Hua Ye said: "Half-comatose and half-awake, the curse just made her lose control of her body, it looked like she was in a coma."

"Sure enough." Igarashi gritted her silver teeth, "Did she see me... that I bit you?"

It's fine if you don't see it. If you see it, you have to learn from Zhuge Liang and kill Ma Di with tears!No matter how reluctant she is, she must be sent to serve those huskies who tear down their houses all day long!

Hua Ye shook his head: "No, she can only perceive things that have contact with her body."

"That's good..." Igarashi breathed a sigh of relief, then showed two rows of small silver teeth, and said fiercely, "Why don't you finish all at once?"

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "You didn't ask."


Igarashi clenched her fists tightly, wanting to hit someone so badly, but unfortunately she couldn't hit him again and again, she would probably be pressed on her legs and spanked as soon as she made a move.But, now there is a new way of revenge...

The poor-breasted star rolled his eyes and sat on Hua Ye's lap again: "Ahhhhhh! Bite you——"


Hua Ye's face is full of black lines, you are addicted, remind me of your identity as a teacher, forcefully kiss a student, not only will you die socially, but you will also be invited to the police station for tea!

Bite on Hua Ye's lips, Igarashi stood up, raised his hand to wipe his mouth, raised his chin and said triumphantly, "You can go, don't hang around in front of my eyes, I'm annoying to see you."

Hua Ye said with a dark face, "Are you itchy again?"

The smug Igarashi hurriedly covered her butt: "I'm not, I didn't... Hurry up, I don't want to see you."

Hua Ye got up and opened the door, got out of the car and left.

Seeing Hua Ye leaving without turning his head, Igarashi, who was still full of pride just now, felt a little sulky again.

(If you are told to go, you can go, but call me to have breakfast.)

(Sure enough, men are big pigs, and they will leave when they take advantage of it. There is no good thing.)

(Just wait, I will let you lick my fingers in the future!)

"Hmph." Igarashi looked away, looked at the two maids outside the car, folded his arms and said, "Drive back."

"Yes, Igarashi-sama."


When Hua Ye returned to the apartment, breakfast was already served on the table. Grilled saury, tamagoyaki, seaweed slices, miso soup and tofu, and a few soft-boiled eggs cut in half, it can be said to be quite hearty.

There are home economics classes in public schools. If it’s an aristocratic girls’ school that trains brides-to-be, cooking is a special practice class. Miss Miko has never been to an aristocratic girls’ school, but there are several radish heads waiting to be fed at home, so cooking skills are naturally practiced. come out.

"Brother Xiaoye is so slow." Daily urged, "Hurry up and wash your hands, let's eat."

Hua Ye went to the bathroom to wash his hands, then walked to the main seat reserved for him and sat down.

"I'm gonna start now."

After the usual daily declaration was finished, when Hua Ye moved his chopsticks, other people started to move one after another.

"This egg is super delicious. (*^▽^*)" Taplis showed the happy face of the little animal after being fed, "I used to eat it with my seniors at a ramen restaurant, and I wanted to eat it later, but unfortunately I never had it." Chance."

"It's a soft-boiled egg." Miss Miko explained, "Just boil the egg, and then quickly add cold water to cool it down, so that the egg yolk will become a semi-solid jelly, neither flowing like a liquid nor solidified , just grasp the time, if you want to learn, I can teach you, it's very simple."

"Thank you, Senior Liuli." Taplis shook his head politely, "I don't want it anymore, I don't have any eggs..."

Hinata complained: "You don't even have eggs, are you a chief living in Africa?"

The place where Taplis lives is not a primitive tribe, but the heaven that many people yearn for. Unfortunately, life in the heaven is not very good, because animals are not recognized to have souls, so there are no chickens in the heaven, and naturally there are no eggs.

"Hinata." Miss Miko looked over.

The dirty loli obediently bowed her head to eat.

Taplis was broad-minded, and a little naturally dumb. He didn't even know what the chief meant, so of course he didn't care. He ate the egg happily, then looked at the white liquid in front of him, and asked curiously: "What is this?" ? It looks like the things my senior asked me to drink last time were all white and sticky..."

Chapter 1186 Faithful Tap Sauce

"Brother Xiaoye?" Hinata raised her hand to cover her mouth, eyes wide open, "You actually tricked your junior into drinking deoxyribose..."


A chestnut chisel hit the dirty loli on the head.

Miss Miko half-closed her eyes and said, "Shut up and eat."

Hua Ye said with a dark face, "That's skim milk, not deoxyribose."

"That, that." Taplis has always been a curious baby, "What is deoxyribose?"

Ms. Miko slightly twitched the corner of her mouth, deoxyribose or something, this question is hard to explain, just thinking about how to fool it, Liuhua has already raised her hand/quickly answered: "I know what it is!"

The dull hair on the top of Liuhua's head swayed from side to side, and said solemnly: "I heard from others that it is a very powerful candy. After eating it, it can become white, beautiful and smart."

"It's amazing." Lingna, the cat-eared lady, raised her hand, "We want to eat meow."

Taplis looked shy and said reservedly: "I want to try it too."

Hinata was holding the bowl, his eyes had already turned into crescent moons, "Brother Xiaoye..."

As a result, as soon as a name was called, Miss Miko knocked a chisel on the head.

"My sister is bullying." Hinata put her head in her hands, her cheeks puffed up, "I haven't said anything yet."

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