"Aide, I allow you to sit next to me and resist the evil together." Satania limply lay on the other side, and the vitality girl became a useless cat under the power of the kotatsu.

You shut up and want to spread evil all day long and reap sins, you are the evil side!

Because she became a minion last night, Gabriel didn't eat any more oranges today, she was sitting on the kotatsu with a pillow behind her, and she was concentrating on playing the game

"With the kotatsu, mother no longer has to worry about cold hands and feet when playing games in winter!"

Compared to Liuhua and Silly Meow who became a waste house, this waste angel didn't waste any time.

In the end, it was Lafite who came to challenge the kotatsu and was defeated and sealed.

The black-bellied girl propped her chin with one hand, and said in a lazy, nasal voice, "Student Hua Ye, I'm so hungry."

"You didn't eat?"

Lafite said: "Without Hua Ye's food, I can't eat it."

So you four girls are at home, can't you cook by yourself!Liuhua and Satania can't help, at least you can do a little bit!

If you don't come back one day, won't you starve to death?

Lafite lay on the kotatsu, with his chin resting on his arm: "If classmate Hua Ye comes back later, we will starve to death."

Hua Ye said with a blank expression: "Out of the apartment, turn left for two hundred meters, and there is a convenience store."

"It's been sealed, and I can't get up."

"Then eat the fruit."

"No, the fruit is so cold."

"Eat pineapple/bao."

Satania sat up and shouted, "Mine, the pineapple/bun is mine, if you want to eat it, go buy it yourself."

"Don't eat pineapples/buns." Lafite shook his head, "It's not tasty."

"What?" Satania quit, "The pineapple/bao is the best in the world."

Hua Ye said, "Then drink hot water."

Liuhua said: "This is good, hot water can cure all diseases."

"No." Lafite still shook his head.


The black-bellied girl thought for a while: "Because the hot water scalded your mouth?"


Chapter 1263 A Lafite Comes into His Arms

Hua Ye came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, saw four girls from the abandoned house still sitting on the kotatsu, and said speechlessly, "Are you still sleeping?"

Liuhua said, "I've already slept."

Satania nodded: "I fell asleep in the kotatsu without knowing it."

Hey, you guys are enough, eat and sleep, sleep and eat, squint for a while when you are sleepy, and continue playing when you wake up, you are going to be beaten by those social animals who stay up late and work overtime!

Hua Ye decided to ignore these abandoned house girls, and turned around and sat on the sofa to watch TV.

"Buzzing", the phone vibrated.

Picking up the phone, it was a message from Lafite.

Hua Ye turned his head and glanced at this dark-bellied girl. She was only two steps away, so what kind of trouble is sending a message!

"Boyfriend, I've already brought a change of clothes." Lafite sent a smug expression, "It's already in the closet."

Hua Ye responded, "Yes."

"Please teach me more in the future."

So are you planning to eat and drink every day like Liuhua?I should pay the rent first!

"The pajamas were also brought over, but so many people couldn't wear them." The dark-bellied girl sent a slightly distressed expression, "What should I do?"

Hua Ye was expressionless: "Then don't wear it."

I've seen you without clothes many times, and I'm not interested in the pajamas you're talking about.

"Mr. Facial Paralyzed is indeed a pervert, and he proved it after he tried it." A frightened and timid expression popped up on the screen, "You don't want me to wear pajamas, it's too much, it's a bully."

Hua Ye replied: "Don't wear pajamas, just wear a nude apron from now on."


"I think a nude apron would suit you better."

"I was wrong." Lafite apologized resolutely, flexibly, "My boyfriend can't bully people like this."

Hua Ye said, "I'm sorry, but I can."


"Satania." While chatting with Hua Ye, Lafite also smiled and talked to Silly Meow, "Why do you like playing marbles?"

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