
Stupid Meow is still struggling with whether Gabriel's words are true or not, and his head is a little dizzy. Hearing Rafael's words at this moment, he subconsciously closes his eyes and follows his feeling.


The hostess announced in surprise: "Girl No. 6 wins."

"Hey, I won?" Satania opened her eyes, and after confirming the situation, a smirk overflowed on her face, "The final winner is indeed me!"

"Tch." Gabriel was very upset, "This idiot's luck is too good."

Gabriel didn't fool the idiot this time, she did get stoned.

However, Satania guessed the game according to her feelings, and turned defeat into victory at the last moment, and won the victory. It can only be said that the idiot has a lucky attribute.

"Student Hua Ye, I won." Lafite clasped his hands together and looked over with surprise in his eyes, "Remember to accept the bet."


Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth: "Say."

"Well, I haven't thought about it yet. I'll tell Mr. Facial Paralyzed when I think about it." The black-bellied girl's smile was super happy, obviously she didn't expect Satania to win, "(/≧▽≦)/ "

But it is this kind of unexpected reversal that can gain more pleasure.

Gabriel walked off the stage, "Rafi, why did you remind her just now?"

Lafite clasped his hands together: "Because classmate Hua Ye supports you, I can only support Satania."

"But let this idiot win, she will be proud for half a month, right?" Gabriel pointed her finger, "That's the expression, it looks super unbeatable."

"Sata Meow is so powerful." Liuhua admired her eyes.

"Hmph, it's so-so..." The little red-haired devil crossed his arms and beat Gabriel once in a duel. At this moment, his tail was almost up to the sky, and a smirk overflowed from the corners of his eyes and brows. , "Stupid Gabriel, you are destined to lose to me."

It's fine if you win, and you are still showing off regardless of the occasion, it is indeed a bit embarrassing.

"I can't help it." Gabriel had a twitching tendon on her forehead, and her fingers crackled, "Sure enough, I should knock this idiot out and throw it into the trash can? If she wins the championship , must be more annoying than now, right?"

"Alright." Lafite made a calm gesture, "With Hua Ye here, we won't let that happen."

The useless angel turned to look at Hua Ye: "The task of teaching this idiot to be a man is up to you!"



Game continues.

The quarterfinals are followed by the quarterfinals.

The idiot Meow and Hua Ye did not meet in the semi-finals, and then the idiot's luck exploded, and he successfully entered the final round.

on the stage.

"Hey, attendant." Satania crossed her chest with her right hand, pushed the non-existent glasses on the bridge of her nose with her left hand, and let out a deep laugh like a big villain, "It seems that today is also the day of our fateful duel."

Just an idiot like you, don't talk about fate, if Lafite hadn't reminded you just now, you would have been crushed by your IQ!

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "You can't."

"Weak people won't admit that they are not good enough until they fail." The little tiger teeth on the corners of Satania's mouth gleamed, "Today is my lucky day, there is no way you can defeat me, admit defeat, my stupid attendant .”

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, and finally understood why Gabriel said he must win.

Because this idiot will get carried away when he is proud, and he can make people super angry with ease.

The hostess coughed lightly and said, "Then, please get ready, the competition will begin immediately."

"Wait a moment."

Silly Meow suddenly thought of something, rolled his eyes, and said to Hua Ye solemnly: "Aide, I will play a stone in this round."


Hua Ye's face was covered with black lines.

You actually want to learn from Gabriel to deal with me?

However, you idiot can't play game theory or psychological tactics well at all, because everything you think is written on your face, and you can't hide it!

"Game start."

"Three, two, one..."

The countdown is over.

Hua Ye and Satania punched at the same time.

The result of the game is rock versus scissors.

The hostess looked at Hua Ye and announced, "In the first round, No. 13 won."

"Damn! You actually lost?" Satania puffed up her cheeks, "Why did you produce stones? Shouldn't you produce cloth?"

Nonsense, you can tell your abacus by the expression on your face, only a fool will come out with cloth!A trick that has already been used once, how could it be possible to be tricked again.

The hostess briefly cheered up the atmosphere, and then said: "Please get ready, the second round is about to begin."

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