"You will be beaten like this."


After a few lolis and young girls finished riding the bumper cars, they played a few more games one after another, and then encountered a photo service in front of a small square.

"Sister, shall we take a family portrait?" Hyuga rolled his eyes, "It seems that we haven't taken a real family portrait yet."

Miss Miko replied softly: "Then take a picture."

"Brother Xiaoye, come here." Hinata pulled Huaye into the middle, "You stand here."

"Sister, stand next to brother Xiaoye."

Miss Miko didn't speak, and quietly stood beside Hua Ye.

"Hold brother Xiaoye next door." Hinata pointed to Jiangshan, "It's obviously a family portrait, your posture is too unfamiliar."

Miss Miko glanced at Hinata and reached out to hug Hua Ye's arm.

Hinata continued: "I still want to kiss on the face..."


"It's about the same now."

A few radish heads stood around, and they said like scissors, "Eggplant!"

After paying the money, the person who took the photo took out the photo. Naturally, some compliments were indispensable, "You two are a good match."

"Of course." Hinata raised his chin, "Sister and brother-in-law are the best match."

Hinata put away the photos and pointed to the Ferris wheel, "Brother Xiaoye, let's make a Ferris wheel? This is a must-do item in the playground."


There are a lot of people playing on the Ferris wheel, and there are naturally many tourists waiting in line. After finally queuing up to the entrance, Hyuga rolled his eyes and said, "Brother Xiaoye, you and sister go in and sit. There are too many people and it's not safe. I, Linna and the others Take a seat."

Just as Hua Ye was about to agree, the phone rang suddenly.

I took it out and saw that it was a message from Satania: "Aide, I found a huge diamond, and someone is chasing me now, what should I do?"

With so many people in the playground, the chances of finding diamonds are even smaller than meteorites!

Hua Ye put away the phone: "Satania is busy, I'll go and see."


Hinata immediately puffed up her cheeks, and had worked so hard to line up for such a long time, just for the Ferris wheel that couples must ride in front of her, how could she leave herself and her sister at such a time?

"Hua Jun, you can go." Miss Miko responded and smiled, "I'll take Hinata and the others to finish riding the Ferris wheel, and then I'll go find you."

Hua Ye nodded: "Okay."

Dirty loli still wanted to speak, but she was glanced at by Miss Miko, and she could only close her mouth sullenly.

Watching Hua Ye leave, Hinata said aggrievedly, "Brother Xiao Ye was too good this time, he took off his pants, and left his sister to leave. This is something that people can do."

Miss Miko raised her hand and tapped Hinata's chisel: "Maybe Satania really has something to do."

"Fake, I saw the news just now, Satania actually said that she picked up a huge diamond, it must be impossible!"


When Hua Ye found Satania, the little red-haired devil and Liuhua were hiding behind an evergreen tree, poking their heads and showing their buttocks, as if they were really being tracked by some mysterious organization.

"Aide, come here." Satania's eyes lit up, and she quickly waved at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye walked up to this idiot: "Where are the diamonds?"

"Here, what Liuhua and I picked up when we went to the bathroom just now, it must be something left by a criminal organization..." Satania looked left and right, and after making sure no one was paying attention, she sneaked out of her pocket. He took out an oversized diamond, "I didn't lie to you, did I?"


Chapter 1288

"Aide, come closer." Satania was more cautious than a spy, "Don't be seen."

Hua Ye sighed and squatted next to the two idiots.

"Look." Satania took out a large diamond that shone brightly in the sun from her pocket, and whispered in Huaye's ear, "It's a diamond, right?"

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "No."

"Nonsense, obviously, all diamonds on TV look like this." Satania raised her chin, showing her small canine teeth, and smirked, "When I sell this diamond and buy a bakery, then I can buy it every day." I have a pineapple/bun."

When you have money, your first thought is to buy a bakery to make bread for you. How deep is your obsession with pineapples/buns?

"See clearly, your diamond is hollow."

Satania took out the diamond suspiciously, and took a closer look, "Eh? It seems to be really empty. Could it be that someone hollowed out this diamond?"

"I've seen this thing before!" Liuhua said suddenly.

Hua Ye thought she really knew, but Liuhua put one hand on the blindfold, her small face was solemn, and said in a low tone: "This is a magic gemstone used by dark mages to replenish magic power. The magic power of such a big gemstone is actually all Being sucked out, that dark mage hiding in the dark must have wanted to use Earth Explosion Star to blow up the whole city... oops!"

Hua Ye raised his hand and tapped Liuhua a chestnut chisel.

"It hurts." Liuhua crouched in defense, covering her head.

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