"Hey." Machiko's face was hot, and she quickly looked away, looking at the balcony, "I, I think it's pretty good..."

Facts have proved that there are no boys who are not handsome, only boys who can't dress up. Changing a hairstyle or a dress can really add a lot of points to you. If it doesn't work, you should also keep yourself clean and fresh. Boys are most taboo about being sloppy.

Hua Ye stretched out his hand to straighten his cuffs: "You can go."

"Don't worry." Lafite shook his head, sat on the sofa, then raised his right leg and folded it on top of the sitting leg. The black stockings reflected a delicate luster in the sun, and the arc from knee to ankle was graceful and charming. , the absolute field between the hem of the skirt and the over-the-knee socks is even more dazzlingly white.

"Mr. Deacon, please give me a cup of black tea." The dark-bellied girl turned her body slightly, resting her left hand on the armrest of the sofa and propping her chin. Although she didn't have the aura of a big guy like Jing Keai, she had a unique charm in it.He smiled and said, "In return, there is a mysterious gift for you."

Alice followed suit and sat beside Raphael: "I want black tea too."

Although the squad leader didn't speak, he sat down with a blushing face and proved everything with his actions.

Hua Ye: "..."

Hey, don't go too far. Wearing a deacon outfit doesn't mean you have to take care of you like a housekeeper. The squad leader is also wearing a policewoman's outfit. Can you arrest people?

"Bang bang bang."

There was a knock on the door.

Hua Ye went to open the door, and Taplis, who had changed into a candy witch outfit, appeared outside the door.

"Senior... eh?" The idiot junior looked up, her tone became flustered, and a delicate blush appeared on her little face.

"Tap sauce?" Lafite came over and asked curiously, "Why are you here?"

"Master Jiaailu asked me to come down to deliver a message..." The idiot junior girl looked at Hua Ye furtively while speaking.

It was the first time she saw Hua Ye wearing a deacon outfit, and she felt that this outfit seemed to have magical powers, making people unable to take their eyes off it.

Rafael rolled his eyes and asked with a smile:

"Tap sauce, Hua Ye looks very handsome now, right?"

Tapless nodded subconsciously.

"So, do you want to sleep with classmate Hua Ye at night?"

Just as the idiot school girl was about to nod, she suddenly realized that her expression turned into a shocked 0v0: "One, sleep together?!"

"No, absolutely not!"

"Senior told me that I must not sleep with boys, otherwise I will conceive a baby!"

"I always feel that Tap Sauce is too naive." Alice complained on the side, "It's just sleeping alone, so you won't conceive a child. Even elementary school students know this kind of common sense?"

Machiko nodded, and continued to complain: "It feels like living in the Showa era."

Lafite stretched out a finger and tapped his chin lightly, "I wonder who the senior Tapu Jiang is talking about."

"I can't say it." The idiot junior raised her hand to cover her mouth, and kept shaking her head, "I promised senior that I would never tell her name."

"Then forget it." Lafite was not interested in the senior's "glorious deeds", and now he pulled Taplis back to sit on the sofa, "Student Hua Ye, please serve four cups of black tea, thank you."

Hua Ye said, "There is no black tea."

"Then green tea."

"No green tea either."

"Hey, there's not even green tea." Lafite puffed his cheeks, "What's there?"

Hua Ye said with a straight face, "There is plain water."


Don't look down on boiled water, one cup strengthens the body, two cups nourishes the spirit, and three cups a day can prolong life!

After pouring four cups of barley tea, Hua Ye didn't say that he would leave after finishing the drink. It was obvious that these girls planned to hang on.

"I heard that Halloween is not as lively as it is at night." Lafite took a sip of barley tea. "Tomorrow is the weekend, so we don't have to go to school. Let's go to the street to play at night?"

"Okay, okay." Alice was the first to raise her hand in support. Usually, after school, she would go home to learn tea ceremony, chess, flower arrangement, etc., but Halloween was given by her mother as a "statutory holiday". Of course I want to have fun.

"I have to go back at night..." Machiko whispered. As a literary girl, she is not very interested in outdoor sports. If she goes out at night, there must be a lot of ghost cosplayers. She is timid, so she must be scared. .

Tapu-chan blinked, then raised her hands in agreement. For her, as long as she has a reliable senior by her side, she can go anywhere.

"The minority obeys the majority." Lafite said with a smile, "Student Hua Ye, let's act together at night."

Hua Ye looked disgusted and was about to speak when the knock on the door rang again.

"Brother Xiaoye, if you don't give me sugar, then... eh?" A little radish looked over with wide-eyed eyes, "Brother Xiaoye made a foul for wearing such a handsome dress!"

It is the dirty loli Hinata.

Hinata is wearing the costume of the magical girl Meluru today, holding a star staff in her hand. The clothes are cute and child-like, and paired with a baby face, it will definitely make lolicons kneel down and shout "Lori Saiko".


Behind Hinata, there is the cat girl Rena.

This legal cat girl is not young anymore, but her body has not grown up, and she eats and sleeps too much. She looks like a child, but in fact she is an age that is irresponsible.

She didn't change her clothes, but performed the "Night Cat Girl" in her true colors, with a fluffy tail on her back and a pair of cat ears, all of which were not hidden. Now she opened her hands and put them on both sides of her cheeks and shouted: "No sugar!" , let’s make trouble, meow.”

There are also two rabbit maids, Xiao Ai and Xiao Xia. They usually wear black and white maid outfits, but today they still wear black and white clothes, but they have changed into bunny girl outfits.

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