"I'm full, go back and play games!" The crippled angel looked at Hua Ye, "Hurry up and get online too, and bring me up the score. I was cheated by those pig teammates this afternoon."

Hua Ye said: "Sit down and play games as soon as you are full, it is easy to gain weight."

"Why are you talking about this?" Gabriel became vigilant.

Hua Ye said solemnly: "Kiss to lose weight, understand..."

"I know you big-headed ghost!" The crippled angel clenched its fists, as if it wanted to use the divine light judgment on Hua Ye, "Sister should come to me soon... I was caught by my sister last time, If my sister catches you again this time, I'll beat you up!"


Hua Ye opened the game and was about to log in when there was a low knock on the door.

When I opened the door in the past, it was actually Liuhua who came. Because it was the weekend, Liuhua did not wear a school uniform, but a strapless pink camisole and an ordinary skirt. Now she was standing outside the door with tears in her eyes, in the cold Under the evening wind, he was trembling slightly, and when he saw Hua Ye open the door, he rushed towards him like a wronged little beast.

Hua Ye thought for a while, but didn't reach out to support Liuhua's head, and let the dumb-haired girl throw herself into his arms.

I don't know what happened, but Liuhua is undoubtedly in a state of sadness and loss at the moment, obviously in a bad mood.

"Come in."

If something happened to Shihua, the first thing Liuhua said when they met was to beg Hua Ye to go rescue her together.

Liuhua sat on the sofa, took a sip of the Coke Hua Ye handed over, the hair on the top of her head trembled slightly, and began to recover, but her small face was still pitiful: "Satania came to play with me in the afternoon, she After going back, I felt a little sleepy, so I went to sleep for a while..."

"and then?"

"Then I just woke up..." Liuhua held the Coke can in both hands and murmured, "It's so dark in the room. I looked at the ceiling and thought for a while before I realized that my sister won't come back to help me turn on the light, and there is no room in the refrigerator. There is no food ready..."

Liuhua put one hand on her chest, and said seriously: "Just now I felt so uncomfortable, so uncomfortable, so uncomfortable, I really wanted to see the brave man, so I ran here."


Many people who are alone should have experienced this feeling. After taking a nap in the afternoon, after waking up, it was already around six or seven o'clock in the evening. It was already dark, but unfortunately there was neither light nor human voice in the room. At that moment, there was indeed a feeling of being abandoned by the world.

Liuhua blinked and looked over: "Brave, shall we live together?"

Chapter 1077


In addition to eating and drinking, is there actually a room now?

At most, they are living under the same roof. Don't use the word 'cohabitation' indiscriminately.

Hua Ye said:

"You can go to Gabriel's room to rest, and Xiao Jia won't refuse you."

Although that useless angel is a useless cat, a lazy cat, a player who cultivates immortals, and a bad girl, she is actually very kind. If Liuhua needs help, she will definitely not turn her away.

"No." Liuhua shook her head, "Xiaojia always plays games, I want to live with the brave."

"I'm so hungry..." Liuhua covered her stomach with her hands, and looked over pitifully, "I need a brave man to replenish my magic power. If I don't replenish my magic power, I will enter a forced shutdown state..."

Just say it when you are hungry, don't mention the word 'replenishing magic', you will think of something terrible when you mention it!

Hua Ye said, "You're late, you just had dinner."


The hair on the top of Liuhua's head wilted.

Hua Ye sighed: "Sit down for a while, and I'll eat for you below."

"Okay, okay, I like to eat noodles from the brave man!"

"Remember to wash the dishes and chopsticks after eating."

"Yes, sir." Liuhua raised his hand in salute, "I promise to complete the task."

Hua Ye walked to the kitchen. After getting ready, he took out his phone and sent a message to Wei Nai.

"Come and sleep together tonight."

Wei Nai is currently studying at home. Of course, working in a coffee shop does not work seven days a week. Even if Wei Nai can bear it, the store manager will not agree. Short of money, opening a coffee shop is just to allow more people to taste their own coffee, so as to gain a sense of accomplishment. Saturday is the rest day given by the store manager.

"Eh? We used to sleep together?" Wei Nai opened her eyes wide and bit her lower lip after making sure she read it correctly: "What are you talking about? Did you send it to the wrong person?"

Hua Ye said: "There is no mistake, Liuhua is with me."

"Liuhua?" Wei Nai was taken aback, "Why did Liuhua go to your place? Have dinner?"

Hua Ye said, "It's cohabitation."

"Co-living together?!"

"Liuhua went to sleep in the afternoon, and when she woke up, it was dark. She suddenly felt very lonely at home alone, so she ran over to sleep with me at night." Hua Ye gave a brief overview of the situation.

"One, sleeping together or something..."

Wei Nai bit her lower lip. She is not a child. In Alice's words, she is already married, and sleeping in the same room is too much, right?

"Let Liuhua go to Xiaojia's room to rest." Wei Nai said, the lonely man and widow were sleeping in the same room, so they couldn't agree.

"I've said it before." Hua Ye replied, "Liuhua refuses to go there."

Hua Ye said, "Shihua asked you to take care of Liuhua, so come here."

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