"Let her watch."

Hua Ye snorted, bowed his head and kissed her directly.

Don't think that you can use other people as a shield every time, this short bean is not enough.

The scorching and cold lips touched together, and Lafite still wanted to hold on for a second, but it was useless to resist. Under Hua Ye's aggression, the long eyelashes couldn't stop trembling, and finally closed his eyes.


Alice, who was blowing her hair, was shocked immediately.

She saw Lafite talking in the past, but she couldn't hear what she was talking about, she thought she was 'blaming the teacher' for the bathroom, but suddenly it turned into a wall?

That's all for Bi Dong, but he actually dared to kiss Master Bai Yu in front of him?

Don't act like you don't exist!

"Pervert pervert! Let go of Master Baiyu quickly!"

Alice bared her canine teeth, and was about to pounce on to defend Lord Bai Yu's chastity to the death, when she suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"Master Bai, Bai Yu?"

The little bean opened his eyes wide, staring blankly at Lafite who stretched out his arms around Hua Ye's neck, his eyes were blank, and he forgot to say anything.

The black-bellied girl who had always evaded taxes behind her back was actually more enthusiastic than before when she was punished in front of Alice.

"Why, why is this happening?"

Alice stopped walking blankly while holding the hair dryer.

If she was only bullied by Hua Ye unilaterally, she would definitely rush to save others, and in the worst case, she would replace it with herself.

The problem is, instead of resisting now, Rafael is quite cooperative...

"what should I do now?"

Alice stared blankly for a while, her little face was soon blushed.

Although she has read many books and comics, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is an old driver in the book world, but this is the first time she has seen the live version of wet kisses in real life, let alone one of the objects, Lord Bai Yu, whom she admires and longs for .

The little bean came back to his senses, and turned his head quickly, but after a while, his eyes looked over involuntarily.

(Kissing is just an exchange of saliva and saliva... It is obviously a disgusting thing, but Master Bai Yu didn't resist at all...)

(Anyway, I would never do such a thing, absolutely!)

Alice looked over quietly while complaining.

Then the already big eyes suddenly widened to the limit, and the cheeks flushed rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and turned into a ripe red apple in an instant, and water vapor came out of the top of the head.

"Hey, he's still sticking out his tongue!"


"Pervert! Big pervert!!"

Alice received tons of critical damage, and the word HP -999 floated above her head, and she was in a bad mood.

It wasn't until the troublesome, immoral girl was panting and was about to lose her footing that Hua Ye finally ended the punishment this time.

There was a "boo" sound in the air, which sounded like the sound of picking out the cork of a red wine cork. Seeing the shiny silk threads drawn from the corners of the lips of the two, Alice immediately looked away like a needle prick. .


Lafite lay on Hua Ye's chest, gasping for breath.

The strange thing is that short Douding standing in the distance is also flushed and out of breath.

So if you are not punished, you are still out of breath!

Hua Ye glanced at her, and it was rare for this little bean to turn back, but hastily turned his head and pressed his right hand to his chest, his eyes were erratic and flustered.


The atmosphere was silent and awkward.

If it was Wei Nai, he probably had already covered his face and fled by now. As for the squad leader, he would have passed out after being bullied like this in front of others. Fortunately, Lafite has a thick skin and a rich background. German experience, but also able to control the scene.

The black-bellied girl lay in Hua Ye's arms for a while, and after her breath had settled down, she raised her head, raised her hand and pinned a strand of hair hanging down her chest behind her ear, and said nonchalantly, "Alice, hair Blow dry?"

"Ah..." Alice trembled like a little rabbit, subconsciously replied, "Not yet."

"Then let me blow it for you."

Lafite walked over, reached out to take the hair dryer, and helped Alice dry her hair.

"Master White Feather..."

Alice opened her mouth, full of words to say, but couldn't say a word when she reached her mouth.

"what happened?"

"No, nothing..."

Alice shook her head quickly, and suddenly remembered a novel she had read before, in which a plot was very similar to now.

"The two of you are so skilled, you must have kissed many times, right?!"

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