
"You guys are enough."

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines, he couldn't take it anymore, he stood up directly, ready to leave.

Miss Miko glanced subconsciously, her pretty face suddenly turned red, she hurriedly turned her head, and then hurriedly closed the bathroom door.

Although Hua Ye used a towel to cover it up, but the towel was already wet, and when he stepped out of the bathtub, his silhouette was vaguely revealed. Miss Miko realized clearly that it was indeed a boa constrictor...

Hua Ye walked to the shower, took a shower again, and then walked to the living room.

The tatami mats in the living room have been laid out, and Miss Miko is sitting on the sofa watching variety shows. When she sees Hua Ye coming out, her pretty face blushes for a moment, and she looks away a little guilty. Obviously, the boa constrictor before did a lot to her. Shock: "Put the clothes in the hamper and wash them tomorrow morning."

Hua Ye nodded: "Okay."

"Hmph, perverted lolicon!" Demon Sword Girl is also in the living room, watching a movie on the tablet at the moment, subconsciously making trouble again.

Hua Ye looked over: "What did you say?"

Yao Dao Ji insisted, "You're taking a bath with so many little lolitas, you must be happy, right?"

Hua Ye said expressionlessly: "You ran away before, and you haven't fulfilled your promise to wipe your back. If you say one more word, go in and help me wipe my back and take a bath."


Yaodao Ji gritted her teeth, and abruptly suppressed the words that followed.It's fine to wipe your back, but you also need to help wash the terrible boa constrictor. Of course, that kind of thing is unacceptable, and Hua Ye is obviously not talking about it. If you talk too much, Hua Ye will carry her into the bathroom in front of Miss Miko punish.

(If you keep the green hills, you don’t have to worry about no firewood...be patient!)

"Hinata and the others are too naughty." Miss Miko changed the subject, "How about playing two rounds of Street Fighter together?"

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

Although Ms. Miko looks quiet and elegant, she actually likes cosplay and games. According to Hinata, before their grandfather passed away, Liuli often went to and from the game hall. She was a generation of arcade masters, but she never went there.

Yaodao Ji took a look, then hugged the tablet, and sat beside Miss Miko, curiously watching the fight between the two.

As a violent loli of the combat department, she is naturally very interested in competitive games.

"Sister, we're done taking a bath."

After playing two rounds, several little radish heads who had soaked in the bath came out of the bathroom one after another.

"Hua Jun, I'm going to take a bath." Miss Miko looked at Yaodao Ji, "Come and play?"

The old monster put her hands on her chest, pretended not to care and said, "Since you've invited me, I'll play casually..."

Talking about reluctance, her body eagerly took over the game controller. Yao Dao Ji looked up at Hua Ye, with a burning expression on her face. She was no match for this guy in a fight, but she might win in a game.

I might be a hidden fighting game genius, anyway, there are only a few buttons, and I just wrote down how to press the moves, this is the basis for winning.

Maybe this guy would cry and beg for mercy after being defeated by him.


The more Yaodao Ji thought about it, the happier she became, and she couldn't help sniggering triumphantly.

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "Do you want to start?"

"Hmph, start quickly."

To be conservative, Demon Sword Girl chose the Chunli trio that Miss Miko used just now.


first drop of blood.

Two consecutive defeats.

Three consecutive defeats.

Seeing that the three characters she controlled fell to the ground and died, while Hua Ye's first character didn't even lose a trace of blood, Yao Dao Ji's eyes were dazed and completely dull.

"Stop playing."

Hua Ye checked the time on his phone and put down the handle.

"No, let's play again!"

Yaodao Ji regained her senses and turned into a red-eyed idiot. Even if she still loses, she must hit this guy, otherwise she will be pissed off!

Hua Ye said, "Enough has been played."

"The last game!" Yaodao Ji shouted, "If you lose, I will help you take a shower."

Hua Ye picked up the handle: "Then let's start."

"I'm going to be serious this time!"


It is still a three-game losing streak without any suspense.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Seeing Long who was still full of blood on TV, this demon sword girl almost exploded, and directly "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" refused to let go.

Hua Ye raised his face and said, "Relax."

"Do not……"

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