"Kindergarten kids can say they are young and ignorant." Igarashi raised his hand and flapped his nose lightly, and said with disgust in his eyes, "You old vampire, what are you talking about young and ignorant? It's just a bus that you can get on by swiping your card! "

"Sharp teeth." Lilith turned her head and looked over, and suddenly took out her phone, "Wait for me to take some photos."

Igarashi was startled: "What are you doing?"

Is this woman not only a show hoof, a bus, but also a terminal cancer selfie?

It's clearly a tense battlefield, but suddenly you take out your phone to take pictures!

Lilith raised her phone, snapped two photos of Igarashi, then put away her phone and said, "Okay."

"What the hell are you doing, you stinky hoof?" Igarashi asked with a frown.

Lilith put her arms around her chest, with a smile on her face, and said vicious words in a lazy tone: "When I catch you, find someone to play with you into [beep——], and then take the sharp-mouthed photo just now. I'll show it to you, and I'm curious if you will show off your black face and regret today's offense at the same time."


Igarashi's small face was as black as ink, like the sky on the eve of a storm. No one had ever dared to speak to her in such a tone. This stinking vampire would never forgive her!

"Smelly woman, you are courting death!"

"This is the end of the game." A dark leather whip appeared in Lilith's hand, she pointed forward, and ordered with cold eyes, "William, catch them."


The man who was sitting on the ground with his head down, as if he had lost all his fighting spirit suddenly roared, and slammed his fists on the ground, two small pits appeared on the ground, and the man's body suddenly trembled amidst the splash of mud , rapidly inflated like an inflated balloon, silver wolf hairs sprouted quickly, the mouth stretched and became longer, turned into a wolf kiss, and both hands turned into black sharp claws, it was a huge werewolf.

"Could this werewolf be the ultimate dog licker?" Igarashi was shocked, "Because he was wearing hundreds of green hats, he still wanted to kill this stinky bastard?"

"He was charmed." Hua Ye said calmly, "That vampire has the blood of a succubus, and it used the pupil technique to confuse the werewolf."

"No wonder." Igarashi snorted, "I said that there would be no such disgusting licking dogs in the world..."

at the same time.

Inugami once again collided with the transformed werewolf William. The enemy who was evenly matched before transformed into an instant winner.


Inugami wailed, his body flew upside down in the air, rolled seven or eight times on the ground, and finally stopped until he hit a tree, and opened his mouth to spit out white smoke, which is the root of Shikigami's existence.

"Inugami is no match," Hua Ye commented.

"I know."

Igarashi's small face was slightly darkened, and he was sent flying after a face-to-face encounter, so he must not be his opponent.

Boom boom boom.

Every time the silver werewolf like a small tank landed, the ground would be splashed with mud. His eyes were red, and the aura of indomitable violence made people startled. taste!

After all, Igarashi is also a high-level executive of Shinrisha, and he doesn't want to rely on Hua Ye for everything, especially he doesn't want to lose face in front of Hua Ye. Now he gritted his teeth, with a curse mark floating on the back of his hand, and gave an order: "I'll give you [-]% authority, defeat the enemy!"

Yu Nu behind Igarashi finally put away the oil-paper umbrella in her hand, revealing a pale, pretty face with tear moles that looked extraordinarily weak. She was dressed in white. The so-called "survivor" was probably This is what it looks like.

As Yunu put away the oiled paper umbrella, the water vapor in the air suddenly became more than ten times thicker. If it was bearable before, it is now like the rainy weather in June and July. If you stay for a while, you will worry about growing green hair on your body .


The sound of surging water sounded.

Streams of clear water appeared out of thin air, shuttled through the air as if alive, and quickly spun into a large net, covering the head of the werewolf William.

"Tear you apart!"

The werewolf William grabbed it out, and the water net in mid-air suddenly shattered, turning into thousands of raindrops and falling down, like a downpour.

However, these raindrops did not fall to the ground. Instead, they suddenly solidified in mid-air, and then began to spin crazily around William the werewolf.

Although water is exceptionally soft, it can also have the sharpness of a sword under high-speed motion. In fact, many modern machine tool industries use water jets as cutting tools.

At this moment, every drop of rainwater is both rainwater and the edge of the blade. The indiscriminate and intensive attack on William the werewolf was like a thousand cuts. The hard hair that could resist the sword suddenly broke after holding on for less than three seconds. A streak of dark red blood gushed out, followed by a painful roar.

The female vampire Lilith's complexion changed slightly, her eyes narrowed, and the long whip in her hand slammed out. The sex toy that was only more than one meter long suddenly became longer and flew out, spanning a distance of more than ten meters in an instant. The tip of the whip It turned into a poisonous snake made of coagulated blood, and bit Yunu's wrist.

A suspicious blush suddenly appeared on the face of the cold-faced widow/man, and his body trembled slightly.

"Sao Hoof, how dare you sneak attack?"

Igarashi's brows stood on end, and she was about to summon a new shikigami to fight back, when a charming voice suddenly rang in her ears.

"look into my eyes."

Igarashi looked up subconsciously, and a pair of scarlet eyes came into view.

"not good……"

He secretly screamed in his heart that it was not good, but unfortunately it was too late to avoid his gaze, the eyes of this poor star star lost focus in an instant, a large blush appeared on his face, but his body trembled uncontrollably.

Chapter 1275 I Accept Your Fat Times

As a banshee with succubus blood, Lilith's enchanting pupil is of course not as simple as pulling people into an illusion, it can also arouse the desire in the heart of human beings, thus creating a sinking illusion that makes people unable to extricate themselves.

Like now.

After looking at each other with those charming eyes, Igarashi felt dizzy, and came to the open-air swimming pool on the top floor of the hotel, where he and Hua Ye swam in the afternoon that day.

"It's fake, it's all fake, it's an illusion!"

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