Machiko followed Hua Ye's line of sight curiously, and soon saw in the children's area on the first floor, His Royal Highness, the cutest young girl in the world, looking over with sparkling eyes.

Kobayashi Kona.

This blue-eyed young dragon is wearing a pink half-sleeve long dress, paired with translucent white stockings, and round-toed shoes with a slight heel. Seeing it makes people want to pinch it, but they dare not force it, for fear that water will come out if it is pinched hard.

On the chubby and cute little face, a pair of eyes were surprisingly big, almost occupying half of the cheeks, and the eyes were as blue as the afternoon sky.

"Hey, it's Kang Nachan." The squad leader's eyes lit up, and he pulled Hua Ye over.

"Kana-chan, why are you here?" Machiko squatted down and asked softly.

Girls like cute and cute things, and Machiko is no exception, not to mention that the object is the world's cutest young girl, Her Highness, she has long become Kang Na's food officer just like Wei Nai.

Kang Na said softly, "Come shopping with Master Thor."

Although he has a radish head and small thick legs, he likes to stuff strange things into his mouth when he sees them, and then writes records in "Different World Recipes" and also likes to play pranks from time to time. He can play petty temper, but generally speaking, this blue-eyed dragonfly who adheres to the principle of "I'm relatively dumb" is quite well-behaved.

Machiko opened the backpack and found a piece of mint, "Kangna-chan, I have mints, do you want to eat?"

The fleshy little face with a little baby fat is like poison, tempting others to pinch it, but Machiko knows that if you don't feed Kanna, people won't pinch it, so at this time, you have to transform into a food officer.

Hearing the word mints, Kang Na opened her eyes wide, took a step back, and refused the monitor's offer: "Don't eat."


A bolt of lightning strikes down.

Machiko petrified in place.

"Kana-chan, why don't you eat candy?" Machiko asked nervously, "Is it because you feel unwell?"

Hua Ye said, "It's just that I don't like plum candy."

Don't look at this blue-eyed juvenile with a good appetite. Crabs, cicadas, dragonflies, shells and other species have been recorded in the recipes, but she also has things that she refuses to eat. The first is orange peels, grape peels and apple peels. It can be eaten, the orange peel is bad, it is super unpalatable.There is also the hell mints, the hell mints given by Xiaoqian, who once won the honor of defeating two giant dragons in a row.

Since then, Connor has stayed away from all mints.

Hua Ye said, "Baumkuchen?"

"To eat."


There was a place selling cakes on the first floor, and Hua Ye went to buy a Baumkuchen for Machiko.

"Kana-chan, I'll eat it for you." Machiko offered a sacrifice.

Dip——You have unlocked the pinch face permission.

Machiko pinched Kang Na's chubby face, the corners of her lips curled up, her eyes curved into crescent moons.

Hua Ye asked casually, "Where are the Tor people?"

"Master Thor went to help."

Speaking of Cao Cao, when Cao Cao arrived, Thor, who was wearing a maid outfit that has never changed for thousands of years, ran over from the entrance, and the trembling sound of "pu yo pu yo" from his chest was like the enchanting singing of a siren banshee, which made many The man fell into a state of desperation, and then there was a sound of grinning his teeth and taking in air-conditioning—this was the symptomatic reaction of being pinched by the unsightly female partner around him.

"Xiaoye, good afternoon."

Thor ran up to Hua Ye, showing his small canine teeth, and smiled energetically: "I brought Kangna here to buy things. Halloween is coming soon. Kangna said that some friends will come to play at that time, so I have to prepare for it." Some candies and snacks, and also, there are some Halloween activities in the school, and I need to buy some raw materials, and go back to make props by myself..."

The dragon maid was chattering, and without Hua Ye asking, she told all the reasons why she came here, and then slapped her forehead: "By the way, why did Xiao Ye come here?"

Hua Ye said, "Come and watch a movie with the monitor."

"Hey, watch a movie?" Thor's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said, "I want to watch a movie too."

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "Go and see for yourself."

"Xiao Ye is so ruthless." Thor was aggrieved, playing the emotional card, "I have never been to a movie theater to watch a movie."

A movie ticket is not expensive, so why don't you feel wronged if you don't watch it yourself?

Hua Ye said: "It takes a lot of time to watch a movie, why don't you go back and cook for Xiao Lin?"

"Xiao Lin is coming back very late." Thor waved his hand, "Usually come back at seven or eight o'clock, or even later, I asked Xiao Lin why he didn't come back earlier, Xiao Lin said that this is the default rule, the leader does not Let's go, they can't leave after finishing their work, and they say this is the daily life of social animals..."

Daily life of Kobayashi's social animals

I get up at seven o’clock every morning, wash my face and brush my teeth with blurred eyes, have breakfast, then go out and squeeze into the tram in the crowd, go to the company to clock in for work, eat lunch at the company or order takeaway at noon, continue to work in the afternoon, and then work overtime at night, At seven or eight o'clock, I can finally leave the company, drag my tired body and squeeze the subway again, go home to take a shower and sleep, open my eyes and it will be the next day, and then it will be repeated day by day... So don't look down on social animals, they are better than chickens Early, sleeps later than a dog, eats grass, and squeezes out blood!

"Xiao Ye, I also want to watch a movie." Thor looked over pitifully, completely without the consciousness of being a light bulb.

"Then, let's go together..."

The squad leader hesitated for a moment, but nodded and agreed. Her biggest weakness is that she can't refuse others. Facing Thor's pitiful eyes, she really can't say no.

Chapter 1101 I've Got It

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "Didn't you say you wanted to help Kang Na with shopping?"

"It's okay." Thor waved his hand, enthusiastically, "I've already written down where to sell it, and it won't be too late to buy it after watching the movie."

"Let's go then."

Ignoring the envious eyes of the melon-eaters, Hua Ye took Thor directly to the cinema on the third floor.

"Xiaoye, what movie are we watching?"

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