Chapter 1099

"You can say such things?!" Igarashi took a step back, really frightened, "Are you still shameless?"

Hoshino Xia wasn't worried: "I just need classmate Hua Ye."

"Don't even think about it, he won't fall in love with a scheming girl like you!"

"I have breasts." Hoshino Xia puffed up her chest and stated the facts, "Just now I was discussing with classmate Hua Ye, and we will go to the rooftop to play at noon."

"Don't even think about it!"

Igarashi refused straight away.

The rooftop is her and Hua Ye's place. It nominally shares the infrastructure, but it is never open to students. In Igarashi's eyes, the rooftop is her own private territory, just like her own bedroom. How can she tolerate others breaking in?

"Making trouble, right?" Igarashi gritted her silver teeth, "Go, come out with me, I'm going to beat you to death today!"

"No." Hoshino Natsu shook her head, "Violence cannot solve the problem."

Igarashi's fingers crackled: "There's no need to solve the problem, just solve you!"

"What if classmate Hua Ye agrees to let me go to the rooftop?"

"He dares..." Igarashi turned to look at Hua Ye, his voice suddenly paused, "Where's that guy?"

"Hey, classmate Hua Ye?"

Hoshino Xia was also speechless and found that Hua Ye had disappeared from the two of them at some point.


"You're very good, kid." Jing Keai looked over with a half-smile, "You actually made two teachers jealous of you."

Hua Ye said, "It's not jealousy."

"what is that?"

Hua Ye thought for a while: "The needle point is against the wheat awn, or the bastard is against the mung bean?"

A row of black lines fell on Jing Keai's head, she raised her hand to cover her forehead and said, "Teacher, I don't know if I should say something..."

"Then stop talking."


Jing Keai was choked, and said with a dark face: "What's the matter with Teacher Hoshino's hair? I remember she has short hair, right?"

When she went to the airport to see off Shihua that day, she saw Hoshino Natsu's short hair in the video, and it turned back to her original look after a weekend, and it wasn't a wig, so she was naturally very curious.

Hua Ye nodded: "It's short hair, but it has grown back."

"How did it grow?" Jing Keai became more and more curious, "Explain."

Hua Ye shook his head: "You can't understand."

Behind Jing Keai, there was a black douqi turbulently drifting away. The Dou Zong strongman was so terrifying: "You really deserve a beating!"


In a blink of an eye, it was the second class in the afternoon.

When the bell was about to ring for the end of get out of class, Machiko took out her cell phone guiltily and nervously edited the text message.

"Hua Ye, why don't you wait for me at the subway station later?"

Shyness is on the one hand, and on the other hand, she is also afraid of being discovered by Lafite. The squinting black-bellied girl is super scary.

After the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Machiko sat on her seat and pretended to pack her stationery.

"Squad leader." The short-haired girl came over, "Go to the cooking department to participate in the activities?"

"You guys go." Machiko shook her head, "I still have something to do today..."

"Eh?" Ueno girl's eyes lit up, "Are you going on a date with classmate Hua Ye?"

"It's not a date." The squad leader shook his head hastily.

Sister Tanaka came over: "Only denying the date, but not denying that you are with classmate Hua Ye?"


Machiko's disguise was immediately broken, and a blush rose on her pretty face: "It's not what you think..."

"What was that like?"

Machiko bit her lower lip: "It's just watching a movie two, hurry up and go to the club!"

"Understood, monitor."

"We'll keep it a secret, monitor."

The two melon-eating girls raised their hands to salute, giggling: "Squad leader, come on! (〃'▽'〃)"

"I don't want you to come on!"

After a while, Machiko finally packed up the stationery, got up and walked to the subway station.

"Student Hua Ye."

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