"Hua Jun, this is it." Hirata Sachiko walked a few steps quickly, took out the key, and opened the door.

Here at Huaye, because it is a "VIP", there is no need to greet, and Sachiko Hirata automatically offered the top hospitality.

This is a spacious but exquisite Japanese-style courtyard. There is a garden in front of you. Because of the drizzle just now, many flowers are still full of water droplets that are about to fall, making them more delicate and tender. The breeze blows, and the fresh and fragrant fragrance comes to the nostrils, which makes people feel refreshed.

Walking into it, you can see the corridors and screen walls, but there are spider plants and chrysanthemums next to the windows, which look very clean and elegant.

Don’t look down on chrysanthemums, the emblem of the Japanese royal family is chrysanthemums. Tao Yuanming once said that picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, you can see Nanshan leisurely... Well, although the word "picking chrysanthemums" has become a bit unbearable to look directly at up.

"It's so beautiful!" Wei Nai exclaimed, "The air is so fresh, it feels much more comfortable than in the city."

Rafael squinted one eye and said cutely: "Speaking of it, it's thanks to classmate Hua Ye."

Xiaoniao Youliuhua: "The brave are the most powerful!"

Satania put her hands on her hips: "Hmph, it's just so-so."

Gabriel lowered her head to play the game, and murmured: "...Damn it! Do you still need krypton gold if you want to be a boss!"

"As long as you are satisfied." Sachiko Hirata replied with a smile, her manners were decent and elegant.

After glancing at Kang Na without a trace again, she turned her head and said to Hua Ye: "For the next two days, this courtyard will belong to Hua Jun alone. If there is no permission, no one will come in."

"Thank you." Hua Ye nodded. He also knew the reason why the other party treated him so favorably, but he was too lazy to explain.

Sachiko Hirata presented the key, then bowed again, and said respectfully: "Then, if Mr. Hua has any request, you can call me at any time, and I will arrive as soon as possible."


After Sachiko Hirata left, Satania looked at Hua Ye and asked curiously, "Hey, why does that manager seem to be very respectful to you?"

"Because I did her a favor." Hua Ye replied casually.

"Is that so? I always feel a little strange..."

You idiot, didn't you see that other people didn't ask, so don't get to the bottom of it!

"Okay, let's go inside and have a look at the environment." Wei Nai said.

The decoration in the house is also very elegant and clean, very orthodox Japanese classical architectural style, the windows are bright and clean, spotless, obviously cleaned every day.

Hua Ye walked behind, took a bottle of drink and drank it, but a few shy and angry exclamations suddenly sounded from the front.



"What are these things!"

Hua Ye followed the prestige and was speechless for a while.

I saw that the area of ​​the master bedroom is quite large, about [-] square meters, and there is a huge bed in the middle... In short, it is the kind that no longer has to worry about rolling out of bed in the middle of the night.

Of course, none of this matters.

The question is why are there so many real and fake rose petals sprinkled in the room, and what about that harsh pink rose hue!

And what about the frosted glass bathroom door, the floor-to-ceiling mirrors around the big bed, and the row of sex toy vending machines against the wall!

It must be my way of opening it wrong!

Rafael narrowed his eyes, "Hey, is this the legendary Love Hotel? Hua Ye is indeed a terrifying creature."

It's clearly your idea to come to the hot spring, okay, don't blame me!

I do not carry this pot!


"Hentai!" Gabriel looked at Hua Ye, spit out two words with contempt in her eyes.

Shut up!

I didn't book the room, it has nothing to do with my money!

"Brave, H." Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua blushed slightly, and the dull hair on his head trembled.

Don't learn from that Gabriel, it will be destroyed.

Satania snorted with her hands on her hips, "Hmph, as an attendant, how dare you offend me!"

After all, who is the next and who is the top, you can figure it out before you talk!

"This will teach Kang Na-chan bad!" Wei Nai blushed and gave Hua Ye a look, "Let's go to the next door to see."

Next to the master bedroom, there is another second bedroom. This time, the decoration is finally normal, but the area is also much smaller.

"Go and see the hot spring, it should be in the backyard..." After a brief look, several people walked towards the backyard.

Soon, I saw the open-air hot spring in the backyard. The area was quite large, and there was a faint mist on the surface.

"It looks good." Wei Nai nodded.

Rafael stretched out his finger, nodded his lips and said: "Speaking of which, I had nothing to do last night. I watched a very old movie, and it feels a bit similar to the current scene..."

"The movie says that a snake demonized into a human form, and then swam in a hot spring with a scholar..."

Shut up!If you want to swim, go to the swimming pool. Hot springs are not for swimming!

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