Originally, each line on the note was handwritten English letters of different lengths, which neither constituted sentences nor could they be split into words. It seemed disorganized and clueless.

Looking from the mirror at this moment, every row of letters appears upside down, turning into something more disordered and messy, but in the upside-down mirror world, every row has a clear number!

The letter p in the first row becomes the number 9 in the mirror.

The letter s in the second line becomes the number 5.

On the third line, E becomes the number 3.

The fourth line g becomes the number 6.

The O in the fifth line represents the number 0.

The number 9 appears again in the sixth row.


Alice was dubious, walked quickly to the password door, and tried to enter the password. This time, four words finally appeared on the display screen: "The password is correct".

The short bean was shocked immediately: "Ju, how can you solve puzzles like this?"

Chapter 1037

Alice opened her eyes and looked up: "When did you become so smart?"

Facing the questioning gazes cast by a group of young girls, Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "Are you telling the truth or lying?"

"Of course I'm telling the truth."

Hua Ye said: "The truth is that you are relatively stupid."

"Bah, big/pervert, don't look down on people."

"Student Hua Ye is too good."

"Obviously we also have to solve the puzzle."

So girls are really strange creatures. You guys told me to tell the truth, but you are unhappy when you tell the truth. It's super troublesome.

As we all know, everything in the world in the mirror is upside down. However, when humans look in the mirror, they cannot find this phenomenon, because the brain has automatically ignored this information.

for example.

The nose is actually in your sight all the time, but you never turn a blind eye to it, because your brain hides and filters what you often see.

But if you stand in front of a mirror with a piece of writing on it in your hand, you can clearly see the existence of the inversion phenomenon (such as those caps with misprinted platelets).

Alice stretched out her hand and opened the door, puffing her cheeks and said, "Since you know how to solve the puzzle, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Hua Ye said expressionlessly:

"It's yourselves who said that you should enjoy the fun of solving puzzles."


Machiko asked doubtfully: "Are these numbers on the wall useless?"

"Not necessarily." Lafite stretched out a finger, "In the escape room, there are a lot of useless information to distract us, so we are required to search for valuable information, but the room has not been cleared yet, say Maybe the puzzles we will encounter later, we need to go back to this room to find clues.”

In any case, the first chamber was finally passed.

Open the door, you can see a dark corridor outside the door, there is no light, it looks dim and weird.

Machiko, who was not afraid at all, became nervous again and approached Hua Ye cautiously.

Wei Nai took out the flashlight and said, "Everyone, turn on the flashlight?"

Before breaking through the level, the girl in kimono distributed a small flashlight to each of them. After turning it on now, a dim yellow light shone out, and the brightness was much worse than that of the mobile phone's flashlight.

"Let's go, the next secret room!"

Satania led the charge.

Passing through the corridor, the second room I arrived at was the living room, but compared to the softly lit bedroom, the environment here suddenly seemed strange.

There are lights above the head, but the switch does not respond. Obviously, these lights are just decorations. In the corner of the living room, there are only some cold light sources such as fluorescent sticks glowing faintly. The sound system also starts to play depressing background music, making the atmosphere dignified and depressing. .

"The living room is a bit big..." Lafite scanned around with the flashlight, "Let's split up and look for clues, shall we?"

Satania said solemnly: "It is easy to encounter ghosts in horror movies when you act separately."

"So this is just an escape room, and it's not a horror movie. There are no ghosts!" Wei Nai couldn't help complaining, and grabbed Gabriel who was about to sit on the sofa, "Xiao Jia, follow me to find clues .”

Gabriel said, "There are so many of you, is it okay for me to take a break?"

"You're not resting, you're being lazy!"

The joy of escape from the secret room is to find and solve the puzzles. After a battle of wits and courage, you can successfully solve the puzzles, and you will feel a sense of accomplishment spontaneously.

"Student Hua Ye." Machiko whispered pitifully, "Shall we act together?"

As the most courageous girl in the team, it is impossible to act alone, and the light here is dim, if a head suddenly falls from the ceiling, I will be scared to death.

It's just that I finally came to play once, and of course I also have curiosity and anticipation, so I can only ask Hua Ye to form a team.


Hua Ye nodded. After passing the first secret room just now, Hua Ye had already given up hope for these girls' ability to reason and solve puzzles.

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