duty, she came earlier today. Normally, at this time, she should be preparing for homework, but at this moment, Wei Nai was lying on the table, looking weak and tired.

Hua Ye was surprised.

This kind of salted fish party should be the exclusive posture of that useless angel, right?

Wei Nai actually made such a decadent posture, could it be that something bad happened last night?

Hua Ye stopped in his tracks: "What's wrong?"

Wei Nai shook her head, her voice muffled: "It's okay..."

He also said it's okay, you are now like a frosted eggplant!

Hua Ye narrowed his eyes: "Someone bullied you?"


Wei Nai sat up straight and gave Hua Ye an angry look: "She's not a weak girl, how could she be bullied casually?"

Hua Ye said: "In the coffee shop, someone once secretly took pictures of your skirt."

"I was wearing safety pants, and that person was not photographed."

At this moment, a melon-eating girl looked over curiously, Wei Nai blushed a little, but she was still shy: "You, you go back and sit down."

Hua Ye didn't move.

Wei Nai had no choice but to urge her with a blushing face, "I'll send you a message later, hurry up and don't stand in front of me."

Hua Ye then turned around and sat down on his seat.

After a while, the phone vibrated.

Wei Nai sent a message: "Recently, the assessment at the end of the month is going on, and the reviewer said that if you don't perform well, the living expenses will be cut again..."


It turned out to be the case.

Because Gabriel is obsessed with cultivating immortals, her living expenses have been cut a lot, and she often complains that she eats dirt at the end of the month. After all, her behavior does not conform to the norms of angels.

As for Wei Nai, she is clearly a demon, but she has the most advanced body protection holy light, and has never done anything bad. It also does not conform to the behavior of a demon. It is completely reasonable to be cut off in living expenses.

"Although I have worked part-time in a coffee shop and can earn some money by myself, but I always don't want to make progress. Is it going to leave a bad impression on others?"

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "What are you going to do?"

Wei Nai said: "Show something, it should be doing bad things...how about I try to do bad things and show it?"

Impossible, just give up, you are not material for doing bad things at all.

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and was about to reply when, at this moment, the glasses lady sent a message: "I'm sorry, student Hua Ye, it will take me a while to pay back the money, please forgive me for a few more days... that, It's wrong to be like Teacher Jing, if someone finds out, the consequences will be very bad...Hua Ye, let me do anything!"

That last sentence is a bit confusing.

Generally speaking, you can do whatever you want, just like eating whatever you want, just listen to it, if you really do, you will lose.

So Hua Ye casually replied with a message: "Then wait for your performance."

This sentence was originally used to reply to Wei Nai, and it seems that there is no problem in replying to the glasses girl here.

"Hey, wait, wait for my performance?"

The lady with glasses watched the news, pinching the corner of her clothes with her fingers nervously, feeling tangled in her heart.

(What does Hua Ye mean by this sentence?)

(what do you want me to show?)

(Could it be that kind of thing?)

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