Most of the props that Satania bought were deceitful, and the preconditions were common, and Hua Ye was no stranger to it.

"If you want to use the gloves, you have to beat the opponent who guesses..."


Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "I'm going back."

"Don't!" Satania pulled Hua Ye back and said pitifully, "I spent a lot of money to buy this boxing glove, so you can't leave me alone."

"Didn't you run out of living expenses? Where did you get the money to buy props?" Hua Ye asked.

Satania said: "Lafite lent it to me..."

A bad premonition welled up in my heart.

Borrowing money from Wei Nai is fine, even if you delay paying it back for a while, there is no problem at all. That useless angel Gabriel often does this, but how dare you borrow money from that tax-evading girl?

Do you know what a big capitalist is? If you borrow a piece of money from you, at least you can reap double the pleasure.

"La Fei said that you don't need to pay back the money, but in the future, you will have to take the photo she specified..."

Satania shook her head: "I didn't agree."

Hua Ye was shocked, this idiot was able to see through the trap?

"I'm a big devil who wants to conquer the world in the future. How can I not repay the loan?" Satania pinched her waist with one hand, "So I will pay her back the living expenses next month."


Hua Ye was silent for a moment: "So you agreed to the photo request in the second half of the sentence?"

"I agreed." Satania said with her head tilted, "It's just a photo, Lafite said, we often take a bath together, so taking a few photos is nothing."

If it's someone with ulterior motives, you've already been tricked ten times by now.

"Aide, hurry up and let me punch you a few times." Silly Meow was gearing up, "Just hit the chest."

Nonsense, do you still want to slap your face!

"The product introduction said that the effect of punching the face will be better, and the effect of punching the chest will be worse..."

Products that need to be activated by punching in the face, have already been beaten to death before they can guess the punch!

Hua Ye said with black lines all over his face, "Don't even think about it."

I don't want to lose face if I let you beat me up in the park.

Satania was really anxious, looked left and right, and suddenly came over, bringing a gust of fragrant wind to her face, kissed Hua Ye hard on the face, and said, "Is it okay now?"

Hua Ye rubbed his cheeks, eyes disgusted and said: "No."

"I, I already kissed you!"

So when do you feel you can do whatever you want with just one kiss?

The man that day was a daughter-in-law, and he couldn't refuse her daughter's request. Wei Nai was a Kangna-in-law, and he couldn't refuse Kangna's request, but he was not an idiot-in-law.

"Big, at worst, I'll just kiss the right side again..."

Chapter 1076 Shall we live together? (third change)

When Hua Ye and Silly Meow were sitting on the bench and talking, a wife happened to pass by with a child.

The little boy opened his eyes wide and stretched out his fingers: "Mom, they are kissing!"

It's obviously a kiss on the face, but it's much worse than a kiss on the mouth!Even if you are a child, you can't talk nonsense!

"Don't talk nonsense." The wife was a little embarrassed, and whispered, "You will know these things when you grow up..."

I'm sorry, but I don't necessarily know when I grow up.

There are many people in their twenties who haven't held hands or kissed girls before.

"Aide, quickly stretch your face over." Satania looked like she was about to break through the south wall without looking back, "I'm going to kiss you."

Hua Ye didn't expect this idiot to kiss again, so he could only say helplessly:

"Go ahead."

"Then you are not allowed to hide." Satania was shocked, and put on the boxing gloves, "Don't worry, I will control my strength."


The dull impact sound of "Boom Boom Boom" sounded.

The little boy looked over with wide eyes: "Mom, they started to fall in love and kill each other!"

The wife with the dangerous hairstyle raised her hand to wipe the cold sweat from her forehead: "Probably there is a conflict between the lovers... right?"


Hua Ye said he wanted to hit someone.

Others are beating their chests with small fists, but Satania is "a big stone in the chest", that is, Hua Ye. If it is someone else, it is already the rhythm of ambulance + critical illness notice + surgery fee!

Sure enough, 'tenderness' is something that cannot appear in Satania's dictionary.

After the power-enhanced version of "Small Punch and Punch Your Chest", Silly Meow withdrew his hands and said triumphantly: "The charge is complete, we can guess punches!"

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