The bedroom door slammed shut.

On the sofa in the living room.

The atmosphere was still awkward.

"That... my cousin is not like this usually." Alice blushed, and whispered to her cousin, "It must have just woke up, so I was a little dazed."

Lafite stretched out a slender finger: "Well, just pretend that this kind of thing didn't happen, there's no need to explain it, and don't discuss it."

"Only when you are alone, can you see a person's true face." Hua Ye said calmly, "Obviously, your cousin is a bitch."


Alice opened her mouth, and found that she was speechless. The image of her cousin who wet the bed in front of her was completely gone!

However, the face of the cousin still needs to be maintained. This little bean opened its teeth and claws, acting fiercely: "Don't talk nonsense in front of the cousin, I will bite you!"

Chapter 1120 Detective Lafite (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival)

After a moment.

Aunt Xiaochi came out of the bedroom with an apologetic expression: "I'm sorry, Yoko has caused you trouble."

"No." Alice quickly shook her head, "If I hadn't said something wrong, my cousin might have survived to the bathroom..."

Forget about children, bed-wetting for people in their twenties is really not a glorious thing, so everyone shut up tacitly and stopped talking about the incontinence incident.

"I'm going to get some fruit."

Aunt Xiaochi turned around and went to the kitchen, brought out the washed fruit, and said, "Alice, can you tell me what's going on?"

After going through what happened just now, she was convinced that things were not as simple as they appeared on the surface, and she couldn't wake up even if she pinched someone, which really scared her a lot.

"Auntie, my cousin fell asleep for so long, it should be related to what happened last night..." Alice pursed her lips. "A while ago, Auntie knew about the incident in the underground parking lot of the hotel?"

Aunt Xiaochi already had a bad premonition in her heart, and her smile was a bit forced: "Didn't it mean that there is a problem with the circuit?"

"It's not a circuit problem." Alice shook her head, "There really are ghosts."


Aunt Xiaochi's hands trembled slightly, she took a deep breath, and tried to keep herself calm: "You mean that Yoko's symptoms just now are related to the... ghost last night?"

Alice said seriously: "It should be, otherwise Cousin Yangzi wouldn't be like this. Auntie should know Cousin Yangzi very well."

Aunt Xiaochi has already believed in most of her heart. Alice is the child she watched growing up, and it is impossible to lie to her about this kind of thing.

"Is there a ghost in Yoko's bedroom?"

"No." Lafite shook his head. "Student Hua Ye said that there is no ghost in the room. Cousin Yangzi is probably bewildered by the ghost. If we don't solve the ghost behind it, maybe similar incidents will happen."

"What should I do?"

Aunt Xiaochi became nervous again. She was going to use the euphemistic order to get Hua Ye and the three of them to leave first, but now she dared not say a word. If her daughter had another accident at home, she would not even have the chance to ask for help.

"Just leave it to him." Alice stretched out a light white finger, and tapped Hua Ye lightly, with a proud expression on her small face, "Don't look at him like this, he's actually very powerful To be honest, he was the one who solved the hotel parking lot incident last time."

"What do you mean by this appearance?" Hua Ye turned to look at Ao Douding, "If you want to be slapped, just say so."

"A little bit."

"Auntie, the ins and outs of the matter have not been clarified yet." Lafite activated the detective mode and analyzed the matter one by one, "I only know that Cousin Yangzi fell asleep under the influence of the ghost, and I don't know where the ghost came from. If Yes, it is best to ask Cousin Yangzi to cooperate with us in the investigation, and investigate the truth of the matter as soon as possible, so that everyone can feel at ease."

"That's the reason." Aunt Xiaochi nodded, got up and walked to the bedroom, "I'll call Yoko out."


Yoko Koike didn't agree at first, if you can't let me go out, I will go out, and wet the bed in front of my cousin and her friends, if I am not timid, I would have jumped off the stairs by now!

She is now only looking forward to Alice leaving, so that she can go to the bathroom to wash up, and then continue to hide in the room to pretend to be an ostrich.

As a result, the mother came in and said, "The matter has not been resolved, and if the truth behind it is not clear, the ghost may come to the door." Between the life-threatening danger brought by the ghost and the shame of bedwetting... Koike Yoko decisively chose the former.

Of course, before the investigation, Koike Yoko went to the bathroom to take a shower and changed clothes, and then walked over slowly and sat down.

It wasn't counted before, but now it's the official meeting.

Hua Ye's eyes stayed on the opponent for a second longer, and he quickly came up with the corresponding data. He is only [-] meters tall, has a very ordinary figure, weighs [-] kilograms, has a melon-shaped face, and his appearance is above the standard line. It can be said that She is a beautiful woman, but she was completely defeated in front of Lafite.

At this moment, his face was flushed, and he didn't know if it was from being steamed in the bathroom, or because of his previous shame.

"Alice, thank you just now..."

Koike Yoko coughed lightly to break the embarrassment, and then briefly greeted Hua Ye and Lafite, and everyone cleverly avoided the topic of incontinence just now.

Alice said: "Cousin, you should understand the situation, now tell us what happened?"

"I don't know where to start..."

Lafite sat upright: "Then start from the beginning."

"Okay." Koike Yoko put on a bitter face, combing his hair with one hand, "Halloween is coming soon, and there are no classes in college, so I plan to go home for two days..."

Said and looked at Aunt Xiaochi who was sitting next to her, "Because I miss my mother."

Aunt Xiaochi was unmoved: "Let's get down to business."

"On the way back, I happened to meet some friends from high school. We haven't seen each other for a long time. Someone proposed to go to KTV to sing, and I agreed." Yoko Koike crossed his arms and thought carefully, "Everyone went to KTV and asked for a room. The private room, and then singing, chatting, talking about life after high school graduation, and drinking a little fruit wine in the middle... At nine o'clock, I saw that it was not early, so I was going to take two photos and go home..."

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