Thin-skinned people can't figure out why Liuhua can say such shameful words without changing his face in public!Because before he could speak, he had already crawled down the ground out of shame!

"Liuhua, is this your first time visiting a haunted house?" Wei Nai asked in a low voice.

Liuhua nodded: "It's indeed the first time here, but I have stepped here many times in my dreams..."

"Then follow me." Wei Nai held Liuhua's little hand involuntarily, "It's our turn, let's go in."

Satania is the first to enter the haunted house, and she is so stupid that she never looks back at the explosion.

Then came Gabriel, followed by Wei Nai and Liuhua, and finally Huaye, Lafite, and Alice.

"Boyfriend, it's a haunted house."


The dark-bellied girl quietly hooked Hua Ye's finger, and whispered to her ear, "Last time in the haunted house, it was Mr. Facial Paralyzed who bullied me. This time, let me bully me back."


Chapter 1290 The correct way to clear the level

Entering the haunted house, a gust of cold wind blew faintly on her neck, causing Alice to shrink her neck quickly, stretched out her arms to hug Lafite, and said nervously, "Master Baiyu, it's so cold."

Lafite said, "That's psychologically cold."

Hua Ye said, "It won't be cold after running."

"Hey, why are you running?"

Alice was startled, and then quickly understood why she had to run, because at the corner of the passage in front, a female ghost in white clothes with blood-stained white clothes and loose hair crawled out!


There was a sharp scream.

Even though she knew that the female ghost was pretended by the staff, Alice couldn't help but screamed, turned around and hugged Hua Ye, closed her eyes and shivered.

Hey, you're enough, turn around and run when you encounter danger, close your eyes and squat in place, this is what stupid spores will do!

The couple walking in front also screamed, and their reaction was similar to that of Alice, only Liuhua pretended to take off the blindfold: "Explode, reality—"

Before the words were finished, the girl in the couple had already shouted: "You, don't come here!"

The female ghost in white didn't answer, but was still crawling over at a leisurely pace. The girl closed her eyes and cried, "I, I have a heart attack! No way! Don't come near me!"


The air was suddenly silent.

The staff member playing the role of the white jade female ghost stopped at the spot, hesitated for a moment, then turned silently and crawled back into the darkness.

"You can still play like this..." Alice was dumbfounded, "Suddenly I don't feel scary at all."

Lafite turned his head to look: "Alice's physical reaction is very honest."

The little puppet blushed, quickly let go of Hua Ye, and argued, "I closed my eyes just now, and accidentally mistook him for Master Baiyu!"

"Well, it's just the beginning." Lafite pursed his lips and smiled, "Let's move on."

The previous couple didn't dare to enjoy the world of two anymore, so they stepped back and walked with Hua Ye and the others.

"Hello, my name is Yoshino Ogawa."

"My name is Murakami Ayaka."

The two parties briefly introduced their identities. This couple is a university student in this city. This time they came to the amusement park for a date. The two of them were impulsive and prepared to challenge the haunted house to sharpen their courage. The girl who yelled 'I have a heart attack' just now After a while, his face was flushed, his eyes were excited, and he pinched his waist with one hand and chirped, obviously he was deliberately bluffing just now.

"Is it your first time to visit a haunted house?" The girl chirped and asked curiously. In contrast, the boy was quite shy, and didn't speak again after saying hello.

"We came here once during spring break." Wei Nai replied.

Liuhua was puzzled: "Hey, why haven't I been here?"

Satania said: "Because you hadn't transferred to another school at that time."

"Are you here for club activities?"

Wei Nai hesitated, nodded and said, "It seems right to talk about club activities."

Anyway, everyone here is a member of the coffee department.

While speaking, two vampires wearing black cloaks with exposed fangs and hooked fingers suddenly jumped out of the corner, and the nearby BGM also suddenly became strange and hurried.

Murakami Saika stood where she was, repeating the old trick: "I have a heart attack!"

I was thinking of 'one trick is delicious all over the world', but the two vampires didn't stop, and they still rushed over with their teeth and claws open.

Murakami Caihua turned pale with fright, but Wei Nai pushed her and said, "Run quickly."

"oh oh."

The girl just reacted, turned around and ran away.

After running through a passage, the two terrifying vampires folded their hands and turned back to their hiding place.

"Phew..." The girl was out of breath, her face turned pale, and she couldn't help complaining, "I obviously have a heart attack, why are they still stopping?"

Liuhua said, "Maybe vampires can't understand human language?"

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