"You can say it." Hoshino Xia nodded, tilted her head and looked over, trying to pass the test, "What does student Hua Ye want? As long as I can do it, I promise to do it."

Hua Ye said calmly: "It's very simple, it's the request you made in the video chat with Igarashi this afternoon."


Hoshino Xia opened her eyes wide in surprise, opened her small mouth slightly, and was stunned for a moment, speechless.

You don't play your cards according to the routine!

Shouldn't it be "no requirement" at this time?

Why did it become like this!

Although Igarashi would call her a big-breasted monster, a big cow, and a female beast in heat all day long, she would not refute it, but it was because Igarashi knew that Igarashi was a defeated dog. She was actually a very proud girl. , I often say that I want to seduce Hua Ye, but I always come to Hua Ye when Igarashi shows up. I don't want to hate Igarashi on purpose, but I don't want the two of us to be alone, so as to avoid uncontrollable accidents.

During the video chat in the afternoon, she joked that as long as her hair could be cured, it would be fine for Hua Ye to play with her breasts casually, but at this juncture, she still couldn't agree.

Although I have a good feeling for Hua Ye, not only do I not feel disgusted, but subconsciously want to get close, but there are still some things that I have to refuse.

"Student Hua Ye, don't bully me..." Hoshino Xia sniffled, aggrieved, trying to save the country with a grievance offensive.

Hua Ye said calmly: "You can agree to any conditions."

"But, but I'm your teacher." Hoshino Xia pitifully said, "If a teacher seduces a student, he will be socially killed, and it's not good for Hua Ye's future. You can't do that kind of thing."

Hua Ye said, "Then just wait for a while."


Hoshino Xia blinked blankly, a bad premonition welled up in her heart.

Not long after, the knock on the door sounded again.

Hua Ye walked over and opened the door, and a black-haired gothic loli with arms folded walked in, condescending, looking at Hoshino Xia with the eyes of a winner looking down on a defeated dog, with a smile of winning a move on his face: " I guessed that you, a big dairy cow, would definitely not be able to bear it, and would come here to steal at night!"

"Sure enough, it's you, a poor dog with breasts!"

The two voices sounded almost at the same time, and Hoshino Xia gritted his teeth and said, "Are you lying to me?!"

She is not an idiot, just now she realized that Hua Ye's sudden excessive demands must be behind Igarashi's tricks, otherwise Hua Ye, who has always been "pure-minded and paralyzed", would not have proposed to play with her European school. Bad request.

"Hmph, just to prove that you, a big cow, have never been kind." Igarashi looked at Hua Ye, raised his chin and said, "See? She said it nicely this afternoon, but it was all lies. .”

"Today we must transfer/teach her to be R/BQ!"

Chapter 1056 Molesting Primary School Students

"Tie this big-breasted monster to a chair, gag her mouth with a towel, then take off her skirt, and write 'I am a scumbag' on her lap with a marker." In the living room, deal a physical and spiritual double blow to your old enemy, "By the way, you have to write thirty-six 'positive' characters, and then stamp a stamp of R/BQ...'"

"Wait a moment."

Hua Ye reached out to stop him.

"Eh?" Igarashi looked in surprise, "Why stop me?"

Hua Ye ordered: "Change into slippers first."

"Change, change slippers?"

Hearing the word 'slippers', Igarashi stopped walking as if being pricked by a needle.

During the first visit, Hua Ye said that she should not dirty her slippers. This grudge was really written on the small notebook with a pen, and it has not been crossed out until now!

She had already fallen asleep before, knowing that Hoshino Xia came over to steal sex at night, and hurried over to catch the adulterer, so she didn't have time to prepare slippers.

And those slippers are things worn by others, right?

Don't wear things that other people have used!

"What will happen if you don't wear slippers?"

Igarashi folded his hands on his chest, raised his face to look up, and wanted to force a continuation for himself.

Hua Ye said calmly: "If you don't wear it, you will become irresistible."


I remember, I will write you down in my notebook when I go back today!

"Student Hua Ye." Hoshino Xia suddenly came over and pulled Hua Ye's clothes, "As long as you drive away this poor breasted dog, I will agree to your conditions just now."

With this poor breasted and defeated dog messing around, he will definitely not be able to live in peace. As long as Igarashi can be driven away, at worst, he will be touched... Anyway, it's not a big deal. I usually rub it when I take a bath, Once the eyes are closed and opened, it is over.

And Hua Ye kept his word, if he touched Oupai, he wouldn't do other excessive things... right?

Igarashi suddenly became furious, and his eyes were almost full of murderous intent: "Who do you say is a poor dog?"

"You are the one."

"Say it again!" Igarashi's killing intent had been decided.

That's all for having poor breasts, but what about the loser in the back?

I am the queen of the night, and the people who pursue me can line up to Tokyo Bay from here, how could it be a loser!

"It's a sure thing. You have a bad temper and an awkward personality. You look like a fried cat. If you put on a uniform and go out, people will definitely think you are a primary school student, right?"

Hoshino Xia crossed her arms and said in a soft voice, "If you walk with classmate Hua Ye, maybe people will misunderstand that classmate Hua Ye is molesting elementary school students..."

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