There was a sweet fragrance in the air, and when you smelled that smell, you knew it was fried chestnuts.

Compared with the elegant and quiet scent of sweet-scented osmanthus in the park, the sweet scent of fried chestnuts is obviously hotter and more enticing.

Hua Ye stood up silently.

Kang Na said, "Cai Chuan, put away the kite."

"alright, I got it."

After putting away the kite, Hua Ye took the two lolis and walked towards the direction of roasting chestnuts.

"Wow, there are a lot of people queuing up." Cai Chuan said in surprise.

Because chestnuts are seasonal, like water chestnuts, lotus pods, red dates, and persimmons, they can only be eaten in autumn, and it is difficult to see them at other times. Moreover, they are usually fried and sold right away, so there are naturally many people queuing up.

The team was advancing very fast, and many people just bought a small portion to try something new. When it was Hua Ye's turn, Hua Ye looked down at the blue-eyed young dragon with expectant eyes, and silently ordered a large bag weighing several kilograms.

"A lot." Cai Chuan opened his eyes wide, "Oni-chan, can you buy so much that you can't finish it?"

With Kang Na here, the word 'can't finish' does not exist!

Hua Ye said, "Go back to the park and eat."

There are no sanitation workers in Japan, and there are very few trash cans on the streets. You can only find trash cans near stations, vending machines, convenience stores, etc. to dispose of trash. Usually, you put it in a convenience bag and take it home to dispose of it. You can’t see it on the street. When you go to a bench for people to rest and want to sit down and eat, you usually have to go to the park to find a bench.

As for the statement that islanders don’t eat on the street, that’s nonsense. Not only on the street, but also in the trams and subways, there are quite a few islanders who eat. It’s mainly about quality and shame. , this sentence is not false at all.

Back to the park.

Finding an empty bench to sit down, Hua Ye put down the chestnut and said, "If you want to eat, take it yourself."

"Thank you Ernie-chan."

Cai Chuan was still a little embarrassed, dawdling and not doing anything.

Naturally, Kang Na didn't have so many worries, she silently reached out and took two chestnuts, handed one to Cai Chuan, squeezed the other casually, revealing the yellowish chestnut flesh inside, and ate it in one bite.

The sweetness of the chestnut exploded in the mouth, causing Kangna to bend her eyes, and a happy expression appeared on her small face. If she exposed her tail now, it would definitely be swaying from side to side.

Chapter 1208 Dragon Lady Seaweed Dance

"It's so hard to peel..."

Kang Na can pinch a chestnut with one hand, but Cai Chuan, a real lolita, can't do it. She hasn't been able to open it for a long time, and her little face is full of discouragement.

"Cai Chuan, give me the chestnut." Kang Na said.

"it is good."

Little Lolita handed the chestnut to Kang Na, and the blue-eyed young dragon reached out to take it, and quickly squeezed the chestnut away.

"Kana-chan is amazing!"

Kang Na blinked her eyes and said softly, "Cai Chuan, open your mouth."


Seeing the white and tender little hand stretched out in front of her, and the yellow chestnut meat, little Lolita Caichuan's eyes suddenly widened, and her face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

(Kana-chan wants to feed me something?)

(My own efforts were not in vain, Kanna-chan is already so close to me, keep working hard, and strive to sleep with Kanna-chan as soon as possible!)


Caichuan opened his mouth, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" he bit down, but he not only bit the chestnut, but also contained Kang Na's fingers in his hand.

"Hmm..." the loli bit the chestnut and said vaguely, "It's so sweet."

Are you talking about sweet chestnuts or sweet fingers? Why do you think you are talking about the latter?

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, and suddenly found that teachers are everywhere in life.

Kang Na withdrew her finger, raised her face to look at Hua Ye, then squeezed a chestnut, handed it to Hua Ye, and said softly, "Open your mouth, ah—"


You are enough, you fed Caichuan just now, and now you want to feed me?

Wipe your fingers clean before you speak!

"Don't eat." Hua Ye sternly refused with black lines all over his face.

Kang Na didn't force her, she took back the chestnuts and ate them herself.

After a moment.

A purple-haired girl came over.

"Kangna sauce." Wei Nai walked over quickly, raised her hand to tie the hair around her ears, and said with a happy smile, "Good afternoon."

"Vina, good afternoon."

"Sit here." Hua Ye stepped aside and asked Wei Nai to sit down.

Wei Nai sat down, peeled a chestnut casually, and handed it to Kang Na. After the feeding was successful, she unlocked the permission to pinch her face, and stretched out her hand to gently pinch Kang Na's chubby face. It was delicate, smooth and full of elasticity. , is one of the most comfortable handles in the world.

Turning his head, Hua Ye had already peeled a chestnut and handed it over: "Eat chestnut?"

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