
With a muffled sound, Gabriel withdrew her fist, "I didn't even touch it, how did I know my data? It must be fake!"

"This product has been upgraded to radiographic detection." The electronic voice sounded, "The accuracy is one in a hundred thousand."

"Say one more word, and I'll throw you off the stairs."

"Doo-doo-doo-violence doesn't solve problems."

"But someone who can solve a problem."

Gabriel threw the electronic scale into the bedroom with a murderous look.

The useless angel sat back on the sofa and stopped talking about the noodle soup: "Should Liuhua go to my room to rest tonight?"

"Woo..." Liuhua shook her head vaguely while eating ramen, "No, I'll sleep with the brave man."

"This facial paralysis might take the opportunity to do unreasonable things to you." Gabriel said, "Stay away from facial paralysis and ensure your safety."

I'm sorry, when you were playing games, you already did bad things to Liuhua.

Hua Ye said calmly: "I sent a message to Wei Nai, and Wei Nai will come to sleep with Liu Hua later."

"I always feel it's more dangerous..." Gabriel kicked Hua Ye with her foot, and said fiercely, "You guys still want three people to live together?"

Hua Ye said seriously, "It's not right if you come here."


Gabriel raised her foot and kicked again, but Hua Ye grabbed her foot.

"Let go..." Gabriel whispered.

"Don't let it go." Hua Ye held the foot of the crippled angel, feeling as cold as ever, "Cover it for you."

"Hun Dan, kick you away."


Chapter 1080

The doorbell rang quickly.

"Vina is here."

Gabriel withdrew her foot from Hua Ye's lap, "Hurry up and open the door."

Hua Ye said, "Crossing the river and tearing down the bridge?"

"Hey, I call it "killing the donkey by removing the mill." After finishing the work, the useless angel jumped up and ran, and opened the door.

The person who came was naturally Wei Nai.

It's late autumn, and the temperature at night is getting lower and lower. Wei Nai is not as 'rough and thick' as Satania. She can go out wearing only a shirt and hot pants. Now she is wearing a white long-sleeved jacket. The lower body is a pair of sky blue jeans, which looks very delicate under the light.

"Xiaojia, good evening." Wei Nai greeted and walked into the room.

Gabriel replied feebly: "It's not good at all."

"what happened?"

"Since the day, I have been cheated by people playing games, so angry."

"Don't always play games during breaks!" Wei Nai complained while changing her slippers, "It's good to go out to the park or go shopping."

Gabriel looked up at the sky, "If I take a step outside, I will lose."

Wei Nai said again: "Then it's better to read at home."

"Impossible." Gabriel shook her head and said, "I have 'alien hand syndrome' and can't control myself. As long as I pick up the book, my hands will involuntarily grab the mouse and keyboard."

Wei Nai couldn't help complaining: "Which hand can't be controlled, just hit that hand, just hit it a few more times."

"Vina, you've changed." Gabriel took a step back, "It used to be just complaints, but now there are more violent tendencies."

"So who do you think caused it!"

Hua Ye said: "I know a method, guaranteed to be effective."

"Hey, what can I do?"

"The moths themselves are slightly poisonous and can cause persistent pain. They are also easy to carry and feed..."

"Hundan! Are you a demon!" Gabriel almost used the evil god's flying kick, "Believe it or not, I will kick you away."

With a combat power of 0.1 goose, you can only talk about it.

"Vinette, good evening."

Liuhua came out of the kitchen, her hands were covered with wet water marks, the girl with the second illness had a strong mental defense, and she had the buff effect of delicious ramen, she had already forgotten the embarrassing incident in the bathroom .

"Liuhua is washing the dishes?" Wei Nai was surprised.

The dumb hair on the top of Liuhua's head swayed from side to side: "Because I just finished eating the ramen made by the brave man, it's super delicious."

Hua Ye looked at Wei Nai: "The following is for you..."

"Don't talk." Wei Nai looked disgusted and put on a pretty face, "Go watch your TV."

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