"Hey, the hero's liquid... came in again..."

"I feel the magic power flowing in my body..."

"The knee pillow of the brave... feels so comfortable..."

Hua Ye's heart didn't fluctuate. Only a female driver like Lafite can really drive a car, and a driver like Liuhua can be regarded as a wooden toy car at best.

However, during the process of applying the eye drops, Hua Ye suddenly discovered a problem.

Liuhua should have taken a bath before, but now she is wearing a maid outfit made by her own tailor, obviously without underwear, and lying down now, the size and outline of her chest are clearly highlighted.

Just a simple visual inspection, it is very common to be inferior to A, and it is at the same level as the useless angel next door.

Hua Ye wanted to remind her, but after thinking about it, she still didn't say it out loud. Two days ago, when Liuhua stepped on soap in the bathroom and accidentally fell down, she was already looking clean, even if there was a mole on her body. Know clearly.

Just after the potion was applied, there was a feeble knock on the door.

Hua Ye walked over to open the door, and there was a crippled angel standing outside the door. His hair was a little messy, he was wearing a red autumn gown, and he didn't even wear stockings on his legs. His two short, white legs looked like sheep. Zhi Meiyu was particularly dazzling in the night, but it was a pity that when the cold wind blew, she shivered.

"Huh, it's so cold..."

Gabriel put her hands in her pockets, walked in, sat down on the sofa, and turned on the salted fish mode. If her sister Jiael saw her, she would definitely be taught a lesson.

"Hungry?" Hua Ye asked.

"Tch." Gabriel curled her lips, "Do you think I came here just to find food?"

Hua Ye looked disgusted and said: "The last time I ate pocky chocolate bars and a bag of pistachios, the last time was..."

"Shut up." The crippled angel raised its fist, warning with eyes, "I'll beat you up."

"Maybe it's the opposite of everything?" Gabriel held her chin in one hand and thought for a while, "Suddenly I've had enough of the game, so today I came to sleep with Liuhua."

"Huh?" Liuhua was a little disappointed, "I still want to live a two-person world with the brave man..."

"You think too much."

Even if you live in a world of two, with a fragile body like yours, if you use a little more force, you will be cracked and broken.

So very rarely, Hua Ye and Gabriel watched TV together.

It is necessary to mention that, unlike China's two-episode TV dramas every day, Japanese TV dramas only have one episode per week, which is the same as fan dramas.

In fact, most Japanese dramas are produced in a mode of filming while broadcasting, which is exactly the same as American dramas. This is the principle of "economic first", and the plot will be adjusted according to the ratings to better cater to the overall taste of the audience.

Then the Japanese Ministry of Education has clearly stipulated that the broadcasting time of all TV series should not exceed 3 months at most, so no matter how long a Japanese TV series is, it will not exceed twelve episodes. Most of them are eleven episodes, and there are only a few very popular TV series. There will be an extra episode of episode 13.

Because one episode is played a week, the interval is very long, so there will be a summary of the previous episodes before the TV series starts.

After the synopsis is over, there will be a series of sponsor advertisements. In order to prevent the audience from changing channels, the advertisements will be combined with the plot clips of this episode to attract the audience's interest.

For example, at this moment, the scene on TV is a ramen restaurant. In a brightly lit ramen restaurant, the male protagonist in a suit is sitting behind the table, talking to the middle-aged chef of the ramen restaurant. Steaming, red and green, sprinkled with chopped green onion and shredded carrots, the tonkotsu ramen can make people's index fingers move at first glance, and it seems that the fragrance can be smelled through the screen.

Gabriel rubbed her belly subconsciously, then turned to look at Hua Ye: "I'm hungry, I want some noodles."

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "Didn't you just say you weren't hungry?"

"The past was the past, and the present is the present." The crippled angel said irrationally, "You have eaten breakfast, don't you need dinner?"

Liuhua raised her hand beside her in agreement: "I'm hungry too, I want to eat the noodle 0v0 from the brave man."

Hua Ye said with disgust: "You guys will gain weight like this."

"No way." Liuhua shook her head, "I have a physique that won't gain weight no matter what I eat, and the holy conditioner also told me to eat more so that I can gain weight."

Hua Ye groaned, and complained expressionlessly: "I remember someone once said the same thing..."

"Shut up, you're the one who talks too much." Gabriel raised her foot and tried to kick it, but Hua Ye grabbed her. The soles of her feet were cold and felt like ice.

Hua Ye said: "The feet are too cold, soak them in hot water before going to bed."

Hot water has the effect of curing all diseases. Not only can you drink more, but the effect of soaking your feet is also very good. It is highly recommended.

"If you don't soak it, you'll get water all over the floor, which is very troublesome."

The useless angel put its other leg on Hua Ye's leg honestly, it seemed that girls like this way of putting it on.

The ad has finished playing.

Into the title.

The scene changed, and two women were drinking in a bar. One woman had a sad expression. She had just lost her relationship in the last episode a week ago. The other woman had a different way of comforting: "The survey shows that high-income groups prefer poor breasts. Only those low-income people like women with big breasts..."

"Brave and brave." Liuhua asked curiously, "Do you like the big one or the small one?"

"Small ones." Hua Ye looked at Gabriel, "Because poor breasts are a scarce resource."


Chapter 1130 Watching Jobs with Gabriel

"Men are animals dominated by the lower body..." The long-haired woman on TV took a sip of wine, her eyes were disgusted, and her tone was mocking, "Kissing is just a hand used to cover up rubbing breasts... Heh, man."

Gabriel glanced at Hua Ye with disgust, "Oh, man."

Hey, you're too much, you didn't rub you when you kissed, okay, because you can't touch A at all.

Liuhua blinked her eyes, followed behind and said, "Oh, man."

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