"Hinata is here as a guest today, eh, hurry up and come in." Lafite raised his hands and rolled up the hair around his ears, not at all nervous and ashamed of being caught in the room, but began to greet people, "What do you want to eat?" Fruit? Apples and oranges."

"We want to eat apples... woo meow!"

The little cat girl hugged her head aggrieved, she didn't know what she said wrong, she was aggrieved: "We came here on an empty stomach, we haven't had breakfast yet, meow."

Hua Ye looked disgusted and came here on an empty stomach to eat and drink. I'm really sorry!

Hinata raised her hand and patted Mao Erniang, her small face had turned into a bun face, and she couldn't help complaining: "What, it's uncertain who will win! My sister and I won't lose to you!"

As he spoke, he turned his head to Miss Miko, looking for support, even if she was taught by her sister every day and complained that her sister was a dictatorial devil, but when encountering foreign enemies, of course, the sisters were of the same heart, and their strengths cut through gold.

Miss Miko's expression was indifferent, and she said calmly:

"I saw three pairs of shoes in the shoe cabinet just now."

"Eh?" Hyuga's eyes lit up, "You are very naughty, you really are lying to me."

Lafite raised his hand and combed the hair beside his ear, with an innocent expression: "It's colder, so I'm going to sleep with you."

Miss Miko didn't believe it at all.

A girl's struggle must be graceful and not tear her face, even if she kicks her face under the table, she still can't lose face. The three pairs of shoes represent three girls. Miss Miko doesn't believe that a girl as proud as Lafite will get hit with others Sleeping together may be possible behind the scenes, but it is absolutely impossible to sleep together.

Hinata is not an idiot either, this radish head ran to the bedroom to have a look, saw Alice wearing stockings next to the bed, and Liuhua who was bedridden, and quickly asked: "Brother Xiaoye slept with you last night ?”

Alice blushed, and hurriedly said in distaste: "How could it be possible to sleep with that pervert!"

"Well, I'm sure." Hyuga turned his head, closed the door, nodded solemnly, "Brother Xiaoye is still innocent."


A row of black lines fell over Hua Ye's head.

You uncle of innocence, those boys who don't even know what it's like to hold a girl's hand are worthy of the word 'innocent'!

"Hmph, lies will be exposed after all." Hinata looked up at Lafite, sticking out his tongue and making a face.

Lafite smiled and looked down: "Hyuga-chan is in a good mood today, sister will feed you some fruit later."


Hinata's face turned pale, and she recalled the fear of being dominated by Lafite that day.

"Saury, saury, saury..." Lingna, the cat girl, sat next to Hua Ye, and said in a voice that could be heard by Hua Ye, "We want to eat saury, as long as there is saury, we can eat saury." You masturbate for a day."

I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in masturbating cat ears at all.

"Brother Xiaoye." Hinata looked over, "You can't go back on what you promised yesterday."

Yesterday afternoon, I received a call from Hinata, asking Hua Ye to go to the shrine to play, but it happened that Igarashi was being plotted against by someone, and Hua Ye didn't go to the shrine, so Hinata took the opportunity to ask Hua Ye to take them to the amusement park.

"It's been so long since I've been to an amusement park." Hinata clenched his fists, "Today I want to have a good time with my sister and me, don't bring..."

"Hey, student Hua Ye is going to play in the amusement park?" Lafite's eyes lit up, "The last time I went to the amusement park was when school just started in spring, and I will go too."

"No." Hinata hugged Hua Ye, "Brother Xiao Ye promised to only accompany my sister and me today."

Hua Ye remained expressionless: "I didn't agree."


Hinata clenched his fist, used the skill Meow Meow Fist, and smashed on Huaye's arm, "Brother Xiaoye is too good, I don't like you anymore."

I just said I like it five minutes ago, and now I say I don’t like it. Girls are indeed fickle animals!

"I'm going to call someone." Lafite turned and walked into the bedroom. Today is the weekend, so it's okay not to change pajamas at home, but you must change clothes when you go out.

"Brother Xiaoye." Hinata leaned close to Huaye's ear, blew on purpose, and then bit his ear with a milky voice, "Lafite bullied me, don't take her to play, I can ask Lingna to help you... ..."


Chapter 1283 Staring at the Crotch Cat

Facts have proved that a disobedient sister must be suppressed by a strong sister.

"Facing the wall and thinking about the past."

Miss Miko's pretty face turned frosty.

"The voice is so low, how did my sister hear it..."

Hinata thought about it, and went to the wall to think about it.

Hua Ye looked at Miss Miko: "You haven't had breakfast yet?"

"No." The cat girl's eyes lit up, "Saury, saury! Ula!"

Hua Ye was expressionless: "There is no saury."

The traditional Japanese breakfast is indeed a combination of saury + rice + miso soup. Unfortunately, for today's urban residents, bread and milk are the standard combination. Like the useless angel and Liuhua next door, they don't even want to get up to eat Breakfast!

The kitty was full of anticipation: "It's okay meow, we bought saury and come over here meow."


The two rabbit maids, Xiao Ai and Xiao Xia, held hands and said timidly, "We bought fruits, snacks and ingredients."

So when you come to visit as a guest, you only need to buy fruits and snacks, and you don’t need such things as ingredients!

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