When Shihua saw Hua Ye, she narrowed her eyes slightly, crossed her arms and said, "Pay attention to your body."

You don't need to worry about this, let alone only four, even if there are twice as many melon-eating girls, your body will be fine at all!

Hua Ye chose to serve these girls as breakfast.

"Go and call Xiao Jia over to eat noodles."

"Understood." Satania took the task, "Leave it to me."

Vermicelli is a good thing. It is simple, convenient, easy to store, and can be eaten in a variety of ways. With homemade soup base, even the picky Gabriel can’t say anything against it.

After breakfast, several of them set off for school.

When I went out, I happened to meet the female neighbor Ayana Yamamoto who looked hurried.

When the female neighbor saw the girls coming out of Hua Ye's room, her face suddenly showed a shocked expression w(?Д?)w.

At noon yesterday, I could barely say that it was a friend's visit. When I came out of Hua Ye's room at this point, it must have just passed the night!

The problem is that one person is fine, so many people spend the night together, what a chaotic private life it is!

Is the current high school students too scary, or I am too old!

Ayana Yamamoto got up late in the morning, and now she was in a hurry to go downstairs, otherwise she might be late for work, so she didn't retreat silently like yesterday.

When walking past Hua Ye, Liuhua covered her mouth and said, "I said no, the brave man filled me up again..."

Hua Ye said with a dark face, "Shut up."

It's just eye drops for you, how come it becomes full.

This sentence made Ayana Yamamoto tremble and almost fell down the stairs.

"Fill, fill?"

"What a terrible thing to do to use the word 'full'!"

"If it weren't for the clear eyes of these girls, I would definitely suspect that they were brainwashed by the expressionless boys with terrible hypnotism!"

"Are you okay?" Lafite stretched out his hand and said, "Please be careful when going down the stairs."

Ayana Yamamoto laughed dryly, fearing that she would become Hua Ye's next target, she didn't dare to stay any longer, and left in a hurry with her head down.

"What?" Alice puffed up her cheeks, "Greeting her, but walking away without saying a word, it's so rude."

Lafite didn't care, "Well, maybe this neighbor is more shy and timid? When he saw us yesterday, he didn't say a word."

Gabriel shook her head: "That Ms. Yamamoto's personality is not introverted, and she talked to me a lot before, but then I don't know what happened, and gradually became strange..."

"Hmm..." Gabriel held her chin with one hand, "Suddenly there is a subtle sense of familiarity."

Lafite stretched out a finger: "Squad leader?"

Chapter 1098

The sky is blue, as if it has been washed with clear water, and there are only a few white clouds floating leisurely like cotton candy.

The temperature is getting lower and lower, a gust of cold wind blows, and a few yellowed autumn leaves leave the treetops and fall down, making people really feel that autumn is deep and winter is approaching.

"It's so cold." Liuhua clasped her arms tightly.

Gabriel also put her hands in her pockets, shrinking her neck: "If I had known, I wouldn't have gone out. This kind of weather is only suitable for sleeping in bed."

"Hey, are you two cold?" Satania looked down at herself, "I don't feel cold at all."

"Because the idiot is unresponsive." Gabriel squinted and complained, "You are actually cold now, but your body has not reacted, and it will take a long time to feel the coldness, just like a sloth, poking it with your hand After a while, it took me a long time to scratch my back with my hands."

"So it's like this..." Satania thought for a while, and then suddenly realized, "No, I'm not an idiot, I'm wise and stupid!"

Lafite smiled happily: "That's right, someone like His Highness Satania is actually very wise and foolish."

Hua Ye said: "The sloth's movements are slow, not its nerve response. Also, the sloth's arms can't scratch its back."

"Tear down the stage, right?" Gabriel raised her fist, her eyes were menacing, "Be careful of punching you with one fist."

"Hey, what are those two doing?" Alice pointed forward.

On the bridge are two middle school students, a man and a woman, who are raising their hands at the moment, as if they are making a gesture of commanding the wind, looking rather shameful.

Liuhua blinked her eyes, followed suit, and opened her hands and shouted, "Let the world feel my pain!"

Such a shameful second-year line made passers-by on the street look sideways, and even a few elementary school students passing by showed shocked expressions and walked away in shame.

At this time, you can see the balance of everyone's integrity.

Facing the astonished and strange eyes of passers-by, Lafite was still full of laughter, like an elegant young lady who was not surprised at all.

Gabriel didn't respond...to be precise, she was too lazy to react.

Satania even imitated Liuhua, raised her hands and shouted: "The world trembles because of my torment. I am the Destroyer of Destiny, the terminator of all things. Unstoppable, irreversible, I am Cataclysm!"

Only Alice's integrity remained. The girl with twin ponytails raised her hands to cover her face, and silently backed away a certain distance.

You chat, I go to the side to see the scenery.

Amidst the noise, I walked to the alley that I often walked. The stray dog ​​Xiaobai had been waiting for a long time, and was about to start today's hunt. However, he saw Huaye and his party beside Satania, with the expression on the dog's face. His expression froze immediately.

"Stupid lackey, you have no chance to beat me today."

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