This kind of thing doesn't need a reason at all, a stranger who has only met for half an hour and has no feelings at all, a humanoid self-propelled cannon will go up!What I pursue is emotion, not physical enjoyment, otherwise I would have been a secretary for a long time, and I would have been a secretary for nothing!

Hua Ye said, "Because I'm not a lolicon."

This mountain god has read a lot of books recently, so he naturally knows what Lolicon means. He looked down at himself a little discouraged, and said, "Actually, I can use spells to temporarily enlarge my body..."

As he spoke, he took a deep breath, and his stature, which was originally shorter than Igarashi's, began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a dozen seconds, he became a mature woman with long silver hair, and a big chest. Surprisingly, the shirt of the pajamas was ripped apart, and two little rabbits jumped out playfully, bouncing in the air.

This mountain god's sense of shame is obviously different from that of human beings. He spread his arms and lay down on the bed. The little rabbit was trembling again, his face was flushed, and he panted and said, "Hurry up and mate, my spell can only last for half an hour. Should be enough, right?"

Enough for your sister, of course half an hour is not enough, at least one day and one night is enough!

"Yes, damn it!"

Seeing the pair of rabbits that were far larger than her own and extremely elastic, Igarashi immediately gritted her teeth, grabbed Hua Ye, turned around and walked out, "Hurry up, I won't be able to resist killing her if I stay any longer." !"

Hoshino Xia also pursed her lips and hugged Hua Ye's other arm, "Student Hua Ye, let's go."

If Hua Ye was allowed to mate with the mountain god here, he might pull himself and Igarashi over on a whim, and get a triple kill by the way.

Hoshino Xia hasn't made that preparation yet, so naturally she wants to stay away from the place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

Shi Changji sat up and tightened the shirt on her body: "It's just mating once, and I won't pester you after that, why are you so shy?"

"You are the one who asked this question!"


"My lord, you have come out." Yatengu stood quietly outside the door, bowing to Hua Ye in salute.

As the messenger of justice among monsters, it is by Shi Changji's side. It is said to be a housekeeper, but in fact it is more like an elder and father. Combining and breaking the seal is just a matter of breaking the seal. Now that we meet Hua Ye, all kinds of calculations are naturally unnecessary.

When fighting that night, his speed had already reached the fastest, but he was defeated by the young man in front of him without any reaction. If the opponent was not merciful, he would probably be able to kill himself with one hand. Yatengu felt it from Hua Ye at that time. There is a terrible smell, the human being in front of him is probably a disguise of a certain god?

Thinking of this, Yatengu became more respectful, and led Hua Ye and the three of them outside without asking what the situation was like, "I will send you off respectfully."

Return to the hall soon.

Miss Miko and her party are naturally safe and sound.

"Hua Jun." Miss Miko stood up, "How is it?"

Hua Ye said: "It's settled, let's take someone away."

Miss Miko nodded lightly: "That's good."

If you can't fight, it's better not to fight. Many of the onmyojis present are of mediocre strength. They come here in the morning to attack the mountain god. Firstly, it's because of the outnumbered mentality. up, casualties are likely to occur.

"Everyone, we can go back." Miss Miko raised her voice slightly, and soon became the focus of the audience.

The onmyojis present were startled for a moment, but after seeing Yatengu nodding silently, they were surprised and delighted at once, they stood up one after another, unwilling to stay any longer.Although they have not been treated harshly, and there are maids to entertain them, anyone with a clear mind will know that the current situation is like a bamboo mouse being kept in a cage. Can't resist.

"Hey, is this over?" Jing Keai was very surprised and asked in a low voice.

The popcorn is already set, you just show me this?

What about the [-] rounds of the agreed battle, and the agreed-upon duel between Onmyoji and monsters?How come it turned into sitting down and drinking tea in an amicable manner!

Igarashi snorted, and complained, "That facial paralyzed woman sleeps with the mountain god Shi Changhime, so naturally there will be no problem."


Jing Keai twitched the corner of her mouth, thinking that she heard it wrong: "I seem to have an auditory hallucination just now..."

"You heard me right, it's pajamas." Igarashi curled her lips, if she hadn't pulled that guy away by herself, she might have slept with that mountain god by now!


Sleeping clothes or something, how strong is the ability to be able to sleep and serve a mountain god!Is it a humanoid self-propelled cannon or a human pile driver!

Jing Kei complained in her heart, and subconsciously looked at Hua Ye: "It's just that the time is short..."


Hua Ye noticed something, and turned to look at the Iron Fist female teacher.

Jing Keai coughed lightly, and looked away as if nothing had happened.

A group of people hurried to the outside of the hall, the hall soon became empty, Hua Ye fell behind, and told Ya Tiangou the method of breaking the seal, it was just a matter of one sentence, otherwise if he came to "Three Visits to the Thatched Cottage" several times in the future, he would Very annoying.

"Thank you for your guidance, my lord." Yatengu was overjoyed, knelt down on one knee, and thanked him respectfully.

Hua Ye waved his hand and walked out together with Miss Miko.

Get out of the cave.

The sky has darkened unknowingly.

Miss Miko took out her mobile phone and made a call to Hinata. When she was in the cave, she didn't know whether it was the magnetic field or some other reason. The world is full of curiosity. If you can pull a network cable, buy a computer and game console, and serve it with Coke and potato chips, Shi Changji will not have so many things. There is a [-]% chance of insisting that the world is so big, I want to see it ’ dream, the remaining [-]% chance is to become a house girl.

"Sister? Are you all right?" Hinata's voice came faintly.

Miss Miko replied: "It's okay, I'm on my way back."

Hua Ye's phone also vibrated.

He took out his phone and saw that it was a message from Thor.

"Xiaoye, Xiaolin told you to wear long johns... No, he told you to come to dinner tomorrow!"

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