You're enough, it's shameless to let you feed things on the street.

"You were so positive when you ate the chocolate bar yesterday..." Lafite murmured, "Alice, open your mouth."

Alice blushed slightly, unable to refuse at all, she could only open her mouth slightly: "Ah—"

"Well, I'm full." The black-bellied girl patted her stomach, and handed the remaining two octopus balls together with the box to Hua Ye, "Let's help with the remaining students Hua Ye."

Hua Ye lowered his head and glanced, what was the crescent-shaped bite mark on it, since he bit it, he would eat it all.

Wandering all the way, when he was about to walk out of the snack street, the phone rang suddenly.

Hua Ye took out his mobile phone, and it was a call from Haruka Kitano, the glasses girl.

Press the connect button at will.

"That, is that classmate Hua Ye?"

Hua Ye said, "It's me."

A soft and timid voice came from the other end of the phone, "Does Hua Ye still remember what I said the night before yesterday?"

Hua Ye responded, "I'll be there later."

"Huh..." A relieved voice sounded from the other end of the phone, "Thank you Hua Ye!"


When Hua Ye called, he didn't shy away from it, and Alice pricked up his ears to eavesdrop.

When Hua Ye hung up the phone, Shorty Douding looked forward and couldn't help complaining: "The voice is so strange, I don't remember it at all... How many girls have you bullied behind Master Bai Yu's back?"

Hua Ye looked down: "What is the standard of bullying?"

"It's, it's..."

Touching the head, pinching the face, and spanking other girls are all acts of bullying girls.

Alice couldn't say it. Using this standard, wouldn't it mean that she had also been bullied?

This little bean put his hands on his chest, turned his head and murmured: "You know it in your heart."

I understand your uncle, this kind of answer is simply kicking the ball.

"Student Hua Ye's hobby is to bully girls." Lafei clasped his hands together and said pitifully, "Weak girls like us can't ask Hua Ye where they are going, who they meet, and what is their relationship. They will be bullied viciously." said."

Hua Ye said with a straight face: "It's Kitano Haruka, the person in charge of collecting homework in the class. He called just now to ask me to go to the hospital. He saw her mother's ghost in the parking lot that night, and put it away casually. That's it. .”

"Kitano Haruka... I have no impression at all." Alice shook her head, "Do you have a good relationship with her?"

Hua Ye said, "Student relationship."

Alice was dubious: "You are not a helpful guy, why should you help?"

Hua Ye said: "Because she was asked to help deal with the shoe cabinet love letters."


Twenty minutes later.

The door of the hospital.

Lafite and Alice didn't follow, after all, the two of them had never seen the glasses girl before, and the other party was in the hospital, so it was obviously not good to disturb her hastily.

"Oni-chan!" A figure ran over with surprise in his eyes, "You are finally here."

It's the bad girl Tian Zhongnan.

Ever since she was rescued by Hua Ye in the alley that night, this middle school girl felt that Hua Ye brought her out to give her more face, so she "renewed her mind" and changed back to the appearance of an ordinary little girl, giving Hua Ye love bento from time to time, However, Hua Ye gave all the bento to the glasses girl, knowing that she was rejected, but he was not discouraged. Recently, he has a tendency to become a follower.

"Oni-chan, my cousin is waiting for you in the ward." Tian Zhongnai put his hands behind his back, raised his face, revealing a section of his snow-white neck, and smiled happily, "Shall we go up?"


Walking on the road, Tian Zhongnai chirped and said, "Since my aunt passed out, my cousin has become stupid. I used to worry about what my cousin would do if my aunt passed away..."

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "I'm worried about your cousin, so you stop at the school gate to collect your cousin's pocket money?"

"That, those are all things in the past, O'Neill sauce don't mention it anymore, it's so embarrassing." Tian Zhongnai raised his hand to cover his face, maliciously showing cuteness, and then stretched out two light-white fingers to lightly tap on his chest, " I didn’t just bully my cousin. When my aunt was in the hospital, there were bear children near the old house who threw stones at the window of my cousin’s house, and said that it was my cousin who brought the bad luck... I took my sisters to teach those bear children a lesson. , otherwise they wouldn't be so honest."

In that case, I would also like to thank you for collecting the protection fee!

"By the way, Oni-chan." Tian Wennan said in a nervous whisper, "Eriyi and Sakurano didn't bump into someone on purpose last time. They also wanted to apologize, but they were too embarrassed to say so. Girls in the rebellious stage are always very nervous. trouble."

These two girls should be the middle school girls who bumped into Machiko at the subway station that day.

Tian Zhongnai looked at Hua Ye, and said cautiously: "Eliyi has been having nightmares for several days after returning home. If Oni-chan is still angry, I will ask them to go to Oni-chan to apologize tomorrow..."

Between Lian Po and Lin Xiangru, it was called a guilty plea, and the two girls were asked to take off their upper body clothes and carry wooden sticks on their backs to be punished. That's SM, okay?

Tian Zhongnai said again: "But after O'Neill is out of breath, he has to take responsibility."

"What responsibility?"

"Neither Eriyi nor Sakurano have ever dated boyfriends, and Oni-chan has seen all of them. Of course, Oni-chan is responsible."

Hua Ye looked at the bad girl.

Tian Zhongnai hurriedly looked away with erratic eyes and came out to mess around. Loyalty is the most important thing. Although he has left the 'jianghu', he still needs to take care of his former followers.

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