
When Igarashi came out of the bath, he saw Jingai and Liuhua already dressed.

"Hey, you guys are going to stop swimming so soon?"

"There are other things to do."

Jing Keai was sitting on the sofa, her left leg was folded on her right leg, her pretty face was full of evil spirits, the boss had an astonishing aura, she got up and said, "Let's go first today."

"Goodbye, Ai-chan." Liuhua said with a wave.

Igarashi nodded, moved closer to Hua Ye, and whispered in his ear, "Don't treat that big-breasted monster, she's a hottie, and she will definitely take the opportunity to seduce you!"

Shut up, you guy who doesn't even wear underwear after taking a bath, how can you criticize others!

Walking out of the hotel, Jing's lovely wine has completely woken up, and she no longer needs to find someone to drive for her, she can already drive by herself.

"Get in the car and take the two of you back to school."

Speechless all the way.

When we got to school, the bell rang for the end of get out of class.

When Hua Ye went upstairs, he happened to meet Machiko and her two girlfriends on the stairs.

"Hua Ye, here, here!" Tanaka waved.

"Student Hua Ye, why aren't you in the classroom this afternoon?" Ueno girl put her hands behind her back, poked her face over, and said solemnly, "If you become a bad student, the monitor will be sad."

"You, what are you two talking about!" Machiko was very happy to see Hua Ye, but unfortunately, his face started to burn when he was teased by two girlfriends, "Aren't you going to participate in club activities? Hurry up and leave !"

"Don't be in a hurry." Sister Tanaka waved her hand and invited, "Would you like to come to our cooking department as a guest, Hua Ye? You can eat the dishes made by the monitor himself."

I have eaten the dishes made by the squad leader many times, but you don't know it. Even the dishes fed by the squad leader have been eaten several times.

Sister Ueno also said: "Student Hua Ye didn't go last time. He kept refusing the girl's request. It's not a gentleman's behavior."

However, the "gentlemen" now have become a very bad group!It's like holy water, catching young men, birds treating people, knowing men and going up, etc., have already been endowed with terrible new connotations by this indifferent world!

Hua Ye thought for a while, and there was nothing wrong with the club, as long as Gabriel helped take the schoolbag back, he nodded and said, "Then let's go."


Machiko looked over in surprise, exchanged a glance with Hua Ye, then hurriedly lowered her head to look at her toes.

Ever since he secretly kissed Hua Ye when he went to pick persimmons at his grandfather's house in the countryside, the squad leader always showed signs of dodging.

"Squad leader, hurry up to the culinary department, it's time for you to show off your skills."

"So you two don't even know what a real culinary expert is!" Machiko complained in her heart, "Cooking in front of Hua Ye is like using an ax in front of Lu Ban's door, and you will be hit by a blow to your confidence. Heart!"

It's a pity that she was caught in the middle by two girlfriends, and Hua Ye was following behind her. She couldn't resist, so she could only walk towards the cooking department.

Soon we arrived at the kitchen department.

The clubs in the school are generally divided into two categories, one is the sports department, and the other is the literature and art department. The larger the club, the stricter it is. two hours.

The culinary art department belongs to a small club other than the two categories. Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer people interested in cooking nowadays, and many people are getting lazy. They either order takeaway or go out to eat. Cook, let alone study cooking.

This is a club transformed from an old classroom. After Hua Ye came in, he could see that there were already several girls in it.

If you think about it, five people are required to sign up to form a society. If it is not a new society, there will still be seniors from the older generation. It is normal for there to be more people.

The problem is that Hua Ye saw an acquaintance.

"Hey, student Hua Ye, why are you here?"

A naturally dumb senior sister blinked her eyes, then waved her hand enthusiastically to say hello.

Hua Ye said with a straight face, "Aren't you from the drama club?"

During the campus festival, in order to rehearse the class drama, I once asked the senior sophomore from the drama club to guide me, and the senior mentor was this naturally dumb senior.

"There is no rule that students are only allowed to join one club." As long as the drama is not mentioned in front of this senior sister, she will be in a natural dull mode. Now she raised her hand and knocked on the head, giggling, "And I just came here Talk about eating and drinking!"

Shut up!

It's all just eating and drinking, and I'm talking about it triumphantly, give me some morals!

"Student Hua Ye actually knew the senior sister?"

Sister Tanaka and Sister Ueno looked curiously.

"I don't know." Hua Ye said with a straight face.

"Student Hua Ye is so ruthless..." Sister Tianrandai puffed up her mouth, "Obviously she did such and such things to me in the haunted house..."

Hua Ye said with a dark face, "Shut up."


"I'm sorry, monitor, I didn't expect to be overwhelmed by the senior sister."

"Hi, I'm so angry."

Tanaka and Ueno were pitiful and apologized softly.


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