Ever since he was punished by Hua Ye in the hotel that night, this little bean has always barged his teeth and claws, and it seems that he has to continue to punish him.

Hua Ye lowered his head and looked: "Turtle armor binding and pinching music, choose one yourself."

This short bean clearly understood Hua Ye's eyes, and his little face quickly turned red, "You pervert! Aww, I'll bite you if you dare to come here!"

Campus life is as peaceful as ever. Walking into the classroom, the melon-eating girls are still chattering, as if it was a repeat of yesterday.

Wei Nai was sitting upright in her seat preparing for homework, turning a blind eye to Hua Ye who came in through the back door.

"What time did you arrive today?"

Wei Nai did not speak.

"I haven't had breakfast yet."

Wei Nai still didn't speak.

Hua Ye thought for a while: "Continue to go to the park to do bad things at night?"

Wei Nai couldn't take it anymore, "Go eat your breakfast, and then beat you, believe it or not!"


When class was about to start, the lady with glasses came over to collect homework.

"Gabriel, can you give me my homework?"

Gabriel propped her chin with one hand, and replied confidently: "I didn't write."

"Then write it now?"

"I don't want to write."

"It's wrong not to do homework..."

"Well, it's not the first time anyway." Gabriel turned into a society sister, "Besides, I'll bully you."

Unexpectedly, the glasses girl shook her head: "Student Gabriel won't bully me."

"Eh?" Gabriel was surprised, "Do you have a fever?"

"No." The glasses girl shook her head and said, "Actually, Gabriel has never bullied any girls in the class... If you want to learn from homework, you can tell me."

"It's weird..." Gabriel opened her eyes wide, poking Hua Ye's back with her index finger, "Is there something wrong with her, she seems to have become smarter?"

This lady with glasses is not stupid, okay? She has higher academic performance than you!But compared to before, it is really not so dull.

Hua Ye said, "Did you forget something?"

"Eh, what?"

Hua Ye said, "Let me eat rouge."

"What did you say?" Gabriel pretended to be stupid, and looked out the window, "It seems that I had an auditory hallucination just now, it must be because I didn't sleep well last night, and there was something wrong with my hearing."

"No, I'm going to sleep for a while, don't call me."


All in all, time slips away peacefully like this, as if everything is a replay of yesterday, and only at a certain moment when you look back suddenly, will you be shocked, as if the yesterday that is right in front of you is already a long, long time ago .

In a blink of an eye, it was lunch break.

Hua Ye received a text message from Igarashi to "drink tea" on the rooftop, and went to the rooftop to help this star with poor breasts manually enlarge her breasts. By the way, he also drank black tea and ate snacks. It can be said that he was quite leisurely.

At the end of the manual breast augmentation, the star with poor breasts asked the maid to transfer one million yen to Hua Ye for a massage...

and many more.

Hua Ye suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Looking at the bank reminder message on his mobile phone, Hua Ye fell into deep thought.

What is the definition of being nurtured?

It seems that one party provides physical services to the other party, fills the emptiness in the body or in the mind, and then gets a high salary far exceeding serious work...


Elma was just talking about it, but she didn't expect to be taken care of by this star with poor breasts!

Igarashi lay on the round table, out of breath. Seeing Hua Ye standing still, he couldn't help looking over with misty eyes: "You, why don't you leave? The money has already been transferred to you, right? It's none of your business here."

You leave as soon as you say, come as you let, and return the money when you are done, no matter how you look at it, you are being taken care of in disguise!

Although the big data of men's employment intentions shows that the career they most want to choose is to be taken care of by a rich lolita, but Hua Ye said that being taken care of by a rich lolita does not give any pleasure!

Hua Ye sat back and said with a straight face, "I think I can massage a little longer today."

Igarashi hurriedly shook his head: "No more, that's it for today."

The stimulation has reached the limit at this moment, and I can't help but scream if I massage again.

It's a pity that as soon as he finished speaking, Hua Ye hugged him on his lap.

"You bastard... ah!"

An uncontrollable low moan sounded suddenly, like a cat, soft and soft, making people's hearts tickle.

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