What do you do, stop sniffing around like a puppy.

Seeing Hua Ye staring at him, Thor quickly shook his head and said, "No way!"


"Kangna said Master Xiaoye's smell is very good, and it's really comfortable to sniff now, and it's completely different from the smell of other humans." Thor explained, and then said cautiously: "But even so, H's request is not acceptable. !Because I belong to Master Kobayashi!"

Shut up!Who would have H demands on your maid dragon, maybe if you are not careful, you will be crushed to death by that pair of big chests!

Thor blinked and said, "But when Master Xiao Ye came to visit, didn't he often peek at my breasts?"

As soon as these words came out, Wei Nai immediately turned her head and stared at him with disdain.

Not peeking at all!

Just wondering when exactly your clothes will pop open!

Thor stretched out a finger, nodded his lips, and continued: "Although H's matter is not allowed, but if you use your chest/chest as a greeting, you can consider it..."

Do you remember this crop!

Which country would have such a bad meeting ceremony!

"No, get out!!"


Naturally, Wei Nai would not buy cat ear headgear, but Kang Na and Thor bought two pairs, and even Rafael bought a pair with malicious intentions.

Arrive at the cash register to check out.

"Hello, the total is [-] yen." The cashier smiled.

"What, what?" Thor was taken aback, "So expensive?"

She opened the wallet, hesitantly: "Master Kobayashi gave me [-] yen as expenses before going out, and now it seems that it may not be enough..."

Among them, the cat ear headdress is not worth much, but the price of that schoolbag is [-] yen.

No way, after all, the schoolbags of Japanese elementary school students are of very good quality. It can be said to be a multi-functional backpack. It not only has a positioning system, but also an alarm. Once it is activated, there will be a loud sound. In addition, there are many Other practical functions, so it is understandable that the price is more expensive.

"Let me lend you some." Vinai said as she was going to get her wallet.

At this time, the sound of light footsteps went away from behind.

If Hua Ye was aware of it, he turned his head and saw the blue-eyed young dragon walking back silently, and put a pendant in the shape of Rabbit Fulla back in its place...

I didn't see it, but you are very sensible.

"Swipe your card." Hua Ye took out a bank card.

A few days ago, Ms. Miko already paid for the entrusted task, which was [-] million yen in total, so she could afford a schoolbag.

"Thank you Xiaoye, I will tell Xiaolin when I get back." Thor saluted.

Hua Ye waved his hand, he didn't care about the money at all.

After paying the bill, he was about to put away the card when he suddenly felt his clothes tighten.

Turning his head to look, he saw the blue-eyed young dragon with his small face up, holding a pendant in the shape of the rabbit Fulla in his hand, and his big eyes looked over without blinking.



The next few people went to a special student clothing store.

"My lord Xiao Ye, Kang Na will make trouble here." Thor leaned close to Hua Ye's ear and whispered.

Hua Ye said flatly: "This is the clothing store designated by the school, not other places."

"Hmph, I understand!" Thor clenched his fists, "There must be collusion! Maybe the principal's brother-in-law opened here."

Hey, don't whisper so loudly!

Didn't you see the embarrassment on the boss' face?

Most of the school uniforms and shoes sold here have the same style, and there is nothing to choose, so I bought it quickly and paid the bill.

Coming outside the store, facing the rare sun, Thor raised his hands and cheered: "Hoo hoo, the purchase is complete!"

"Oh." Kang Na raised her little hand.

Looking at Kangna with twinkling stars in her eyes, Wei Nai smiled and said, "It seems that Kangna really wants to go to school."

"Yeah." Connor nodded.

"how do you feel?"

"Very happy."

"Then go to school well." Wei Nai reached out and touched the top of Kang Na's head.

One of the nirvana skills to deal with loli: touch the head to kill.

After the sound of "ding", Hua Ye seemed to see a line of words floating above Kang Na's head: blue-eyed young dragon's favorability +1.

Looking at the time, it was already half past ten in the morning.

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