"Bang bang bang."

There was a knock on the door suddenly.

Alice, who was thinking about how to put Hua Ye under her body, was taken aback, and subconsciously hid behind Lafite: "There is someone outside, it must be that ghost?"

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "It's your housekeeper."


Alice looked at the phone, only to realize that she was fascinated by the music just now, and accidentally missed the message from Norika Fujiwara, so she hurried over to open the door, "Sister Jixiang, are you back?"

The housekeeper nodded slightly and said:

"I just communicated with the general manager of this mass-market KTV, and he agreed to cooperate with our investigation. In the past year, there have been no accidents or deaths in KTV..."

KTV is not a hotel and does not need to register customer information, so it is very difficult to check. If Alice's family is not a big consortium, no one will pay attention to her.

Lafite pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and turned on the famous detective mode: "Sister Ji Xiang, has there been a similar phenomenon of comatose guests?"

"No." The housekeeper shook her head, "I have investigated various KTV claims in the past year, and there is no incident of unconsciousness for no reason."

The effect of the investigation is very small, and there is basically no gain. It mainly depends on whether Hua Ye can catch the ghost. As long as the ghost is caught, follow the previous process, directly sketch the appearance of the other party, and then ask the people who work in the police system to review , things will be much simpler.

"Two possibilities." Lafite stretched out a slender finger, and analyzed, "One is that the ghost has no reason or reason, anyway, it is targeting Cousin Yangzi."

"The second is that we haven't found any real clues yet."

"I'm more inclined to the latter possibility. The truth is hidden in something that we haven't discovered yet. Because of something or a certain item, Cousin Yangzi was targeted by a ghost..."

Yoko Koike hesitated slightly.

"Cousin Yangzi?" Lafite caught the other party's hesitation, "If you have anything to say, please say it directly."

"It's like this..." Koike Yoko raised his hand and rolled up a strand of hair around his ear, bit his lip, his face flushed slightly, "I saw an old book in the school library a few days ago, which contains A 'love spell' that allows each other to hear each other's heart..."

"What spell?" Lafite took out his notebook and asked earnestly.

"It is to draw a pentagram on the back of the hand, and then hold each other's fingers..."

"With, with fingers?"

Alice took a step back, dumbfounded.

Cousin, you have changed, you are no longer that dead cousin, now you are a female driver, maybe one day you will evolve into a taller old driver on Qiuming Mountain!

Facing Alice's shocked gaze, Yoko Koike turned his head in embarrassment: "I drank a little wine at the time, so I was a little impulsive..."

"Is there any more?" Lafite asked, "If there is, please finish it."

"There is one more step." Koike Yoko said with a blushing face, "After holding your fingers, use this hand to hold each other's heart, so as to shorten the distance between hearts..."

"No, that kind of thing...it's too much..." Alice shook her head vigorously, her golden twin ponytails flicked back and forth, flashing a dazzling arc under the light, and she didn't know what this short bean was thinking of. What kind of picture, instead, he became the person with the reddest face in the private room.

"All in all, that's all." Yoko Koike said, "Sure enough, let's wait for Yoshino to come over..."


"No one knows when the ghost will make a second attack."

"Solve the problem as soon as possible, so that we can feel completely at ease. After all, we still have to go to class, so we can't stay with Cousin Yangzi all the time." Lafite looked at Hua Ye, his eyes quickly turned into crescent moons, "Student Hua Ye, do you want Do you want to include the index finger, or do you want to include the middle finger?"


Chapter 1126 Mosaic is still Holy Light

"I object to this marriage!" Alice stood up first, puffing her cheeks and said, "H is not allowed!"

Alice paused, blushing and said:

"As long as there are two people, it's fine? I, Master Bai Yu and I can do this kind of thing..."


Koike Yoko opened his eyes wide, and his whole body was in a mess.

The situation is not right.

I used to suspect that the relationship between the three people was two girls fighting for a boy, but now it seems... the cousin seems to be bent?

"But Cousin Yoko signed a love spell with a boy." Lafite said, "Two girls can't do it?"

"How do you know it won't work if you haven't tried it?" Alice insisted, "What if it works?"

"Do not bother."

How could it be possible to hold your finger in front of so many people, shameless!

Hua Ye turned his head and looked towards the corner, "Go and find me the ghost who caused trouble in this private room."

Koike Yoko turned his head to look, there was nothing in the corner, he couldn't help asking curiously: "Did you just talk to the air?"

"It's a ghost."

The number of ghosts is much smaller than that of monsters, but in a city with a population of millions, you can always encounter some.

When Lafite was singing just now, a ghost floated in with nothing to do. Hua Ye ignored it, eating chocolate bars and singing, but now it has been upgraded to holding fingers. Hua Ye thought it was impossible, so he directly Order the local snake ghost here to help with things.

The ghost was a little dazed at first, but after looking at Hua Ye, instinctive panic appeared on his face, he nodded again and again, and quickly floated out.

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