Hua Ye was holding the candy with black lines all over his face. He said he wanted candy, but he left without even entering the door. The difference in treatment is too obvious. Be careful to replace the marshmallow with deoxyribose!

"Servant, servant." Satania didn't leave, but leaned in front of Hua Ye and whispered, "I'll show you a treasure..."

Chapter 1151: Feeding Time

"Aide, take care." Satania mysteriously opened her cloak, took out a pencil and a thousand-yen banknote from her pocket, "Believe it or not, I can kill you with this banknote." Broken pencil?"

Hua Ye nodded: "I believe."

"Ehhh?" Satania froze and waved her hands anxiously, "Shouldn't you believe me at a time like this? You said it wrong, say it again."

Hua Ye shook his head: "Don't say it."

The moment you pull out your banknotes and pencil, you know what you want to do. This basic magic principle has long been rotten.

"No such thing." Silly Meow puffed up her cheeks and felt aggrieved, "I've been preparing for so long, but I'm not allowed to perform..."

Hua Ye sighed and said, "The pencil follows me."

"Here, here you are." Satania's eyes lit up, and she warned, "Don't break it too hard, it will break."

Hua Ye remained expressionless, holding the pencil with both hands.

"The time to witness the miracle has come." Satania was full of confidence, "I can chop the pencil with banknotes, and I will show you the fat once I cut it off."

You are enough, it is obviously a means to make you retreat in spite of difficulties, why do you just talk about it casually!

Hua Ye said, "Hurry up and perform."

Satania folded the banknote from the middle, and then said solemnly: "Aide, don't move around, it won't hurt you."

Stand still and let you fight, if I can break the defense, I will lose.

Silly Meow took a stance, took a deep breath, and quickly chopped off the right hand holding the banknote, and then the pencil in Hua Ye's hand was cut into two pieces.

"Hmph, how, how? Am I amazing?"

Satania raised her chin and tried her best to suppress the smug smile that was about to overflow. On her face was the words "come and praise me, come and praise me".

Hua Ye lowered his head and glanced at the smooth, mirror-like cut surface of the pencil fracture, what a big-headed ghost you are!This pencil is obviously a specially made prop. It looks like a whole pencil, but in fact it is broken in the middle, and a magnet is cleverly placed inside. It is said that it was cut with a banknote, but it was actually smashed with the index finger inside the banknote.

"Awesome." Hua Ye said with disgust in his eyes.

"Hee hee." Satania's small canine teeth gleamed, and she didn't realize that Hua Ye was superficially flattering her. "I'll use this move to defeat Gabriel later... Wait, it's time for the decisive battle!"


"Hmph." Satania took a step back, flung the cloak with one hand, put the other on her forehead, and leaned against the wall in a rather shameful posture, "Today is my lucky day... Attendant, you Lost."

Hua Ye said with a blank expression: "One game determines the outcome?"

"Of course." Satania raised her chin and changed her posture with her hands crossed over her chest. Just as the wind blew by, she looked handsome in a cloak. Unfortunately, instead of a long sword in her hand, she was holding a pencil." A true strongman only needs one blow to decide the winner... If I make the second move, it means I lose."

You who lose to the stray dog ​​Xiaobai every day, don’t you feel ashamed to say this!

Hua Ye raised his right hand and said the new punishment with a straight face: "I lost this time, if you want to challenge next time, wipe my back while taking a shower."

"Eh, eh?" Satania took a step back, a blush appeared on her face, "Then, how can such a thing be possible!"

Even an idiot knows the common sense that boys and girls can't take a shower together.

Hua Ye said, "That's why it's the punishment for losing."

This idiot always likes to come over to challenge the boxing game. He obviously can't win even once, but he never tires of it. As for the choice of deliberately losing to this idiot, it's not that Hua Ye has never considered it, but with Satania's character, he will definitely brag for a week after winning. Well, the proof is the duels she had with Gabriel, and she won once in a while, with her tail almost up to the sky.

It's not enough to say no to boxing, this idiot will keep pestering you, there is no other way but to use punishment to make her retreat.

The initial punishment was to cover three points with one finger. Hua Ye saw the cover of the porn Q magazine in a claw machine. As a result, apart from being a little shy at the beginning, Satania clearly took a selfie for entertainment. Let Hua Ye receive a selfie of the dragon lady Elma and the glasses lady.

Then there is the disgusting face to show you the fat time, but unfortunately you didn't see the disgusting face, nor did you see the fat time, only 0v0 and safety pants.

Obviously, the punishment of watching fat times has no effect. In this case, set a super-shameful punishment that Satania will not agree to, so that she will retreat.

Hua Ye said: "The loser will help you wipe your back. Before you complete this punishment, don't ask me to guess punches."

Satania hesitated, but in the end the fighting spirit prevailed: "Then, that's fine..."

After three seconds.

Victory and defeat.

The confident idiot Meow was defeated again, aggrieved and went to draw circles in the corner, but with her innate ability to automatically refresh her state after waking up, the next morning she was a lively idiot again.

Hua Ye turned and went out, walking to Gabriel's room.

Thor and Kang Na had already finished their candies and left. They didn't see Wei Nai, probably because they were captured by Kang Na, and they went to ask for candies together.

"Senior, senior Vinai said that he took Kangna to ask for candies, and he won't be back until later." Taplis was cleaning with a broom.


Hua Ye responded, and sat next to Gabriel. This useless angel had already changed into the red otaku suit he often wore. Now he was sitting cross-legged in front of the computer, typing the copy very seriously—if It is no problem to use this seriousness to study and win the first place in the age.

"Will this dish work?"

"Will it be possible to cast spells by moving, why stand there in a daze."

"The milk doesn't move, the milk doesn't move."

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