Thinking that the other party might eat her in one bite at any time, Machiko's pretty face turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye, and hurriedly hugged Hua Ye's arm, aggrieved and said, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"I thought you knew." Hua Ye said, "Isn't that tail a cosplay effect?"


The squad leader opened his mouth, speechless.

If it was any other time, if I met such a strange girl on the street, she would definitely avoid it as much as possible, but who made it Halloween today? There are demons dancing on the street, and there are ghosts and ghosts everywhere. In contrast, there are snakes. The girl with the tail is not very impressive at all.

"Wait." Machiko blinked, "Are there other monsters on the street?"

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

Machiko was about to let go of Hua Ye just now, but now she hugs him even tighter. The monsters are really scary.


Two searching eyes fell on him.

Hua Ye turned his head to look.

"It's really classmate Hua Ye." The short-haired girl's eyes lit up.

"The one in the police uniform should be the squad leader." Another girl wearing glasses pinched her waist with one hand, "We went over to ask for candy."

It was Machiko's two friends at school, Tanaka and Ueno.

The two wore pumpkin witch clothes, pointed hats on their heads, and pumpkin lanterns in their hands, and ran over.


A row of black lines fell from the top of Hua Ye's head, this world is too small!

"Squad leader, I met you by chance."

"I wasn't sure just now, but it's really you and Hua Ye."

Classmate Tanaka clasped his hands in front of his chest, with stars twinkling in his eyes: "Student Huaye's black deacon is so handsome in his outfit, and the squad leader's police uniform is also super nice. One is a policewoman representing justice, and the other is a butler who acts in the dark. It’s exciting just thinking about it.”

"You, you misunderstood." Seeing the appearance of two friends, Machiko's face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and she quickly let go of Hua Ye, "Listen to my explanation..."

"Don't listen, don't listen, you can't listen to the scriptures." Classmate Tian Zhong pinched his waist with one hand, stretched out his fingers, and said confidently, "We saw clearly just now, you two are hugging each other!"

It's just hugging arms, why are they hugging together!Don't use the rounding algorithm indiscriminately!

Ueno pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose: "No wonder the class leader refused to participate in our Halloween event, so it was for a date with Hua Ye?"

"It's not a date." Machiko retorted, how could a group of people go out on a date.

"There are all witnesses and material evidence, and the explanation is invalid." Classmate Tanaka waved his right hand.

Ueno sighed: "I didn't expect the monitor to be the first one among us to get out of the order."

Machiko was about to cry, "Don't talk nonsense."

In the room before, the Shura field between Lafite and Miss Miko was so scary, I didn't want to get involved at all, just act secretly.

"Squad leader, don't worry, we will help you keep the secret."

"Don't be shy, let's not talk about it."

Tanaka and Ueno are Machiko's classmates from elementary school to high school. The three of them have a very good relationship. Seeing that Machiko's face was flushed like blood, and steam was rising from the top of her head, she quickly stopped joking and looked at Hua Ye in unison.

"Hua Ye." Tanaka stretched out his white and tender right hand, "Bring the candy."

Ueno said: "Trick or treat."

"No candy." Hua Ye shook his head, he didn't have the habit of carrying snacks with him.

Machiko pursed her lips and said, "Do you want candies? I'll go buy them for you right away."

She just wanted her two friends to leave as soon as possible. When she was alone with Hua Ye, she didn't feel anything wrong. Now that she was surrounded by two friends, she immediately felt ashamed.

"No need to buy." The Ueno girl pushed her eyes on the bridge of her nose, and said in a low voice, "There is no candy, you two can send candy online."

"Eh?" Machiko was taken aback, a little dazed, "What do you mean by distributing candy online?"

"It's very simple." Classmate Tanaka stretched out a finger, with a smile of a little fox eating chicken on his face, "Let Classmate Hua Ye kiss you, and pink crit stars will definitely fly out."


"Kiss, give me a kiss?!" Machiko's pretty face flushed, water steam came out of her head, her body swayed, and she almost fainted from shame, but she was supported by Hua Ye.

Kissing or something in the street, how could such a thing be possible!

Can't do it.

I can't do it in my life.

Even if you suffocate yourself in bed, you can't do that kind of thing!

"Hmm." Ueno girl looked at Hua Ye and said solemnly, "Student Hua Ye, please make your choice."

Hua Ye looked down at Machiko, then stretched out his right hand and landed on Machiko's cheek.

"Hey?" Machiko's head was buzzing, and he felt that he was about to lose his ability to think, "Is it fake? Is it true that student Hua Ye really wants to kiss me?"


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