Hua Ye's face darkened slightly: "Get up, don't get your snot on my clothes."

"C-I don't have that kind of thing!" Tian Zhongnai hurriedly got up from Hua Ye's arms, turned his face away in a panic, and raised his hand to wipe his face, "A cute girl doesn't have a runny nose, O'Neill-chan, don't bully me."

Do you still have to say 'cute girls go to the bathroom, just to touch up makeup and wash their hands'?

However, the lacrimal gland and the nasal canal are connected, as long as you shed tears, you will definitely have a snot, okay?

While talking, the fat man who was about to escape came over, with a flattering smile on his face, and respectfully shouted: "Lord Hua Ye."

Hua Ye looked at the fat man, "Natsume Shinji?"

At that time, when I went to help with Miss Miko, the fat man once said that he wanted to slap the Demon Sword Girl until she became pregnant. Later, he was chased and killed by the Demon Sword Girl in various ways, and only escaped by running around with his head in his arms. So Hua Ye remembered the other party's name, of course , and the opponent's figure is also very eye-catching.

Among developed countries, Japan has the lowest obesity rate, only 4%. There are almost no fat people on the street. Squatting in front of the supermarket for a day can catch hundreds of fat people with big arms and round waists, most of them are middle-aged women...

One reason why Japan's obesity rate is so low is that Japanese food is mostly light, with many combinations and less greasy. Sometimes a vegetable can be divided into four or five plates. In addition, there are special laws and regulations. Being greatly affected, not to mention promotion, keeping the position is a problem.

It can be said that the fat man in front of him is quite rare.

"It's me, it's me." The smile on the fat man's face became even more obsequious. As an old fritter, as long as he can get along well and hug his thighs, he doesn't care about face at all.

"grown ups?"

Jing Keai looked at Fatty and then at Hua Ye, even more surprised.

This fat man is an onmyoji after all, and after fighting that monster for so long just now, his attitude is so respectful now... What is Hua Ye's identity?

The fat man glanced at the mature and pretty Jing Keai, obviously misunderstood, and said with a smile: "In the entire Onmyoji Association, there are too many people who want to talk to adults, and adults can actually remember me. The name, you can blow it for three months when you look back!"


Not only Jing Keai and Tian Zhongnan were shocked by this statement, but even Hua Ye was shocked.

I've seen shameless people, but I've never seen such shameless people, why don't you just brag about it for three years!

The fat man stretched out his chubby right hand to compare, and said solemnly: "Master Hua Ye can hit me ten times with one hand..."

At the villa that day, Miss Miko showed her supernatural power and shot and killed several enemy shikigami by herself. Many onmyojis were astonished as heavenly beings. After that, the investigation of Miss Miko was naturally indispensable.

Natsume Shinshi had met Miss Miko before, and although they were just acquaintances, the Qianye Liuli in his memory was about the same strength as him, and now he suddenly became an existence he could only look up to, and he wouldn't believe it if there was no weirdness among them.

Naturally, Hua Ye was found.

His intuition told him that Hua Ye must be a very important person, and just now he even scared a monster to kneel with his head in his arms without making a move, completely confirming his guess.

What should I do if I encounter such a powerful person?

Of course it's a thigh hug!

Although onmyojis are higher than ordinary people, they also have classes inside. For ordinary onmyojis like myself, there is no shame in hugging their thighs.

"Oni-chan is so powerful?"

Tian Zhong Nai held Hua Ye's arm and did not let go. He was pale from fright just now, but now he became excited again, his face was full of excitement.

Jing Keai also opened her eyes wide, as if meeting Hua Ye for the first time, she couldn't help but look at him strangely.

There was no fluctuation in Hua Ye's heart. He never thought of deliberately keeping his identity a secret. After all, no one in this world could pose a threat to him.

"I'm going back."

This matter was just a small episode, Hua Ye solved it smoothly, and was going to continue drinking coffee.

"My lord, go slowly, and leave the rest to me." The fat man nodded and bowed, "I will send this unruly monster to the monster management center, and teach him the principles of life."

Hua Ye shook his head: "This is a human, not a monster."

One sentence surprised all three present.

"You said this a human?" Jing Keai said in disbelief.

A guy who can grow gray hair all over his body, his eyes turn red, canine teeth grow out of his mouth, and he has ferocious claws, isn't he human?

"He wears a ring on his left hand." Hua Ye said, "It was the ring that turned him into a half-demon."

Tian Zhongnai looked down, and sure enough, he saw a dusty and inconspicuous ring on the right hand of the man in the windbreaker. "Is that the jade ring? It turns out that the jade ring can also turn people into werewolves."

Hua Ye said: "It's a bone, a ring polished from the bone of a wolf demon."


Tian Zhongnai was taken aback, and hid behind Hua Ye, suddenly remembered something, and asked curiously: "Oni-chan, did you mean that this damned guy was just an ordinary person before?"

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

"Then he turned into the scary monster just now, all because of the ring?" "

"After putting it on, you can get a part of the demon power remaining in the ring, and become a half-demon. It's no problem to take it off."

Natsume Shinji bent down and pulled out the ring, and handed it to Hua Ye respectfully: "My lord, please check the spoils."

The bad girl Wen Nai's eyes lit up, she was obviously looking forward to it, but she obediently didn't ask Hua Ye for it.

Jing Keai also moved her finger. The ring that can give people the power of monsters should be very precious, right?

Chapter 1108 The teacher is on maternity leave...

What happened just now opened the door to a new world for Jing Keai.

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