Kannazuki is October in the Japanese calendar. It has no special meaning. There is also Sankaiyue, which refers to the crescent moon on the night of the third day of junior high school. It is also very common. interesting.

The literal translation of "Little Birds Tour" is 'No Eagles'. By extension, it becomes the birds playing freely in the sky.

As we all know, Japan is the country with the third most surnames in the world, with more than [-], because before the [-]th century, Japanese civilians were not allowed to have surnames. Later, the Emperor issued a decree, forcing all civilians to give themselves a surname. The status of the common people in ancient times can be imagined. They didn't even know a single word. How could they get a good surname? As a last resort, they had to name everything they could think of, so "My grandson" and "Niuchang" were born. ', 'Nose hair', 'Quanyang' and other surnames.

"Sister Ji Xiang said that Miss You Nai passed away five years ago." Alice chirped, "When she died, she was only eighteen years old, and she was studying in the same school as us."

As long as you know who the ghost girl is, it's easy to handle. It's hard for ordinary people to find someone from a portrait, but a powerful family has enough energy. They can talk to each other from officials to gangsters. Investigate all life experiences, such as which school you have attended, which neighbors and friends you have had.

"The investigation has been done." Lafite stretched out a finger and said, "The 'very important person' that Miss Yuna mentioned is Hayato Watanabe."

The black-bellied girl asked with a smile, "Hua Ye, guess what kind of relationship they have?"

"Don't guess."

Anyway, it's not an ordinary relationship between a man and a woman. If it was that simple, you wouldn't show such a dark smile!

"Student Hua Ye, let's take a guess." Lafite approached, with a charming expression and a soft voice.

Alice felt sad for a while.

Now in front of me, Lord Bai Yu has been making out with the big villain more and more openly in front of me... Should I be happy or disappointed?

The dwarf bean quickly chased away the lost emotions, looking forward to saying: "Guess what, the relationship will definitely shock you."


Hua Ye raised his eyebrows.

There is no strong resentment on the ghost girl, which proves that she was not murdered, but an accident, such as slipping and falling into the bathtub, because the suicide will be surrounded by sin marks, and heaven refuses to accept it.

Hayato Watanabe, male name.

If it's an ordinary couple relationship, it won't shock people. The things that can shock people are nothing more than 'daughter Ellie is so wonderful', 'stories that teachers and students have to tell', and 'brother and sister'. Little relationship after the rain'.

The first rule is that if it's a father-daughter relationship, Short Douding's expression is not shock, but disgust and disgust.

Eighteen and eighteen are despised perverts, but eighteen and twenty-eight are completely acceptable ages. Eighteen is almost the third grade, as long as you don't do taboo things with male teachers during school , get married after graduating from high school, and not many people care about it, so the possibility is low.

and so……

"Are these two brothers and sisters?" Hua Ye said calmly.

"Ehhh?" Alice opened her eyes wide, as if the person who wanted to spoil the spoiler was spoiled instead, with a 0v0 expression, "How do you know?"

Hua Ye said, "Guess."

"There's no way to guess so accurately." The little bean couldn't help but complain, "You didn't use mind reading skills on me, did you?"

"Not interested in."

"So you really know how to read minds!"

"Ann, let's talk as we walk." Lafite held Alice and walked out with a smile, "Miss Phantom's most important person has been found, let's take her to meet."

on the road.

Alice couldn't help but start to spoiler again: "Miss Yuna and that Hayato Watanabe are actually half-brothers and sisters. After their parents divorced, they cut off contact and each had a new family. After various moves, they came to the same city. Miss Yuna and that Watanabe went to high school together. They didn't know each other's identity. Under mutual attraction, they became boyfriend and girlfriend, and they were finally discovered by her mother. ..."

Alice said a lot of things, seeing Hua Ye's face was calm and unwavering, she couldn't help poking Hua Ye with her hand: "Hey, do you have any objections?"

"What opinion?"

Alice puffed up her cheeks: "It's just to express an opinion on this kind of thing."

Hua Ye said: "Learn about the phenomenon of 'hereditary sexual attraction'."

"I know this. Brothers and sisters who didn't grow up together will have an innate sexual attraction. This is due to the fact that both of them have the same genetic genes. When they grow up, they are likely to fall in love with each other..." Ai Li Si complained, "I'm asking what should they do after dating? It will be very painful, right?"

"In myths and stories, there are many situations where siblings are together, such as Fuxi and Nuwa in China, Osiris and Isis in Egypt, Zeus and Hera in Greece, and Adam and Eve."

"Hey, so does Adam and Eve?" Alice opened her eyes wide.

Hua Ye complained: "Adam and Eve are regarded as the ancestors of mankind, and only two people reproduced a race..."

"Student Hua Ye, don't talk nonsense." Lafite was a little nervous, and quickly grabbed Hua Ye's hand.

Although no one dared to say it clearly, but God is super vengeful, and he would be put on little shoes if he slandered behind his back.

"So the truth is like this!" Alice was in a bad mood, "I've never thought of such a thing before..."

Lafite changed the subject: "This kind of behavior is wrong. Brothers and sisters are together, and the offspring will easily get sick or deformed. Moreover, the law does not allow brothers and sisters to marry."

"Marriage is divided into legal marriage and de facto marriage." Hua Ye said, "Swedish law allows half-brothers and sisters to marry, but special approval from the government is required."

The law stipulates that marriage is to allow two people to form a fixed contractual relationship, and to use the law to ensure the distribution of interests between the two parties and the relationship of support and support.The two families held a banquet, but did not go to the registration department to obtain a marriage certificate, which is called a de facto marriage, and cohabitation is not a marriage relationship.

"As for the offspring with genetic defects, just adopt a child."

Alice retorted: "I can't help it, what should I do if I wiped the gun and misfired?"

Hua Ye said calmly, "Ligation, let's find out."

Chemical castration, physical castration, prefrontal lobotomy surgery... There are so many ways to make people unable to have children.Enjoying pleasure is the purpose, and reproduction is just a way.

"Why do you know so clearly?" Alice couldn't help complaining, "Sure enough, lolicons are all invisible girls, right?"

"Huh?" Eyes warning.

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