(Hey, why didn’t you stop?!)

Hua Ye didn't choose to stop. The poor-breasted star just opened his eyes wide and bit his lip without saying a word. He has seen this expression many times, which means it is still within the acceptable range, and he will catch it soon. That curse, stop now, and all previous efforts will be wasted.

So Hua Ye continued to go deeper to capture the curse.


There was an uncontrollable low moan like a cat meowing for Chun Ye.

"What's wrong?" Jing's lovely voice came from the front passenger seat.

"No, it's fine..."

Igarashi bit her lip and pressed her skirt with both hands, trying not to let her voice tremble. A place that had never been touched by anyone was being invaded, and she was almost overwhelmed by the indescribable sense of shame.

"Ai-chan?" Hoshino Xia looked over, narrowing her eyes slightly, "Your cry was weird just now, wasn't it?"

"Yes, I want you to manage..."

Igarashi bit the tip of his tongue hard, suppressed the terrible sense of shame with pain, and stared back angrily, "If you talk nonsense again, I'll kill you!"

It's just that his face was flushed, and the harsh words he uttered while his body was trembling slightly, really didn't have much deterrent effect at all.

Hoshino Xia pursed her lips, and was about to continue talking, when she couldn't suppress it, as if the cat's meowing sounded again, turning the temperature in the entire car into pink.


The air in the sports car was dead silent for a moment.

Igarashi raised his hand to cover his mouth, mist already gushed out of his eyes.

I actually made such a shameful and obscene voice... Destroy it, let the whole world be destroyed together!

"Bang bang bang."

Jing Keai raised her hand and knocked on the car window, her face covered with black lines, she gritted her teeth and said, "Hey, you guys pay attention to the occasion and identity! You are teachers and students, and you are still in the car!!"

Hua Ye finally grasped and crushed the curse, and now he pulled out his hand, "What's wrong?"

"You're good to say it!"

Jing Kei gritted her teeth and looked, if she hadn't been sitting in the passenger seat, she would have used iron fists to teach Hua Ye what it meant to 'respect teachers'.

"I think you should receive some ideological re-education." Jing Keai took a deep breath with a serious expression.

Weak people are not scary, because they have no ability to do evil. What is scary is that those who have power but have no scruples, once they go astray, no one knows how many people will suffer.

A strong force requires a strong mind to complement each other.

The most typical ones are those who buy lottery tickets and get rich overnight. After a few years of follow-up investigation, they are often even poorer than before winning the lottery.

Hua Ye actually did that kind of thing to his teacher in the car, will he still bully the teacher in the classroom in front of the whole class?

In order to avoid such terrible things from happening, Jing Kei felt that ideological re-education is imperative.

Hua Ye turned to look at Hoshino Xia.

The big-breasted loli subconsciously raised her hands to cover her chest, her small face was slightly pale, and she was a little nervous: "Student Hua Ye, no need, I, I think that curse will disappear soon..."

She just talks loudly, but she is actually a sincere person. She can't accept doing that kind of thing in the car, and it's still in front of a bunch of people. It's scary to think about it.

"What are you thinking?" Hua Ye's face was full of black lines, "I did nothing but catch that curse! She looks like that, that curse is causing trouble, okay?"

Hoshino Xia quietly breathed a sigh of relief, "Ai-chan, is that so?"

Igarashi is now lying on the back of the front seat, "You will know if you try it yourself!"

"No, no, no." Hoshino Xia hurriedly shook her head.

Hoshino Xia didn't dare to ask Hua Ye to help remove the curse until the end, and she endured it silently all the way. Fortunately, when she entered the urban area, the curse slowly dissipated. The big-breasted loli finally relaxed and showed a smiling expression again.

She wanted to molested Igarashi's family, but seeing that Igarashi was lying there in a strange state, she hesitated for a while, but she didn't say much, otherwise, with Igarashi's violent temper, she would be really stimulated, and she would be able to ignore it on the street. hands on.

The car finally fell silent.

A delicate and awkward atmosphere is spreading.

Fortunately, the sports car drove into the urban area very quickly, and Jing Keai said, "Mei-chan, please stop the car by the side of the road."


Maid Mei nodded slightly, and parked the sports car on the side of the road.

"It's getting late, I'm going back first." Jing Keai opened the door and got out of the car. Before leaving, she did not forget to give Hua Ye a serious warning.

"No cracking teacher!"

"Well, the curse is gone, and I won't bother Ai-chan anymore." Hoshino Xia blinked, and decided to leave together. It doesn't make sense to stay any longer. Igarashi is probably a balloon at the moment, whoever touches it will blow it up, " Classmate Hua Ye, I'm leaving first."


"You can come to play with me anytime you have time, and I will help you with your lessons."

Hua Ye half-closed his eyes.

This provocative big-breasted loli hurriedly stuck out her pink tongue, pretended to be cute, and quickly got out of the car and left.

The car was quiet again.

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