"it is good."

Since being on duty on Monday, I accidentally saw two couples in the same grade looking for excitement in the utility room. For several days in a row, Machiko didn't dare to talk to Hua Ye. Looking at each other with Hua Ye, his eyes would be erratic and his face would be reddish. It can only be said that his skin is too thin.

"After school, I have to go to the office first, Hua Ye, please wait for me for a while."

Machiko glanced at the history teacher on the podium, lowered her head and continued to send messages cautiously: "By the way, my mother has caught a cold for the past few days, she keeps coughing, and her throat is still a little sore. If classmate Hua Ye is free, go to my house and do another one." How about some rock sugar pears?"

Hua Ye agreed: "It depends on the situation. If you don't have time in the afternoon, you can go there tomorrow."

"Well, thank you Hua Ye."

"Also, the dried persimmons made by grandpa are already ready, and they were delivered to the house yesterday by Black Cat Express..." Machiko blushed slightly, "Grandpa prepared a special one for you."

When I went to my hometown to help pick persimmons last time, Hua Ye cured Grandpa Machiko's old cold legs by the way. The old man was naturally very pleasing to Hua Ye, and often asked Machiko when he would take Hua Ye to dinner again.

As soon as we chatted, we talked until the school bell rang.

After school, Machiko went to the office, then met Hua Ye, and walked to the cooking department together, but met the two people Machiko least wanted to see in the corridor.

It was a couple who were looking for excitement in the utility room that day. At that time, the girl's fat times had already taken off. If Machiko hadn't disturbed the two of them by kicking the cardboard box at the last moment, they would definitely play Lianliankan!

Compared to Machiko, these two people were even more flustered. When they saw Hua Ye, the girl blushed instantly, and the boy also looked erratically. He smiled at Hua Ye, then pulled the girl up and hurriedly turned around and fled.

Seeing these two people, Machiko couldn't help but think of the naked scene she saw that afternoon. She felt ashamed again, her pretty face flushed, and she hurriedly walked two steps to go upstairs, but she made a mistake in her hurry, and almost fell off with her step. fall.

Hua Ye grabbed Machiko's wrist and pulled her up, "Steady."

"Thank you Hua Ye..."

Machiko breathed a sigh of relief, raised her hand and patted her chest, then paused.

The squad leader is not tall, only a little higher than Hua Ye's shoulders. Now he walks one more step than Hua Ye. The two of them are facing each other, and the height gap is immediately smoothed out.

The sunlight happened to fall on Hua Ye's face. The high nose bridge, slightly pursed lips, and deep eyes all became extremely clear at this moment. Machiko could even clearly see herself in Hua Ye's eyes. reflection.

The air seemed to quiet down suddenly, and the hustle and bustle of the playground faded away.

Machiko was not peaceful, but felt her heart beating faster, her lips were dry, and her palms began to sweat slightly, and she remembered the flying dragon riding on her face taught by her cousin.

"Why didn't you leave?" Hua Ye asked.

"Wait, wait a minute."

Machiko's voice trembled slightly.

(Flying dragons can’t do things like face riding, but, but...)

(If this posture does nothing, it will be a waste, right?)

(Try it, just try it... My cousin asked me to try a new pose in a new shoujo manga I drew recently...)

(When I went to my grandfather's house to pick persimmons, I already kissed once, and there is no problem in kissing again...)

The long eyelashes trembled uncontrollably, and a large blushing flush appeared on Machiko's pretty face. The long, black girl put her hands behind her back and leaned forward slightly.


"Boom" sounded like a heavy object falling to the ground.

Machiko hurriedly stood up straight, turned her head and looked up the corridor, and saw the glasses girl with bob hair standing there, with a bottle of rolling drink at her feet.

"I, I didn't see anything!" The glasses girl hurriedly bent down to pick up the drink, hugged the drink bottle in her arms, and took a step back timidly, "Squad leader and classmate Hua Ye, please continue!"

How could it be possible to continue!The courage I finally mustered up just now has been scared away, okay?

Machiko raised her hand to cover her face, trying to find a crack in the ground to get under. It was really embarrassing to be seen by her classmates, and she would have no face to face Haruka Kitano again.

"It's okay." Hua Ye comforted, "She doesn't dare to talk nonsense."

The squad leader covered his face with his hands, refusing to see anyone.

"I won't say anything, monitor and Hua Ye, please rest assured."

After the glasses girl timidly apologized, she raised her hand to cover her mouth, turned around and ran away in small steps.

Hua Ye looked away: "Okay, let's go to the cooking department."


Machiko responded with a low voice, lowered her head and stared at her toes, the good atmosphere was ruined, she was still a little unhappy, of course, more of it was the embarrassment of being hit by someone.

Hua Ye thought for a while: "Do you want to try again?"

"No, no more." Machiko blushed and shook her head hastily, her courage had been frightened away, and she would only be nervous if she tried again.

Hua Ye said, "Then try again next time."

Machiko lowered his head and followed Hua Ye. After a while, he replied in a low voice in embarrassment: "Okay..."

Chapter 1253 Squad Leader, You Made a Mistake

culinary department.

"Squad leader, classmate Hua Ye, you are here."

Tanaka, who was wearing a Xiaolu apron, recruited with a smile and said, "Come here quickly."

Ueno girl handed a squirrel apron to Machiko, then hugged Machiko's waist from behind, and rested her chin on Machiko's shoulder, "Today is the squad leader cooking in person, Hua Ye, please look forward to it."

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