"Well, I don't want to think about this for now, let's solve the puzzle in the toy room first."


There are also several puzzles in the toy room, such as chess on the board, a safe for entering the code, and even a lonely harp.

"Is this harp a prop or a real instrument?"

Silly meow was curious, and fiddled with it casually, and there was a crisp syllable ding dong.

Machiko said in surprise, "It's actually a real musical instrument, doesn't it look very expensive?"

Lafite speculated: "Will you let us play the music later? After all, the background of the harp is just placed here, which seems a bit extravagant."

"I can only play the piano and guitar." Alice shook her head.

So all the girls looked at Hua Ye one after another.

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "What do you see me doing?"

"Student Hua Ye can play the harp, right?" Lafite said with a smile, "Scientific research proves that plants influenced by music grow faster, so Hua Ye might as well play the harp for fun when we solve the puzzles, and we can solve the puzzles." The speed of the puzzle will be faster."

Hua Ye refused: "Impossible."


Hua Ye said: "Because it will turn into playing the piano against the cow."


A group of girls chattered against Hua Ye, and then began to solve the puzzle.

Escape Room is a multiplayer cooperative game. When there are many people, division of labor and cooperation is necessary. Except for Silly Meow and Liuhua, who are free to move, the rest are teamed up to find clues and solve puzzles.

For example, Liuhua and Alice went to solve the puzzle of chess, Wei Nai and Gabriel solved the puzzle of the safe, and then Hua Ye and Machiko looked for useful clues hidden in the room.

"Hey, here's a graffiti."

Machiko soon found a piece of paper in the corner, which looked like a child's scribbles. A little girl was playing a game of hopscotch. Behind her was a tall rabbit doll with a shotgun. Jumping grid and chasing with certain rules.

Then there is a sentence next to it: "Jump a hop and he hides in the numbers."

"I remember chessboard jumping in "Alice Through the Looking Glass", could it be related to this?" Machiko looked curiously.

Hua Ye said: "There is too little information, keep looking, there should be other clues."


Open the curtains, and soon see two turntables on the wall, and next to it there is a puzzle drawn with chalk, and at the two ends of the balance, there are shaped graphic cubes.

"Another graphical reasoning puzzle?"

Machiko was shocked and started to solve the problems. When he saw the math problems, he would always feel happy. This is one of the common problems of many academic masters. After all, solving the puzzles is full of sense of accomplishment, which is quite good.

Unfortunately the answer is wrong.

"Student Hua Ye..."

Machiko looked over with pleading eyes.

"Wrong." Hua Ye said, "Look carefully at the weight represented by the top and bottom of the scale."

Machiko blinked her eyes, and quickly found out what was wrong. She just subconsciously thought that the higher end had a larger number, and the lower end had a smaller number. However, the fact is that the lower end means weight.

"So it is."

Machiko's face was hot, and she stuck out the tip of her tongue in embarrassment. This time, she quickly solved the code, turned the turntable, and then a box with the same white paint as the wall suddenly popped open on the wall near the two people's knees. The glass ball rolled down, and the sound of rolling on the floor was slightly permeating in the room.


Machiko was startled again.

As an imaginative girl, I have naturally imagined many similar scenes, such as living on the top floor, but there is always the sound of glass balls rolling upstairs, or there is always the sound of kitchen knives chopping meat when there is no one next door. The faucet was always ticking in the middle of the night, and the ball rolled under the bed...it was all super scary.

"Hey, it's a glass ball."

Silly Meow bent down and picked up the glass ball, and just as he said that, he was stupid and bold, and it was completely true, "Look at——"

Wei Nai asked curiously:

"Did Satania find out?"

"No." Satania looked left and right, "This is an ordinary glass ball."

Hua Ye nodded: "It's really just an ordinary glass ball."

"But the glass ball that appeared from the puzzle-solving mechanism must be a useful prop?" Alice wondered, "Isn't this kind of mechanism set up intentionally to scare people?"

Hua Ye glanced at the glass balls, and then said, "Go and get that treasure chest from the living room."

"give it to me."

Silly Meow and Liuhua went out, and quickly brought in the treasure chest.

Hua Ye said, "Put the glass ball in."

"Could these glass balls be the keys? Liar?" Alice shouted. Ever since Hua Ye pinched her chest that night, this little bean likes to play against Hua Ye, and it seems that more adjustments/teaching are needed. .

Silly Meow put the glass ball into the keyhole. It has to be said that the size of the keyhole is just enough to accommodate the glass ball. After inserting the last glass ball, a "ding" sound was heard, and the treasure chest was opened directly. gap.

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