As the gravel splashed, with Yatengu as the center, cracks opened up in the ground, spreading in all directions like spider webs, and even the ground under his feet trembled slightly.

Yatengu, who was so imposing just now, was facing down like this, his whole face was embedded in the ground, and his body only twitched slightly.

Hua Ye withdrew his right hand and patted the dirt on his hand: "It's all fancy."

In front of him, he used monster power and speed to create afterimages to confuse his sight. Apart from showing off by himself, Hua Ye couldn't think of any other adjectives.


The air was exceptionally quiet, not even the chirping of birds and insects.

Jing Keai blinked her sore eyes, then blinked again, and finally accepted the fact that the legendary big monster Yatengu was smashed by Hua Ye with one blow, and even pressed its entire face into the ground.

"This script is wrong. The agreed battle will be [-] rounds. In sweat and blood, the winner will be decided with the last blow?" Jing Keai murmured subconsciously.

Hua Ye looked disgusted, and complained: "You were brainwashed by the blood."

In nature, every animal knows its position in the food chain. Predators of the same level will never start disputes easily, because injuries and bleeding will lead to weakness, and weakness will reduce the ability to prey, which is likely to be the beginning of death. .

Jing Keai curled her lips, didn't she complain.

She shook her head, but she still didn't dispel the trance and sense of unreality in her mind. In the class, the students sitting in the second-to-last row by the window corner, the students who were quiet and silent, were drinking together in the izakaya and being human flesh in the gymnasium. The students of the wooden pile are actually so powerful?

Such a powerful person should be very self-confident. Those students in the school who spread rumors, why have they never seen him take revenge?

While in a daze, Jing Keai suddenly saw the figure behind Hua Ye moving, and said, "Be careful!"

Yatengu, who was pushed into the ground by Hua Ye, suddenly moved, and his body turned into a dozen crows and dissipated from the spot, and then gathered in front of the monster's furious face. He drew his sword without hesitation, and the cold sword light cut across , Faqie, who likes to eat human hair, and the mouse woman who collects mouse ghosts were directly beheaded, and then the monster flapped its wings and flew away.

"Swinging a knife at one of my own people..." Jing Keai frowned, feeling that the scene was somewhat familiar.

Hoshino Xia complained: "Murder to silence?"

Chapter 1143 Exploring on the Edge of Fat Times

"Whatever the purpose of that crow is, if you come to make trouble next time, just drag it down and kill it." Igarashi bit her lip, her eyebrows frowned, "How dare you curse me, uh..."

"Student Hua Ye, can you undo this curse?" Hoshino Xia looked over pitifully. She was also cursed by Yatengu and succeeded. She felt something moving and crawling inside her body. It wasn't very painful, but it was extremely uncomfortable.

"Yes." Hua Ye nodded.

"Then leave it to classmate Hua Ye." Hoshino Xia smiled sweetly, with a baby face and a loli voice, it was simply amazing.

"Don't help that monster with big breasts, just let her suffer to death." Igarashi shouted, "Come and help me lift the curse."

Now that the Faqie monster has been beheaded and the common enemy is dead, the temporary "Women's Enemy Alliance" has naturally come to an end, and the two have returned to the old enemy mode where the tip of the nail is against the wheat.

Whether to help relatives or not, Hua Ye and Igarashi are naturally closer: "Pick up your skirt."

"Why, why did you lift up your skirt?"

Hua Ye said: "The curse is a wisp of chaotic qi in your body, which is swimming around in your body. If you want to lift the curse, I have to catch that wisp of qi."

In fact, there is an easier way, as long as the seal is released, Hua Ye can release this low-level curse with a look, but it is not necessary.

Lifting her skirt in front of so many people will definitely reveal her fat times. Do you still want to lose face?

Igarashi subconsciously wanted to refuse, and Hoshino Xia who was on the side also smiled and said: "Ai-chan doesn't agree, I agree, classmate Hua Ye, you don't need to lift the skirt, I can just take it off..."

This big-breasted loli uses the cuteness skill, her voice is soft and glutinous, but it is as sweet as crispy candy: "Can you help me lift the curse first?"


Igarashi is like a cat whose tail has been trampled on. If it wasn't for lack of strength, it would have jumped up and hit someone right now, "Is the erotic cow finally in heat?"

Hoshino Xia smiled and said, "It's a certainty, don't talk."

"Who do you say is a certainty?"

"There are so many people present, who else is sure?"


Igarashi wanted to say that Mei was the same, but at the critical moment, he finally stopped the car, gritted his teeth and said, "Mei, carry me back to the car."

"Yes, Igarashi-sama."

Maid Mei picked Igarashi up in a princess hug and walked towards the sports car.

"Hurry up and follow." Igarashi looked at Hua Ye, gritted his teeth and shouted, "That monster with big breasts has already started to heat, the farther away from her the better."

"I can't help it. My body is well developed, and occasionally I want to find a boyfriend." Hoshino Xia puffed up her chest, "It's not like a certain person, a Wannian primary school student, even if he wants to, his body can't satisfy a boy at all."

The cross tendons on Igarashi's forehead twitched, and a raging flame ignited behind him: "Say it again, monster with big breasts!"

"I prefer not to say."


The two people looked at each other, and their eyes cut off a small spark in the air.

"No wonder the two of them never meet in public at school." Jing Keai raised her hand to cover her forehead, and looked at Hua Ye, "You don't care?"

Hua Ye looked down at the phone: "If you don't see it, you don't bother me."

Reading in the busy city is a good way to exercise your concentration, as long as the two short legs don't quarrel and ask him to judge and make choices, Hua Ye won't care.


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