Lafite nodded, took out a pencil and took notes: "What did Cousin Yangzi do?"

"Well, it's nothing, it's just everyone chatting and singing..." Koike Yoko's tone was a little erratic.

"Cousin Yangzi, now is not the time to be shy." Lafite pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, with the aura of a detective, "The truth is hidden in the details, we can't let go of any detail."

After speaking, Xiang Huaye blinked, and the smile on the corner of his lips was fleeting.

Hua Ye looked disgusted.

You are still addicted. If you were not on the way here, you quietly sent a message saying that you want to solve the case by reasoning and use violent means to solve the situation. Now all problems will be solved!

"Okay." Yoko Koike pointed to the sofa in the corner, "After everyone came in, Yoshino and I just sat there and ate a few chocolate bars..."

"It's this kind of snack, right?" Alice took out a box of Glico's pocky chocolate bars from the vending machine next to her, walked over to Lafite and sat down, then opened the package, took one casually, click Click, "And then?"

"It's not this way of eating." Yoko Koike shook his head, "It's the way of eating between lovers."

"Cousin, cousin?!"

Alice subconsciously leaned back.

"Yoshino and I have formally dated each other, so this way of eating is nothing, right?" Yoko Koike spread his hands and said.

Japan is a country with open and closed sexual concepts. It is impossible for strangers to talk about dirty jokes, but with a good relationship, it is entirely possible to exchange boudoir fun in private.

Alice's face quickly flushed red.

The couple eating method of chocolate bar means that one person bites one end of the chocolate bar, the other person bites the other end, and then the two people eat together in the middle, and their lips will touch their lips if they are not careful.

The problem is, now I have to eat chocolate bars in the same way as Master Bai Yu, in case I accidentally kiss Master Bai Yu... Thinking about such a scene will make people cover their faces!

"Alice." Lafite blinked, "If you can't accept it, let classmate Hua Ye play it?"

"No, no!"

Alice hurriedly shook her head, her ponytails swaying behind her back, "I won't let that big villain bully Lord Bai Yu."

The short bean gnawed his teeth: "I ate it with Lord Baiyu. Anyway, in those light novels, if there is a truth or dare plot, there will always be a chocolate bar as punishment, no, it's nothing..."

Alice took a deep breath, pressed her fist against her chest, but her face was already flushed, she raised her face and said, "Master Bai Yu, come, come."

Rafi pulled out a new chocolate bar and bit one end.

"Ah uh..."

Alice's face flushed, and she opened her mouth to bite the other end.

The two beautiful girls began to eat chocolate bars silently... so the script is wrong!

What about investigating the case?

Why did the two of you become so angry!


The cell phone vibrated suddenly, and Alice, who was already nervous, was startled, turned her head subconsciously, and brushed past Lafite's lips.


Alice jumped up as if on a spring, her face was redder than a ripe apple, and she stammered, "Master Shira-Shiroba, I'm sorry!"

"Well, it's okay, it's not like I haven't drunk the same cup before." Lafite raised his hand and wiped his lower lip, then blinked his eyes suddenly, and said with a smile, "Thank you for the hospitality."


Alice covered her face with her hands.

Although it was the first time dedicated to Master Bai Yu, I didn't feel it at all, I just felt icy and cold, without the "sweet and sour, trembling feeling like an electric shock" written in light novels, or... because Bai Yu The adult is a girl, so I don't feel it. If I kiss a boy, will it be different?

"Hua Ye, did the ghost appear?" Lafite asked.

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "No."

"Maybe it's because Alice and I are girls, that ghost might not like other people showing affection..." Lafite crossed his arms and began to reason, "Perhaps only the cooperation of a man and a woman can make the ghost appear."


The black-bellied girl snapped her fingers.



"Student Hua Ye, come and sit down." Lafite patted the sofa beside him.

"Isn't that bad?" Yoko Koike was taken aback: "You don't need to do this, you can wait for Yoshino to come over..."

"Cousin needless to say." Lafite interrupted, and the black-bellied girl said solemnly, "Every minute that passes means one more minute of danger. No one knows when that ghost will attack Cousin Yangzi again."

"For the safety of my cousin, it's nothing for Hua Ye and I to sacrifice."


your sister!He said it so righteously, he was clearly trying to evade taxes!

"Then thank you all..." Xiaochi Yoko was very moved, apparently being fooled by Lafite.

"Yes, damn it!"

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