Alice thought for a while: "Is it a cat?"

"Who is calling us?" The cat-eared girl who was dozing off on the sofa opened her eyes and looked around in a daze.

"I called cat, but I didn't call you." Alice muttered in her heart, "Don't think that you are a real cat because you are wearing a catwoman's dress, but the tail can move around, it looks very powerful look..."

"Satania, what exactly is it?" The squad leader was a little nervous, "Don't be scary."

"It's a big white goose," said Satania.

Liuhua continued:

"When Satania and I came back from the park, there was a gust of wind on the road, and I smelled pain, so I said, 'Let the world feel my pain'—"

Having said that, Liuhua raised her hands and made a super-shameful secondary posture to restore the scene, "Let the world feel my pain!"

"Then the big white goose that was passing by suddenly chased me and Satania, it was scary."


There was a brief silence in the air.

Lafite nodded in agreement: "The big white goose is really scary, and the weak girl is no match at all."

"We are not the opponent's meow." The little cat girl patted her chest, as if recalling some terrible experience, "We were beaten by geese before, and now we are scared when we see it."

Taplis asked curiously: "What kind of creature is the big white goose?"

Unlike hell, heaven does not admit that everything has a soul. That is, it was only recently under the protest of cat slaves and dog slaves that cats and dogs have souls, and they can ascend to heaven after death. The big white goose is not included at all, so Taplis Never seen this creature.

Alice complained: "Well, it's a terrible bird that stands at the top of the food chain and beats all humans."

"That, so scary?" The idiot school girl showed a terrified 0v0 face, hurriedly took out her watch, and tapped her finger, "Raise the danger level of the big white goose to S level..."

"Brother Xiaoye." Hinata leaned over and whispered, "These sisters seem to be more unreliable than one..."

A sophomore, an idiot, and Taplis, who is as simple as a blank sheet of paper, the three of them plus one, are not as reliable as the eleven-year-old Hinata.

"So oh." Hyuga lowered his voice and whispered, "Quickly confess to my sister, my sister can go to the hall, go to the kitchen, take it out to have face, and can change clothes at home, nurses, policemen, magical girls can choose, And I also presented a sister-in-law..."

Hua Ye looked disgusted, turned around and walked back to the kitchen, you really don't know where to go for the little radish that sells your sister at this moment.

"Hum hum."

Dirty loli is full of confidence.

In her opinion, these unreliable girls are not threatening. After all, brother Xiaoye is so smart, he will definitely not be with an idiot. The real threat is the big demon king with silver hair and squinting eyes. My sister is not without advantages, and it is an advantage that others cannot copy

sister flower!

Although under the strict order of my sister, I can only draw some ordinary fanbooks, but Hinata has read a lot of fanbooks secretly on the Internet, and it is not too much to say that she is a female driver.

Looking at those notebooks, all kinds of control are always indispensable, mother and daughter and so on, it's too disgusting, but sisters are absolutely okay.

Half of my sister-in-law's ass belongs to my brother-in-law, so half of my brother-in-law belongs to my sister-in-law. As long as you hold this card well, it's like fighting the landlord to win the king bomb. If you don't do anything, you will definitely win in the end. After all, you are a sister!

"Hinata-chan, open your mouth."

A delicate and pleasant voice rang in his ears.


Sun subconsciously opened his mouth, and put a piece of sliced ​​apple into his mouth.

The dirty loli came to her senses, turned her head to meet the smiling silver-haired demon king, her cheeks puffed up slightly, and she was a little annoyed: "Don't feed me anymore!"

He is obviously a competitor, but he is not a child. If he continues to be fed like this, his status will become lower and lower, and he will no longer be able to sing rivalry.

Lafite blinked: "But I don't think you're full yet."

"Fruit is not dinner, so of course you won't be full!" Hyuga pouted, "And you can't eat fruit on an empty stomach. Is this the truth that all kindergarten students know?"

"It's not that you can't eat all fruits, it's just that tomatoes, bananas, persimmons and oranges are not suitable." Lafite used a bamboo skewer to pick up a piece of apple, "and fasting refers to people who have not eaten after [-] o'clock the night before and the next day." Hinata-chan didn't know about it before breakfast, right?"


Well, she really doesn't know that fasting doesn't mean an empty stomach, but a specific period of time.

Of course Hinata would not admit defeat, she turned her head and said, "Of course I know, it's just to test you."

"Eh?" Lafite raised his hand to cover his mouth, "But what I just said was nonsense."


Hinata opened his mouth, with a cute expression on his face, and Lafite smiled and said, "Well, just kidding, the fasting is indeed from [-]:[-] p.m. to before breakfast the next day. During this time period, Hinata can't steal snacks and fruits." .”

"Damn it..." Lolita Wu clenched her fists, unable to change the completely suppressed situation, she could only shout in her heart, "Where are you, sister, hurry up and punish this squinting-eyed demon king!"

"Bang bang bang."

There was a rhythmic knock on the door.

"Hey, could it be sister?" Hinata's eyes lit up, and then shook his head, "No, sister is going to attend some kind of meeting, and she won't be here until later."

Thinking of this, Taplis had hopped over to open the door.

It is now half past five in the evening, the sun has already set in the west, and the afterglow is falling, coating everything with a faint golden brilliance.

Poor Loli looked out the door subconsciously, and quickly raised her hand to block her eyes: "Okay, so dazzling!"

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