What an idiot to you!Dropping eye drops directly on the eyes will irritate the cornea, not to mention uncomfortable, and make the eye drops flow away more than half. The correct way should be to drop between the lower eyelid and the eyes, and then close the eyes instead of facing the eyes Well, this is common sense, okay?

Hua Ye stretched out his hand and said, "Give me the eye drops."


Liuhua blinked and handed the eye drops to Hua Ye.

"Look up your face."

Liuhua clasped both hands in front of her chest, said with a blushing face, "Does the brave man want to sign a contract with me?"

Hua Ye's poker face: "There is no contract, just eye drops for you."


Liuhua closed her eyes, "The hero's mana-replenishing liquid... got into the eyes..."

Hua Ye couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Shut up!"

"Lie down on the sofa, close your eyes for five minutes, don't let the eye drops come out, and just drip like this from now on."

Liuhua clenched her fists and said solemnly: "Don't worry, brave man, the magic power you worked so hard to replenish will not flow out!"


Hua Ye raised his hand and struck again.


Liuhua lay back on the sofa, talking at first, but fell asleep after a while, her breathing was very even, her mouth was slightly opened, and she slept very soundly.

After a while.

After finishing the laundry, Wei Nai walked back to the living room, looked at Liuhua on the sofa, and asked in a low voice, "Is Liuhua asleep?"

Hua Ye nodded and said, "After taking the eye drops, I fell asleep while lying down."

"It's almost half past ten." Wei Nai looked at the time, "It's time to go to bed..."

Go to bed at [-]:[-], at Gabriel's place, [-]:[-] is the time to cultivate immortality!

Wei Nai raised her hand to cover her mouth, and yawned softly: "I want to sleep too...can you carry Liuhua into the bedroom?"

"Just fell asleep, why not let her sleep on the sofa and cover her with a quilt."

"You won't sleep at night?" Wei Nai looked in surprise.

Hua Ye said seriously, "I can go to the bedroom and sleep."

Wei Nai half-closed her eyes, her eyes were filled with disgust: "... Shameless!"

It's this kind of expression, that idiot Satania is always 0v0, she doesn't look disgusted at all, she should really show her Wei Nai, what is a disgusted face.

It's a pity that Wei Nai is wearing pajama pants now, not a skirt, bad review.

Hua Ye picked up Liuhua and put Liuhua on the bed in the bedroom. Before he could speak, Wei Nai pushed him outside: "Go out."

Hey, this is my bedroom, how can there be any reason for a guest to drive the owner out of the house.

Hua Ye complained: "You are doves occupying the magpie's nest."

The "dove" in the magpie's nest refers to the cuckoo bird, also known as the cuckoo. There is an idiom called the cuckoo crying blood. It does not mean that the cuckoo's cry makes people cry blood. Absolutely, in fact the cry of the cuckoo is 'cuckoo cuckoo'. It is not sad, but very happy. The mouth is originally red, and it has nothing to do with crying blood!

Wei Nai pushed Hua Ye out the door, "Shameless, hurry up and get out."

Hua Ye returned to the living room, turned off the TV, and was about to turn off the lights and go to bed. At this time, the bedroom door opened again, and Wei Nai came out with a blanket.

Wei Nai said with a pretty face, "You cover this when you sleep at night, so be careful not to catch a cold."

Hua Ye shook his head: "I won't catch a cold."

"In short, remember to cover your stomach, it will be very cold at night."

Wei Nai put down the blanket, turned around and walked towards the bedroom without giving Hua Ye a chance to approach.

Walking quickly to the door of the bedroom, Wei Nai stopped, held the door with one hand, turned her face slightly, her pretty face blushed, and whispered: "...good night."

He shy away, leaning on the door and looking back, but sniffing Ome.

Chapter 1084 Threesome...

It is late at night.

All sounds are silent.

The bedroom door was suddenly pushed open, and a figure walked in.

Wei Nai opened her eyes in a daze: "You... why are you here?"

Hua Ye looked down: "The living room is very cold, come in and sleep with you."

"sleep together?"

Wei Nai just woke up at this moment, her head was still a little dizzy, she just felt that something was wrong, she wanted to refuse, but before she could open her mouth, Hua Ye had already lifted the quilt, slept next to her, and kissed her directly.

"don't want……"

Wei Nai wanted to refuse, but her hot lips made her lose her mind for a while.

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