But not this afternoon.

Everyone is here, and if you go to the movies, it becomes a collective action again.

If Lafite finds out, he will have to check his physical development, which is super scary.

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

The size of the apartment is not large, and now that so many people have come to eat, it suddenly seems crowded.

"Let's go to the buffet?" Hua Ye suggested.

Cooking is a troublesome thing, especially cooking for so many people. The buffet is simple. You can order whatever you want, and go back to your home after eating, out of sight and out of mind.

Elma shook her head: "No, the buffet is not as delicious as Xiaoye's cooking."

Lafite smiled and shouted: "That's right, we want to eat classmate Hua Ye's love dishes."

Wei Nai also shook her head and said, "It's too expensive for so many people to eat at the buffet, it's much more cost-effective to cook by yourself."

Satania: "Give me the position of the chef, and let you see what real hell cuisine is."



All in all, it was a noisy lunch.

Dragon Lady Elma squinted her eyes contentedly, her face was full of joy that the week-long expectation had finally been fulfilled, and the big-eyed frog on her chest was frowning, looking full of color/anger.

"Xiaoye, thank you for your hospitality, see you next week."

Goodbye you big-headed ghost, you are willing to take a photo that covers three points with one finger just to eat, give me some face, you have lost all the face of the Dragon Clan!

"I'm going back too." Wei Nai stood up, she still has to work in a coffee shop at night, so she will not stay anymore, "Liuhua, I have class tomorrow, don't make trouble at night, go back to my home to sleep, if you are afraid, let Sarah Tania is with you."


Shihua went to Italy, and Wei Nai took over the duties of her sister. Liuhua didn't complain, but her eyes wandered, probably she didn't listen.

"I'm going back too..."

Machiko reluctantly stood up.

"Squad leader, it's still early, shall we leave in the evening?" Lafite asked.

"No, no, no."

Machiko shook his head hastily, the Great Demon King Lafite, he will be tricked at some point, and he can't resist, so he can only stay away as soon as possible.

So Ayana Yamamoto, the female neighbor who lived at the other end of the corridor, suddenly became ill.

The weekend is her only rest day in a week, so naturally she stays at home too lazy to move, sleeps at eight or nine o'clock, and doesn't get up when she wakes up, but lies in bed, watches dramas and news, and is hungry at noon , I just ordered a takeaway. At this moment, I went out to throw out the trash without washing my hair and makeup. As a result, halfway there, I saw Elma, a dragon lady with a perfect figure and a face value of more than [-], came from Huaye's room. walked out.

When she was washing her face and brushing her teeth in the bathroom before, she still looked good and looked better. Now that she had a comparison, she immediately judged her. If it wasn't for the garbage in her hand, she would have turned around and gone back to the house.

After finally waiting for Elma to go downstairs, Wei Nai and Hei Changzhi walked out of the room.

The female neighbor continued to pretend to look at the scenery.

Then came the blond girl who went back to her room to play games.

The only person she knew was Gabriel, because when she first moved here, Gabriel learned the customs of the world and gave gifts to the neighbors around her. Cai Nai left a good impression in her heart

A girl with a warm smile, who seemed to be radiating light all over her body, was a good girl no matter how she looked at it.

Unfortunately, the good times are not long.

After a short period of time, the angelic girl radiating light disappeared and turned into Gabriel exuding the smell of salted fish and an abandoned house.

Ayana Yamamoto later found out that Hua Ye and the other girls were ambiguous, so she specially gave Gabriel a 'forgiveness hat'.

Behind Gabriel, there was a silver-haired girl who went out to see her off.

Ayana Yamamoto didn't know Lafite's name, but she was instinctively wary of this tall girl with perfect looks. There was no specific reason. If I really had to say it, the squint-eyed guy was probably a scary person. .

If Lafite felt something, he smiled at the female neighbor.

Ayana Yamamoto was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but want to retreat into the house.

(What's wrong with such a pretty smile, I'm so tempted as a girl, hey!)

(With such good conditions, everyone can become a star!)

Amidst the complaints of Sui Sui Nian, another loli girl with blond hair and double ponytails came out. She couldn't be said to be beautiful, but she was definitely as delicate and lovely as a porcelain doll.

There are Liuhua and Silly Meow behind.

The female neighbor was shocked to find that every girl's appearance was higher than her own.

Ayana Yamamoto finally went crazy under a series of critical blows.

The female neighbor finally understood a sentence: There is a kind of youth called other people's youth.

When I was in my freshman year of high school, let alone dating, I didn't even have the experience of talking seriously with boys.

When I graduated from high school, not to mention my first kiss, I even held hands for the first time. Why is that boy with an expressionless face so popular all day long?

Charge everything now, explode, explode!

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