The vampire read it word by word, its eyes slowly opened wide, a cloud of black air floated on its sickly and pale face, and the phone in its hand was suddenly crushed into a ball with a crackling sound debris.

"The soul is pale!"

"It was tricked by that brat!"

The vampire's cloak was lifted, and the whole person flew into the air.

"Hey, uncle, why are you here again?" Seeing the strange man appearing in front of her again, Liuhua blinked and asked curiously, "Aren't you going home so late?"


A sneer full of anger and aggrieved sounded, as if someone was scratching the blackboard with their fingernails, making Liuhua frown, and hurriedly raised her hand to cover her ears.

"This uncle's laughter is so ugly..."

Liuhua opened her eyes wide in surprise.

Because the weirdo in front of her reached out and took off the hat on the top of her head, revealing two canine teeth and scarlet eyes, with a sharp and hoarse voice, "Pay for your middle school!"

Chapter 1272 Liberate, the true eyes of the evil king! (first update)

Liuhua was a little flustered and aggrieved.

Obviously it was to cooperate with you in acting, why did you suddenly change your face when you said it?

There is no trust between people at all.

Looking left and right, there was no one around, Liuhua waved his hands nervously and said, "Halloween is over, come back next year."

"I'm just fear."

A sharp and hoarse voice sounded, and a pair of wings grew out of the vampire's back, and it flew into the air, admiring Liuhua's fear condescendingly. It was obviously an evil existence that everyone feared, but it was scared to run away by a few words from a middle school girl. There is a reason for sleeping for a long time and not asking about world affairs, but the face has been lost, and now I must get it back!

"Fear, tremble, despair..."

The vampire used the voice of fascination again, but it was still useless. The blindfolded girl on the ground suddenly became excited, and raised her right hand to rest on the white blindfold.

"Break it, reality!"

"I don't want to use the same trick twice." The vampire was about to dive down and snatch Liuhua away, when suddenly there was a strange aura coming from Liuhua.

"Well, what's going on?"

The old vampire was suspicious by nature, circled in the air, stopped again, and then opened his eyes wide in surprise.

"Crush it, spirit!"

Under the soles of Liuhua's feet, countless rays of light suddenly converged and flowed, turning into a huge magic circle with a diameter of ten meters. Hunting and sweeping in the wind.

An indescribable panic swept over my heart.

"It's not a second-degree illness!"

The old vampire was shocked, "This human is not ordinary at all! Ordinary humans will never have such powerful magic fluctuations!"

"Disappear, this world..."

Liuhua's voice was crisp and clear, and as the blindfold was slowly lifted, a ray of light like a piece of gold spread out, as if the smelted steel in a forging furnace could burn people's eyes.


The old vampire didn't say anything, under the warning of fear in his heart, he shook his wings and turned around and ran away. Facing the weird girl who was releasing a big move at the first glance, he had no intention of confronting him head-on.

However, instead of disappearing, this sense of fear has spread like a flood. It feels like a person is walking on the bank of a river that is about to burst, and will swallow him up in the next moment.

Shino suddenly became quiet.

Be it the chirping of insects, the chirping of birds, or the hustle and bustle of vehicles in the distance, everything fell silent, even the wind stopped, as if the world was so big that he was the only one left to face it alone.

The old vampire stopped in mid-air, turned his head stiffly with horror on his face, and saw a golden pupil under Liuhua's fully uncovered blindfold.

Countless starlight gathered from all directions, giving people a wonderful feeling of starlight gathering, and finally turned into a bright beam of light.

Under the light of this clear light, Liuhua's dull hair on the top of her head swayed slightly, her small face was solemn and solemn, and she chanted the last incantation in a proud voice.

"Liberate, True Eye of the Evil King—"


The girl's middle school eyes turned from fantasy to reality at this moment, and a bright beam of light that seemed to be able to penetrate the past and present swept across.

At this moment, only the golden brilliance is left between the heaven and the earth, giving people the feeling that countless stars have turned into rivers and are rushing.

The fear in my heart has spread to the apex.

The old vampire roared frantically and wanted to dodge, but his body couldn't respond.

too fast.

The radiance released by the evil king's true eyes was too fast, just for a moment, without even a chance to vibrate its wings, the old vampire in mid-air was instantly submerged by the roaring light.

At this moment, the old vampire had only one thought in his heart.

"The bastard who collected the information really tricked me!?"


The roaring light swept across, and the figure of the old vampire disappeared in an instant, completely disappearing like a handwriting erased by an eraser.

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