Alice pursed her lips, feeling unhappy, this is simply height discrimination!

Gabriel doesn't mind, since she's only that tall anyway, so she can't increase her height if she minds: "Hurry up and take a picture, after taking the picture, I have to go back and make a copy."

The girls chirped and stood in two rows, and Hua Ye stood in the middle of the back row, in a very standard pose for a group photo.

"Crack, click."

The girl in kimono took a few photos with the camera, and then said, "The photos are ready, what name do you want to name the team?"

Wei Nai was surprised: "Hey, do you want to name it?"

"Of course we have to name it." The girl in kimono pointed to the photo wall. "The team has a name, which is more cohesive and memorable."

"Hmm..." Satania put her hands on her chest, "How about calling my Devil Adventure Group?"

"No, that sounds stupid."

"How stupid!"

Alice proposed: "Justice League squad?"

This is the small team formed by her and Lafite. Unfortunately, it has only been on one mission, and the next mission is far away.

Lafite stretched out a finger and said, "Why don't we call 'we are all wings'?"

Hua Ye's face darkened.

Don't forget to make troubles at times like this, it looks like you're itchy again, right?

"It's not the wings of this paralyzed pervert." Alice turned her head and snorted proudly.

A row of black lines fell from the top of Wei Nai's head: "Isn't this bad?"

"Because many of the puzzles were solved by Hua Ye." Lafite shook his finger lightly, "So this name is the most suitable."

Which is not bad, it sounds super bad!

"Then show your hands to vote?" Lafite raised his right hand with a smile, "If you agree, raise your hand."

Then Silly Meow, Liuhua and Alice all voted in favor.

Wei Nai and Machiko did not vote, Hua Ye clearly refused, but Gabriel actually voted in favor.

"Xiao Jia?" Wei Nai looked in surprise.

The useless angel said: "It doesn't matter what the name is. I'm going back to make a copy."


"So, this is the name you decided on?"

The girl in kimono asked with a smile, but looked at Hua Ye with disgust.

With so many girls as wings, they will definitely fall to their deaths, right?

Lafite said, "It's decided, this is it."

So the kimono girl wrote her name on the printed photo, and then used double-sided tape to stick the photo on the top of the wall. It looked...not bad.

"You guys are so powerful, do you want to challenge the theme of Thief of Souls next?" the kimono girl said, ""Alice in Wonderland" is only a three-star difficulty, and "The Thief of Souls" is a five-star difficulty."

Lafite's eyes lit up: "It's not yet five o'clock in the afternoon, why don't we play another round?"

"No, no more."

Machiko shook his head quickly.

A music-related secret room theme can scare her legs and feet weak, and if she plays a secret room with a Japanese-style horror theme, she might faint from fright.

"Don't play anymore." Wei Nai shook her head, "I still have to work in a coffee shop at night, so let's go back."

The proposal to continue playing the escape room was unanimously rejected by everyone. The black-bellied girl pretended to be disappointed and sighed: "It's a pity..."

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "Don't even think about it."

"Then you guys are welcome to play again next time. By the way, this is the opinion book." The kimono girl handed over a book, "If you have any comments, you can write them in the notepad, so that we can make improvements."

"It's nothing at all," Alice said, "it's just that the face in the bathroom mirror is too scary."

"Eh?" the girl in kimono said with her eyes wide open, "What grimace?"

"It's that scary face on the bathroom mirror."

The girl in the kimono covered her mouth with her hand: "But I remember that there are only two organs with bloody handprints in the bathroom..."


Chapter 1040 Keeping Promises, Stupid Meow

"Hey, are you really okay?"

Walking out of the door of the secret room escape experience hall, Alice asked again in a low voice.

This short bean looked really frightened. He was just asking for an opinion, but he said that there was no face on the mirror?

Hua Ye said speechlessly: "No problem, she already said it was a joke."

Machiko's pretty face turned pale slightly: "But it doesn't look like a joke at all..."

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