But this is the first time I've seen this black-bellied girl's tearful and anxious look.

Hua Ye silently turned around.

Then suddenly found that something was wrong.

The configuration in the bathroom is generally a washstand, a bathtub, a shower, and... a mirror.

No matter where the bathroom is, mirrors are never absent.

Hua Ye did turn around, but the mirror was right in front of him, so he could still see clearly, for example, some kind of trembling object that was bigger than a peach, but with the elasticity of jelly...

Lafite quickly stood up, picked up the towel to cover his body, made a gesture of relief, and then the eyes of the two met in the mirror.


The air was suddenly silent.

Even if this dark-bellied girl had an extremely thick skin, she couldn't bear it at the moment. Her face was as red as the lava in the crater, and she could feel the astonishing heat radiating through the air.

The black-bellied girl took a step back, her pretty face was stained with red, and she said seriously, "Student Hua Ye, hurry up and get out!"

"Big/pervert, don't look!"

Alice also yelled.

The short bean was a little dizzy from the fall just now, and lost his mind because of Lafite's pressure. Now he came to his senses and sat on the ground in the posture of a duck. He hurriedly covered his body with his hands, and shouted after him: " Big pervert! I hate you the most!"

The shower has been repaired, Hua Ye shrugged, turned and prepared to go out.

Although it is indeed a little throbbing, Hua Ye will not be dominated by low-level instinctual desires... With Alice around, it is impossible to agree to be bullied.

Just at this moment, there were footsteps approaching outside the door, and then Satania's curious voice sounded outside the door.

"Are you all right?"


Lafite took a deep breath and shook his head decisively.

"But there was a lot of noise, and there were some perverted words... I heard it in the living room."

Whenever there is a big event, you need to be calm.

Compared to the squad leader who was in a panic when encountering things, Lafite was undoubtedly the type who became calmer as he got into a crisis. Now he directly turned on the field control mode, his voice returned to calm, and he couldn't hear the problem at all.

"It's just that the shower is broken, let Hua Ye fix it, it's fine."

While talking, he even used his eyes to tell Hua Ye not to go out for the time being.

When the door is opened at this time, the two idiots will surely come in curiously. If they are seen like this, Alice will probably jump off the building because she is ashamed to see anyone.

"Didn't Lafite fall down?"

Liuhua's voice came in from outside the door: "When I was taking a shower last night, I also stepped on Mr. Soap and fell down. At that time, my butt hurt..."

Lafite said with ease: "It's true that my foot slipped and fell, but it's nothing serious. Go back and watch TV. Alice and I continued to take a bath."

"OK then……"

The footsteps of the two idiots faded away.

"Big/pervert, it's all your fault." Alice blushed, gritted her teeth and shouted.

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows and looked down.

Seeing that you are so good at throwing blame, why don't you go to Yuanyue Academy to learn how to cook!

"Not going out."


Hua Ye reached out to untie the belt, and said with a stern face, "We just happened to take a bath together."

Alice was so frightened that she quickly raised her hands to cover her face.

"Student Hua Ye go out first?"

Lafite didn't dare to make trouble at all right now, and just looked over pitifully.

She only has a towel on her body now, and her silver hair hangs wetly on her chest. Under the half cover, she is even more attractive than before.

Hua Ye suddenly felt impulsive, and his eyes became hot.

Sensing the change in Hua Ye's eyes, Lafite hurriedly shook his head, pleading with his eyes: "No, Alice is still here!"

He said it as if you would agree if Alice wasn't around. He often said that he wanted to warm the bed, but he never dared to come alone. In fact, he was super cowardly.

Hua Ye turned around and walked out of the bathroom. He went back to the living room and continued to watch TV. Two devil hosts with paralyzed faces were still selling all kinds of messy products. Unfortunately, Hua Ye had lost interest at the moment.

Ten minutes later, the bathroom door was pushed open.

After taking a bath, Lafite came out first.

The black-bellied girl was wearing the white shirt she took out from the closet, revealing her slender arms and snow-white slender legs.

Lafite is tall and tall, the shirt can't be worn as a skirt, it can only cover her thighs, and it can barely be exposed, especially the place on the chest that should be flat and smooth now has a beautiful arc, Wearing an ordinary men's shirt reveals an unspeakable subtle temptation.

"Liuhua, Satania, you two can go take a shower now." Lafite said while wiping her hair.

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