
Wei Nai blinked her eyes and was still thinking, but Alice's voice rang out: "I've seen this brain teaser before, as long as you kill four children with a knife, the remaining three are exactly three apples."

"Alice, violence is wrong." Gabriel clasped her hands together, with a holy gentle smile on her face, "We must stay away from violence, cherish life, and let everyone be happy..."


A huge drop of cold sweat fell from the top of Alice's head, the acting is so exaggerated!When she was in school, she was obviously a bad girl, and she would beat other people's heads when she played games, but now she is a completely different person!

"Then what do you say?" Alice asked back.

Gabriel said: "You don't need to kill four people, just kill one kid, and the remaining three apples can be cut in half..."


Gail narrowed her eyes.

"I'm joking." Gabriel immediately showed a harmless smile, trying to pass the test cutely.

"These answers from you are clearly just cutting your feet to fit your shoes, similar to those of Cinderella's sisters." Hinata complained, "I don't think it's necessary to kill, just knock one person unconscious."

Lafite said solemnly, "Hyuga-chan, violence is wrong."

"It's better than killing people, right?"

"Come on, eat an apple and think slowly..."

"Brother Xiaoye, help, someone is bullying me!"

Liuhua raised her hand and said, "Plant the apples, and you will be able to harvest a tree full of apples in autumn."

Even Jia Ailu had a look of interest on her face: "How about Kong Rong letting Li? As long as one person quits."

With her personality, if she encounters a similar thing, she will definitely give up the distribution right and leave the 'apple' to others.

"The main reason for the poor distribution is that there are three apples. It would be great if it could be made into one." Wei Nai sorted out her thoughts, "For example... can it be made into a fruit platter?"

Machiko blinked, followed Wei Nai's train of thought and said, "Can it be made into apple puree?"

These girls were chattering and chattering, talking about everything. After listening for a long time, Hua Ye said speechlessly: "Obviously there is the easiest way, why don't you use it?"

"Eh?" All the girls looked at him in surprise, "What can I do?"

Hua Ye said, "The lottery will be assigned."


The girls' discussion came to an abrupt end.

When dinner was about to be ready, Wei Nai walked out of the kitchen and went to the balcony to water a few pots of flowers and plants, "Recently there is news that 'plants also have feelings, two pots of flowers and plants, under the same environmental conditions, one pot is to praise it If another pot insults it, thirty days later, the praised plant will flourish, while the scolded plant will wither...', did you see that?"

"This kind of news is just made up." Alice couldn't help complaining, "Those vegetarians can't bear to eat meat. If plants have feelings, even plants can't bear to eat them. I'm starving to death."

"I also saw this news." Machiko said, "It seems to be well-founded."

Lingna, the cat-eared girl, said: "It's real meow. We have also seen the flower demon meow with a blooming head."

Lafite clasped his hands on his chest, evading taxes every day: "Everyone, stop arguing, be scientific and not superstitious."

You, an angel, talk about science, don't you think it's a bit inconsistent!

Machiko turned her head and thought for a while: "I remember Baxter's experiment seemed to prove that plants have their own emotions?"

"However, the truth is universal." Hua Ye said, "That experiment can't be replicated at all, it's just an accident in a specific environment."

What kind of topic is it if plants have feelings?

Someone has already proved that water also has memory. Yes, it is the book "Water Knows the Answer". It has been translated into 16 languages ​​and sold in more than [-] countries. So far, it still frequently appears in various public publications. In class and lectures, I believe everyone is familiar with it.

The general content of this book is that a Japanese named Jiang Pingsheng took two glasses of the same water, and asked people to say praises to one of them and insults to the other, and then freeze them and use a high-power microscope It is observed that the glass of water that is praised will form beautiful water crystals, but the glass of water that is abused has no crystals, and even if there are crystals, the shape is ugly. From this, it is concluded that water knows the answer to everything, and it is the key to happiness and happiness. ladder to the future

If this Masaru Emoto didn't manage his own brand of water purifiers and sell high-priced 'high-energy water', there might be more believers.

"Bang bang."

There was an unhurried knock on the door.

"My lord sister is finally here!"

Chapter 1160 Shura Field

"It's my sister!"

Hyuga's eyes lit up, and he ran over to open the door.

She has been completely defeated by Lafite, and now she is counting on Miss Witch to help her regain face.

The door opens.

A girl in a red and white witch costume, with black hair like a waterfall, stood quietly outside the door. Under the afterglow of the setting sun, the ends of the witch's hair fluttered gently in the evening wind, like a dynamic black plum, instantly attracted Everyone's eyes.

Miss Miko didn't have stage fright, and walked in with a calm expression: "Qianye Liuli, Hua Jun's friend, it's the first time we meet, please give me your advice."

During the spring vacation at the hot spring hotel, Miss Miko once met Wei Nai and Lafite, but there was no intersection after that, and now there are many unfamiliar faces that have not been seen before. It is not an exaggeration to say that they met for the first time.

Different from Gabriel's sweet voice that can make flowers and plants sprout in spring, Miss Miko's voice is like the evening wind blowing through the bamboo forest, which can relax people's mind.


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