
Autumn days always get dark very quickly.

When I went out, the sky was still dark, and when I walked to the street, night had completely fallen.

The street lamps had already been turned on one by one, and in the small river beside the street, there were still a few wooden boats carrying lanterns, floating gently, and the figures of tourists flickered inside.

After being drunk, I don't know that the sky is on the water, and the boat is full of dreams and the galaxy.

"Wow, it smells so good."

Walking to a nearby food street, the tempting aroma of various foods mixed in the air, this cat-eared lady looked over expectantly, like a cat waiting for its owner to feed.

"I just had dinner." Miss Miko said, "Don't eat it now, I will buy some when I get back."

"Sister, why don't you buy a cup of milk tea?" Hinata pointed to the notice board of a milk tea shop, "It says couple cups are half price, you can save some money if you buy it together with Brother Xiaoye."

Hinata successfully betrayed her sister Sanlian, and was heartbroken for her sister's lifelong event.

The two little maids held hands, wore hats to cover their ears, and obediently followed Miss Miko. The two of them were quite shy and rarely went out. Most of the time they stayed at the shrine. The son opened his eyes wide, looking left and right curiously and excitedly.

There is a stall on the side of the road where you can taste the dessert water yokan for free. This is one of the snacks that Japanese people always have when they drink tea. It sounds like jelly made from mutton. In fact, it has nothing to do with mutton, but a kind of The jelly-like food that is steamed after mixing red beans and flour looks crystal clear and quite beautiful, because a lot of water is added in it, and when you touch it lightly with chopsticks, it will vibrate like jelly.

Holding the bamboo knife in both hands, Yaodao Ji looked at the water yangkan a few more times, and the woman who set up the stall suddenly laughed, beckoned and said, "Little sister, do you want to come and taste it? It's free."

"Hmph, I'm a big monster who has lived for hundreds of years. Who is your sister?" Yaodao Ji turned her head, "Recently I read a saying that there is no free lunch in this world. Maybe there is something in this kind of free snacks." A drug that can control people!"

"There is no such thing." Miss Miko looked down, "Didn't I give you pocket money? If you don't want to eat for free, just buy a copy and take it home as a snack."

"This kind of food existed hundreds of years ago, but it's not as good-looking as it is now, so I just looked at it a few more times."

Yaodao Ji said in an old-fashioned way: "There are so many people, it's annoying to death. Hundreds of years ago, in the Heian era, there would not be so many people. At that time, if the guy who dared to walk around the street at night was not strong enough, he would have died long ago. "

"Hey, didn't you say you don't remember the past?" Hinata asked curiously.

Demon Sword Fairy said, "Because I watched a documentary about the Edo period last night."

You are really advancing with the times!I’m chasing fans, watching movies, documentaries and comics, and I always feel that there is a great possibility of becoming an otaku, and you will lose the face of the big monster.

No, when you don't wear fat clothes to show off everywhere, you don't have such a thing as face.

Except for the two little maids, none of the remaining three radish heads are honest. From this point of view, it is actually not easy for Miss Miko to support the shrine by herself.

Hinata is only eleven years old and has not yet entered junior high school. Although she is a big kid, she must be taken care of by someone. If no one is around to watch her, she may grow crooked and become a bad girl like Fumino, her cousin with glasses, and she is not ordinary. Maybe she will rely on what she has learned from her family and embark on the road of being a bad girl who dominates the whole country.

The cat-eared girl Lingna is considered an adult by the age of a human being. Even if she is knocked down, there is no problem. It is a pity that she is a lazy cat who has no interest in learning at all. Her biggest hobby is sleeping in a cardboard box.

"what happened?"

Sensing Hua Ye's gaze, Miss Miko tilted her head and looked over, a few strands of hair were hanging from her ears, unexpectedly cute under the light.

Hua Ye said, "If you feel tired, I can give you a massage to relax."


Miss Miko blinked her eyes, a blush slowly rose on her pretty face, and said softly: "With Mr. Hua by my side, I'm not tired anymore... Let's talk about the massage when I get back tonight."

Chapter 1067 Cuteness is Justice

He said he was going out to hunt monsters for revenge, but it turned into shopping abruptly. At seven o'clock, he walked to the park where classmate Hyuga was attacked by monsters.

The evening wind is very cold, but there are many tourists in the park, including grandparents and aunts walking, and couples holding hands, exuding the sour smell of love.

"Yui was attacked in this park." Hinata clenched his fists and said, "We must catch that monster today!"

"Yes, ma'am."

Poor Loli rolled her eyes: "Sister, Linna and I will go ahead to explore the way first."

He waved his hand while speaking, and said in a low voice, "You all act with me."

"Decree, big sister."

Miss Miko said, "Don't go far."

"Don't worry, sister, I'm just going to find the way ahead." Hinata turned his head to look, and said solemnly, "You and brother Xiaoye can walk slowly behind."

Hua Ye's eyes are disgusted, it's fake to explore the road, but it's true to give assists to your sister!

As a few lolis ran away, the air suddenly became quiet.

The moonlight is like water, falling lightly, covering everything with a hazy veil.

A gust of cold wind blows.

A few autumn leaves are falling.

Miss Miko raised her hand and pinned a strand of hair that was blown by the wind behind her ear, and said nonchalantly, "It's a bit cold..."

Girls should be elegant and reserved, but when it's time to take the initiative, they should also take the initiative... Anyway, it is impossible to expect Hua Ye to take the initiative.

Hua Ye turned his head to look: "Because you wear less clothes."


Miss Miko puffed her cheeks and gritted her teeth lightly.

I finally let go of my reserve and said I was cold, not to hear you say such things!

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