As the "responsibility of conscience" in the club, whenever she lies, Wei Nai will feel guilty and her tone will be erratic, which is a very useful human lie detector.

As he spoke, he tapped a chestnut chisel again.

Don't think that you can do whatever you want in front of your sister. Now that your sister cares about the power, she is really 'out of reach'. If you tell dirty jokes, she will supplement your magic power in front of your sister!


"You don't need to ask." Shihua raised one arm and leaned against the edge of the bathtub, "Living together is nothing, just take responsibility."

To be honest, Liuhua is the one who occupies the magpie's nest, eats, drinks, and lives. She is the one who should be responsible, right?

After saying a few more words, Shihua hung up the video chat, but at the last moment, she bit her lip with a look of embarrassment on her face.

Excluding the episode of Toka, it didn't take much time to call Liuhua to get up.

At first, Liuhua wanted to sleep in in a daze, but after talking with Shihua, she woke up completely, without Huaye pulling her ears, got up and dressed, went to the bathroom, washed her face and brushed her teeth.

After a while, Wei Nai came back with Gabriel.

"Xiao Jia, good morning."

"Well, good morning..."

After a night's rest, she should be full of energy in the morning, but it's a pity that Jia Baili still looks like a weak and useless cat, obviously this account has been abandoned.

Hua Ye felt something, walked to the balcony, looked down, and soon saw a dragon lady wearing a big-eyed frog shirt standing on the grass downstairs.

Elma looked up, waved her hand with a particularly bright smile and said, "Xiaoye, good morning."

It's bad to see you!On the weekends, I come here to eat and drink, and I have run out of morals.

Hua Ye sighed and waved to Elma downstairs.

The dragon lady immediately cheered up, like a puppy who had heard the order to serve food, and ran up quickly.

"Xiaoye, good morning!"

Elma put her hands behind her back, and leaned her upper body in. Because of the excessive movement, there was a trembling sound of "puyo puyo" in her chest. The big-eyed frog's shirt had suffered a lot of milk that it shouldn't have, making her frown even more frowning.

Hua Ye said with a straight face:

"Why are you here so early?"

"Because I've been looking forward to it for a whole week today, and I was worried that Xiaoye would let me go, so I came here when I woke up." Ai Luma was pitiful, and complained to Huaye, "There are a lot of jobs in the company every day. I have to do it, I am exhausted, I want to eat delicious food to replenish my strength..."

Nonsense, there is no word "easy" in the world of adults. Only when you become a social animal will you miss the carefree days in school.

"When I was working overtime two days ago, many people were eating cup noodles..."

"Xiaoye knows, right?" Elma gestured for the size and shape of the cup noodles, "It's the kind of food that smells delicious but doesn't taste good at all..."

Hua Ye turned to look at the useless angel sitting on the sofa.

There is still unfinished cup noodles in this useless angel's room. It was originally bought as a reserve food for the summer vacation, but the taste was spoiled by Hua Ye. The remaining cup noodles can no longer be eaten up.

Elma counted on her fingers: "This week, I have eaten four cup noodles, five bowls of ramen, fourteen lunch boxes bought outside, and two bags of pineapples and baguettes..."

Hey, you are a giant dragon anyway, why don't you live so miserable!


Elma looked at Hua Ye and said seriously:

"It's the same as the plot of the manga about raising a male high school student. Xiao Ye is the real motivation for me to work hard!"

Faced with this confessional speech, Hua Ye didn't feel any wavering in his heart, and corrected him: "Your motivation is my cooking, not me."

"It's about the same..."

Elma scratched her head, trying to pass the test with cuteness.

"Elma." Wei Nai came out of the kitchen, "Have you had breakfast? If not, why don't we have some together?"

"Thank you Wei Nai!"

This dragon lady doesn't know what reserve is in front of delicious food.

After sitting down, Elma suddenly saw the girl's underwear drying on the balcony, and realized that something seemed wrong: "Wait...why are you at Xiaoye's house so early?"

"Because we are cohabiting with the brave." Liuhua replied with her hand raised.

"Co-living together?"

Elma almost broke the chopsticks in her hand: "Xiaoye is too much! Would you like to live with someone else instead of letting me take care of you?"

Hua Ye said with black lines all over his face: "Nonsense, cohabitation and foster care are completely two concepts!"

In modern society, there is nothing wrong with discussing cohabitation, but when it comes to being adopted, everyone will definitely look at them with strange eyes.

Gabriel propped her chin with one hand, and complained:

"Facts have proved how important it is to know a craft... Even if you have facial paralysis, you can still be taken care of by a rich woman."

"Who do you call facial paralysis?"

"You are the one."

"Okay, don't talk, eat breakfast!"

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