Chapter 1246 The correct way to swear sovereignty

The more Lafite smiled and remained silent, the more guilty Alice felt, always feeling that everything had been seen through.

After finally seeing Hua Ye's figure coming out of the convenience store opposite, this short little bean hurriedly got up: "Master Baiyu, I'll go out for a while!"

"Go." Lafite urged, "Go slowly and pay attention to safety."


Alice paused, covered her skirt with her hands, and walked out with a blushing face.

The short bean ding walked out of the restaurant, walked up to Hua Ye in small steps, raised his face and said fiercely, "Did you tell Master Bai Yu?"

Hua Ye shook his head: "No."

If you say no, then you definitely don't have it. After all, I have never seen Hua Ye tell a lie. Alice puffed up her cheeks: "How did Master Bai Yu know?"

Hua Ye looked disgusted and said, "Lafite is a self-proclaimed detective. Your expression is tense, your movements are stiff, your eyes are wandering, and your hands are still covering your skirt..."

"Stop talking!" If it wasn't for the fear of losing everything, this short bean would probably jump up and hit Hua Ye's knee, "Give me the fat time!"

Hua Ye handed out the shopping bag in his hand, Alice reached out to take it, and couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, never thought that Fat Times could bring such a huge sense of security to people, although it was just a piece of cloth that was as light as nothing, but The shame of wearing and not wearing it is simply a world of difference.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Alice hugged Fatty to her chest, "Go first."

Hua Ye walked into the restaurant and sat down next to Lafite.

The black-bellied girl looked over with a happy smile: "What did classmate Hua Ye do just now?"

Hua Ye glanced at Lafite, "Ask knowingly."

A leg came over under the table, and the warm and greasy feeling flooded into her heart, and the black-bellied girl started to make trouble again: "I just asked because I didn't know."

Hua Ye said with a straight face, "I'll tell you slowly when I go back tonight."

After a while, Alice finally put on her fat clothes and walked back satisfied. The dishes ordered before were brought to the table one after another. Nanako Suzuki stood up, held up a glass of ginger beer, bowed and said, "Today, how many servings are there for you?" Sorry for the inconvenience!"

Ginger beer is actually a carbonated drink that doesn't contain alcohol, so it doesn't violate the ban on underage drinking, although not many people abide by it.

"Senior Nanako, you're being polite." Lafite's ability to control the field was maxed out, and she was the one who spoke the scene. Coupled with the fact that both parties felt guilty, the host and guest had a good time, and the atmosphere was lively.

Only after a while, Alice suddenly noticed that there was something wrong with Suzuki Nanako's eyes.

The place where everyone sat was a small booth. Koike Yoko and Nanako sat on one side, Huaye Lafite and Alice sat on the other side. When eating, Suzuki Nanako would always glance at Hua Ye from time to time, and her eyes would sometimes be Something shiny flashed by... Alice had seen similar eyes many times. For example, when she was alone, Lafite looked at Hua Ye like this.

I have never eaten pork, but I have always seen pigs run away. This short bean was alerted for a moment, the woman opposite wanted to poach Lord Bai Yu's corner!

"Master Baiyu." Alice touched Lafite under the table, raised her hand to cover her mouth and said in a low voice, "That Nanako's eyes looking at Dafa is not right, do you want to warn him not to think badly?"

"No, no matter what you do outside, you must take care of the boy's face." Lafite shook his finger, "Warnings cannot be given, we just make allowances and obey everything."

Hua Ye glanced over with disgust.

You said it in a whisper, but you actually said it to me on purpose!

Lafite blinked at Hua Ye, and continued: "At this time, we should take an oath of sovereignty with actions."


Alice sat upright, thinking that Lafite was going to go up for a kiss directly, and was wondering whether she would appear unrestrained enough to make Nanako Suzuki look down on her, but Lafite said casually, "This crab is so hard to peel..."

Hua Ye remained expressionless and unmoved.

With an itchy foot, Lafite rubbed over and gestured, "Boyfriend, hurry up."

It is agreed that girls should be elegant and reserved. You are deliberately showing your affection in front of others!

Hua Ye took the crab and began to help Lafite peel the crab meat.

"Thank you Hua Ye."

The black-bellied girl thanked her, dipped a fish ball in soy sauce, and said, "The fish balls in this shop are really good."

Hua Ye understood, and silently took the fish ball in front of him to Lafite.

"Well, thank you Hua Ye. (*^▽^*)"

It took less than two minutes for Lafite to be honest, then he raised his head again, this time with a little sauce on his lips, and turned his head slightly, with a cute but cheerful expression waiting for Hua Ye to help wipe his face.

"Boyfriend, hurry up."

Hua Ye looked disgusted, took out a napkin, and helped the black-bellied girl wipe off the soy sauce from her lips.

"and also……"

It's enough!The promised oath of sovereignty!It's just taking the opportunity to order people around!

It has to be said that Lafite's "Battle of Oath of Sovereignty" was quite successful, and Suzuki Nanako's gaze at Hua Ye was obviously dimmed.

Then the black-bellied girl resorted to the ultimate lore move.

"I'm full, what should I do if this fish ball is wasted?" Lafite wiped his mouth and made the final blow.

Qi Qi, a melon-eating girl at the dining table, looked at the fish ball. To be precise, it was the mark of a small bite on the fish ball.

Hua Ye slightly twitched the corner of his mouth, and looked at this troublesome girl with a black belly.

Lafite promised with pitiful eyes: "Go back and let classmate Hua Ye eat rouge! I haven't finished trying the lipstick I bought last time!"

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